Support Clae Templet and Family


 USD $12,500


 USD $10,747

Campaign created by Laura Stucki

Campaign funds will be received by Clae & Hayley Templet

Support Clae Templet and Family

Clae has been struggling with breathing/chest issues, significant weight loss as well as several other symptoms. After several different doctors appointments with GI and others they had labs run, expecting that his thyroid and testosterone might be off. Unfortunately, the labs came back more concerning and within the last 2-3 weeks Clae has had labs, a biopsy and PET scan.

They have learned that he has several tumors. One very large one near his heart causing issues with main arteries & breathing, a couple in his neck, and one in his armpit. 

Although a full diagnosis is not yet confirmed they have a tough journey ahead. As a whole the family has been extremely healthy--as a result they are on a Health Share. Each year their out of pocket max is almost $11,000 before anything is covered. They have hit that amount in 3 appointments.

As loving friends, family, community, and strangers we can rally around Clae and his amazing family to help alleviate the financial struggle.

Recent Donations
Carolyn Beard
$ 30.00 USD
19 days ago

Emily Gilchrist
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Annye Kirkland
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Love you guys! Praying for y’all!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Healing blessings.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Clae, I feel for you and your family. I myself have a potentially terminal autoimmune disorder. It's been a fight for me and my family. I'm in remission now, but I still suffer from the damage already done. I hope you recover into remission as soon as possible. Sending prayers.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for God’s miraculous healing.

JaLynne Hansen
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Lauren Baker
$ 45.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 60.00 USD
2 months ago

Paez Family
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
2 months ago

Brittany Buchanan
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for supernatural healing and strength!

Lindsay Robbins
$ 59.00 USD
2 months ago

Cash donations from Gift Wrapping!!

Meagan Miller
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for complete healing and an amazing Christmas!

Anonymous Giver
$ 98.00 USD
2 months ago

Mickey Fletcher
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago


Shannan Wells
$ 150.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you all and for Clae to receive complete healing from this!!

$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago


Update #1

November 22nd, 2024

Thank you so much for all your generous giving!! With permission, I have written this update to help people keep up with what is going on and to know ways to pray for Clae, Hayley and Easton. I personally have seen many answered prayers already and I know more are coming!! The biggest answer to prayer is that Clae has a diagnosis AND it is the best option out of all the things it could have been. He has Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin Lymphoma—still waiting on the official staging but we are expecting Stage 4 from the results of the PET scan. This type of cancer responds well to treatment and his doctors are moving quickly to begin treatment next week!

Please continue to pray! Chemotherapy starts next week. We are praying for healing, tumor reduction so Clae begins to feel better and that Clae has minimal size effects from the chemo.

If you want to read through, below is a detailed timeline, and glimpses of the ups and downs that have been happening:

October 16th--Concerning Lab results from a PCP--Clae had experienced unexplained weight loss, breathing struggles, lack of energy etc....and decided it was time to get some labs done and figure out what was going on. What was thought to likely be thyroid and testosterone irregularity was clearly something else and the PCP recommended CT scan and an oncologists/Hematologist.

Hayley got right to work calling practices and trying to get seen asap. While praying for what doctor to see and praying to get an appointment soon she called the office of a doctor that a very good friend is seeing for her cancer. They were very kind, responsive and had the best appointment/availability and an appointment was scheduled for October 28th!

October 28th—First Oncologist Appointment--Met with Dr. Trumbly and went over the labs, further testing is needed (which was expected) CT Scan was ordered. Felt good about the doctor and the path needed to get answers to questions.

November 1st-Clae's CT Scan--The results showed a large mass around his heart and some areas in the neck. The doctors office called and his November 11th appointment was moved up.

November 4th- Appointment with oncologist—Left this appointment with more questions than answers. Nothing was pointing to a specific kind of cancer. Things began to move very quickly and slowly all at the same time. PET scan and needle point biopsy were ordered and finding a place to fit him in quickly took some effort. Clae found a place in Arlington that could see him and then the needle point biopsy was scheduled in Richardson.

November 7th-Needle Point Biopsy- Overall this went rather smoothly, and I was very happy to get to experience Clae hyped up on medication--He is extra funny!

November 8th--PET Scan--This was a 3 hour scan. The results of the scan showed tumors in his armpit area, his chest and his neck. All were given a grade they also saw what looked to be cancer in his bones. Prayers, all the people praying.

November 12th--The results of the Needle Point Biopsy- After getting results (finally) it looked like he had the worst possible cancer out of the options of what it could be. Prayers were lifted up from many friends and family. As a friend & outsider looking in, during those 24 hours all I can say is that both Clae and Hayley seemed extremely calm and I 100% attribute that to the prayers of peace and love and the Lord's protection over their hearts and minds.

November 13th--Doctor Call-Their oncologist called them personally. He had called a surgeon to squeeze Clae in for a biopsy. He understood that the cancer could be the worst case option, but his gut said it wasn't and he wanted to be sure of what it was. In order to get that answer they needed a bigger biopsy. He still believed it was lymphoma and NOT this other one.

November 15-PreOp for lymph node removal--This was very stressful because Clae struggles with needles and AFTER getting stuck the nurse pulled it out because she had not checked what labs to draw, and he saw the needle/blood and she still had to stick him again but she put the IV in his THUMB the next time! He already had to be fasting and with anemia---he passed out. He passed out again while doing a chest X-Ray (that he had to Stand up for) even though he had passed out less than 20 minutes before. While all this is going on Hayley is meeting with the hospital financial people and they are telling her how they have to prepay $8000 then for the procedure and then she sees a mass of nurses run into her husband’s room! They had to stay in the ER for a few hours to make sure everything was ok with Clae before they released him to go home late that afternoon. Needless to say it was a very stressful few hours.

November 18th--Surgery--Operation to remove the lymph node and send it to pathology. Clae's parents came into town to show him love and support. Surgeon said he was able to get enough of a sample and said they won’t know for a couple of days, but that it looked like lymphoma. (Praise the Lord)

November 19th--Doctor Appointment--This was a follow up that was pre-planned but the pathology from the day before was not ready, so they went ahead and reviewed what they had. The doctor is/was concerned that the mass in his chest was restricting his large veins and causing Clae's blood pressure to change which might be a lot of the reason he passed out on Friday at pre-op and the reason he is having issues with feeling light headed. Dr. Trumbly wanted to schedule a Bone Marrow Aspiration and schedule a Port Placement so that he can start Chemo as soon as they had a complete diagnosis.

Unfortunately, the doctor that does the Port placement and the doctor that does the Bone Marrow Aspiration are not the same and they scheduled him for two different procedures one on Thursday and one on Friday---this would mean that he would have to fast two different times, go under different types of anesthesia and a lot of extra needles. Hayley tried making calls and seeing what could be done to get them on the same day but it wasn't working out.

{Cue Prayer}

November 21st--Bone Marrow Aspiration--They went in for the BMA. Hayley mentioned that he has to come in again tomorrow, and how rough this has been etc.....and once they were done with the BMA they went and talked to the other doctors and offered to do the Port Placement too!! HUGE WIN!! Thank you God! Answered Prayers!! They also got this wonderful nurse that they had from a previous appointment on a different day, and she took great care of Clae while getting his labs drawn and IV put in.

Update Update #1 Image

Prayer Requests

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