Support LaToya Crabbe Defense


 USD $200,000


 USD $6,600

Campaign created by Marilyn Martin

Campaign funds will be received by Marilyn Martin

Support LaToya Crabbe Defense

Please assist LaToya Crabbe in her legal fees. LaToya is a mother of 3 children ages 5 and under. LaToya was in the process of divorcing her husband of 6 years. He had a history of abusive physical behaviors directed at the children. He used mental abuse and threats against the children to control LaToya. After finally finding a divorce attorney that was going to fight her husband 50/50 custody request, she started the process of divorce.

Curtis (her husband) was told on August 20 or 21 of LaToya’s plan for divorce. Over the next couple of months Curtis used threats and persuasion to change LaToya’s mind. He even tried to enlist LaToya’s family members to stop the divorce. Since no one was willing to persuade LaToya to remain in her abusive relationship, Curtis then threatened LaToya to kill her if she wouldn’t stay.

After Curtis was given a 30 day eviction notice (dated October 9), Curtis threats increased. On October 19 in an attempt to exert control over LaToya, Curtis sent a threatening text message to punch LaToya’s mother in the face. He also threatened to hurt other family members and burn down the house. LaToya was not threatened because she was in New York that day.

LaToya had plans to acquire a protective order on Tuesday after getting the information from a domestic violence advocate on how and where to obtain one.

LaToya called Curtis to calm the situation. On Monday October 21, Curtis showed up unannounced. Throughout the morning while LaToya worked from home at her office set up in her bedroom, Curtis was alternating between threatening suicide, threatening LaToya, persuading LaToya, and giving in. He continued this cycle for 2 hours that the police now have the audio that LaToya recorded on her work computer. (Her attorney has not been given a copy)

LaToya went to pick up her son from the bus stop and stated to her mother that she did not want to go back to her home office that was set up in her basement bedroom, because she did not know what Curtis triggers were and she was afraid. After deciding to go to retrieve her work computer and keep her distance from Curtis, she unfortunately encountered Curtis and this is when the incident happened. The police recovered the knife Curtis used to threaten LaToya, her children and her mother’s life.

It appears that the state is trying to try the case during the bond hearing. They are concentrating on whether LaToya reloaded her fire arm and about how many shots Curtis received. When in a life or death situation, the person will continue to fire as long as there is a threat.

Please assist LaToya in her mounting legal fees to fight the injustices being put on her from stopping a mass murder and other expenses incurred.

LaToya is being punished by the justice system for stopping the aggressor of this incident. Please stand up and support the victim of domestic violence, LaToya. 

LaToya earned a doctorate in Pharmacology. She was a LCDR in Public Health Service but had to resign due to her incarceration. LaToya has a history of service to her community.

Recent Donations
$ 50.00 USD
20 hours ago

Audrey G
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

Marci Beikmann
$ 300.00 USD
3 days ago

Standing with your family to fight for LaToya’s freedom.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 days ago

$ 100.00 USD
3 days ago

Dawnelle Gordon
$ 100.00 USD
7 days ago

LaToya protected her self and her family against a violent person. It wasn’t only that she thought he was a threat, he told her what he was going to do and based on her history with him, it was a credible threat.

Bryant Watson
$ 100.00 USD
19 days ago

Praying for an expeditious return to your family!

$ 65.00 USD
27 days ago

Holding you close to my heart.

Chinchilla Q
$ 30.00 USD
1 month ago

I pray justice for Latoya!

Donny Preval
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Alyese Washington
$ 30.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

We are praying for your swift and safe return home. Bo woman deserves what you have been through.

Brenda Seefeldt
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for LaToya’s return home

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for your release and children

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

LaToya, I hope you get home to your babies soon. Thinking of you, Orla

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for light in the new year for LaToya and her family ❤️

Zakiya Chambers
$ 150.00 USD
2 months ago

Yvonne Santiago
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago


Added Another Attorney Blake Weiner

February 12th, 2025

We have added another attorney to our team. We hoping the 2 together can help bring justice for LaToya. 

The attorney’s name is Blake Weiner.

We appreciate any financial assistance our supporters can provide. We are a little shy of $100,000 in legal costs.

We are considering our options to sue for violating LaToya’s basic rights. Denying her bond, thus preventing her from mounting a legal defense. By not granting bond, they monitor ALL her communications including with the attorney. They deny her in person visits with her attorney only providing video visit where it has to be trusted that they don’t monitor it. That is not a trust earned.

She is innocent, so the only communication they hear is that it was self defense and she was saving her life and that of her children’s. However, the process is violating her rights.

Update Added Another Attorney Blake Weiner Image
Recognizing Domestic Violence We Need To Change The Question To Why Do Abusers Abuse

January 9th, 2025

As time goes on, I am getting a real education in Domestic Violence.

The text sent, two days before LaToya had to save her life and that of her kids, is textbook Domestic Violence.

Despite the many obstacles faced by victims, people continue to ask “why don’t they just leave?” It is time for us to change the dialogue. Instead of placing the burden on the victim to get out of the abusive relationship, it is time that we shift the focus to the person responsible – the abusive partner. Instead of asking why the victims will not leave, it is time that we ask instead, “why do people abuse and why is it allowed to continue?”

Characteristics of victims and perpetrators

Who Are the Victims?

Victims of domestic violence can belong to any socioeconomic, ethnic or racial group.

* Old and young, female and male, gay and straight.

* Abuse may affect their ability to get or keep a job, maintain contact with friends and family, and develop connections within their communities.

* Domestic violence may have long term effects on a person’s physical and emotional well being.

Who Are the Perpetrators?

Perpetrators also belong to any socioeconomic, ethnic or racial group.

* Old and young, female and male, gay and straight.

* They may have been abused as children or witnessed a parent or other family member being abused.

* Exhibit a pattern of jealous and controlling behavior that isolates, threatens, and frightens their partner.

* May see their partner as central to their existence.

* Can be violent only within the abusive relationship.

B. Power and Control Techniques

Physical violence is the most typical form of abuse associated with domestic violence. However, victims suffer many types of abuse at the hands of their partners. Sexual coercion and assault are frequently part of the dynamics of a violent relationship. In addition, the power and control tactics described below reflect the common experiences of many victims of relationship violence. These tactics are used by perpetrators of domestic violence to maintain power and control over their partners.

This Power & Control Wheel (below) shows the kinds of behavior perpetrators use to gain and maintain control over their victim. Domestic violence abuse is never an accident. It is an intentional act used to gain control over the other person. Physical abuse is only one part of a whole series of behaviors an abuser uses against his/her victim. Violence is never an isolated behavior.

Coercion And Threats

The perpetrator may threaten to harm the victim, victim’s children, other family members or family pet. They may also force the victim to engage in acts against her/his will or threaten to turn the victim into the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the Internal Revenue service or some other government agency. Threats of suicide by the perpetrator are also very common.

Using Children

Perpetrators may use the children to maintain control over the victim of the abuse. The perpetrator may threaten to harm the children or to kidnap them and flee the jurisdiction. Also, the perpetrator may tell the victim that if they leave, they will have abandoned the children and will lose custody forever. The victim can also be made to feel guilty for breaking up the family if she/he leaves the situation.

Update Recognizing Domestic Violence We Need To Change The Question To Why Do Abusers Abuse Image
WUSA9 News Coverage and Another Call To Action

January 1st, 2025

We greatly appreciate the monetary support. We are asking for email and phone support.


I had some others tell me that they called the numbers in the other post. Tim Kaine said we need to submit something through his website. I did. As well as emailed the others. 

When they called they questioned them about supporting domestic violence victims and if the politicians support the second amendment.

They were sent to some voicemail, which we try to fill up asking these questions about supporting their law abiding citizens that supported them. Please email the following. Sample letter included.

Include the Prince William County Police that shot a man holding a knife and killed him. He got paid leave. And he was trained and had a taser and pepper spray.

Anyone wanting to email these representatives here is a sample letter:

When crafting emails to protest a perceived injustice, it’s important to remain professional, respectful, and factual. Below is a suggested structure and example language for your email:

Subject Line: Advocate for Justice and Fair Treatment in LaToya Crabbe’s Case

Dear Amy Ashworth, Commonwealth’s Attorney,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the case involving LaToya Crabbe who has been denied bond despite compelling evidence that she acted in self-defense against her husband during a violent domestic attack.

As a domestic violence survivor and victim, LaToya Crabbe should not be subjected to punitive measures that disregard the context of her actions and her right to protect herself. The decision to deny bond in this case seems to overlook critical factors, including:

 • Evidence of her husband’s violent behavior, including the attempted use of a knife to cause her harm.

 • Her legitimate fear for her life and her legal right to self-defense under Virginia’s laws.

 • The broader impact this decision has on other survivors of domestic violence, who may feel discouraged from seeking help or protecting themselves out of fear of legal repercussions.

I urge your office to review this case with fairness and compassion and to reconsider the denial of bond. Justice must take into account the circumstances and the rights of individuals who act in self-defense under imminent threat.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope that your office will uphold the principles of fairness and justice that are central to your mission.


[Your Name]

[Your Address, optional]

[Your Contact Information, optional]

Additional Tips:

 1. Personalize Your Message: If you have a personal connection to the issue (e.g., survivor advocacy or domestic violence awareness), briefly mention it to strengthen your message.

 2. Be Clear and Concise: State your request (e.g., reconsider bond denial) clearly.

 3. Stay Polite: Avoid aggressive language, as it may undermine the credibility of your concerns.

 4. Encourage Action: Ask others to join you in emailing or contacting the office to show widespread support.

We really appreciate all the support.

If we can flood these emails before Thursday we can make a difference.

Update WUSA9 News Coverage and Another Call To Action Image
Son Crying For His Mom

December 28th, 2024

It deeply pains me to see my grandson crying for his mother, unable to understand why she isn’t with him. When I asked him why he was crying, he said he wanted his mom.

I understand the grief and anger of the deceased’s family, but LaToya is being held after defending herself and her children during a dangerous situation where her life was at stake. This tragic outcome is devastating for everyone involved, but it feels as though the system is punishing her for protecting herself and her kids.

If the well-being of the children is truly a priority, I believe it’s worth advocating for LaToya’s release on bond so she can be there for her children during this incredibly difficult time. She can still face trial, but the children are suffering without their mother, and they need her now more than ever.

It’s hard to find the right words to comfort my grandson in moments like this. His pain is so raw, and I wish I could ease it.

He crawled under the table to cry.

Update Son Crying For His Mom Image
Son Crying For His Mom

December 28th, 2024

It deeply pains me to see my grandson crying for his mother, unable to understand why she isn’t with him. When I asked him why he was crying, he said he wanted his mom.

I understand the grief and anger of the deceased’s family, but LaToya is being held after defending herself and her children during a dangerous situation where her life was at stake. This tragic outcome is devastating for everyone involved, but it feels as though the system is punishing her for protecting herself and her kids.

If the well-being of the children is truly a priority, I believe it’s worth advocating for LaToya’s release on bond so she can be there for her children during this incredibly difficult time. She can still face trial, but the children are suffering without their mother, and they need her now more than ever.

It’s hard to find the right words to comfort my grandson in moments like this. His pain is so raw, and I wish I could ease it.

He crawled under the table to cry.

Update Son Crying For His Mom Image
Christmas Without Mom

December 26th, 2024

The kids spent Christmas without their mom. They decorated gingerbread houses with their aunt after talking to their mom.

They did receive presents and was able to video visit their mom on Christmas Eve. 

Thank everyone again for your support. Hoping the new year will bring her release.

Update Christmas Without Mom Image
How Many Shots Was Fired / How Many Should Be Fired To Justify Self Defense

December 13th, 2024

So the prosecutors said that Curtis had 5 wounds. They did not specify if 1 bullet caused multiple injuries, which is what they indicated before. The gun holds 6 in the clip and 1 in the chamber. If he only had 5 wounds and they found 5 casings, if the magazine was full, where did the other 2 bullets go?

is it possible the loaded clip was not full, causing her to reload because the threat was still imminent? I know this is Monday morning quarterbacking but they are twisting things to fit the wrong narrative to say she shot him with malice (if it was malice why did she not empty the second clip) so now we have to go to trial so they can get money if they can get the felony conviction. Let us ruin another female’s life who has gone through Domestic Violence because your office needs money. 

Please enlighten us as to what a woman should do if they find themselves in this situation facing an immediate threat to their life. Do nothing and die, call 911 if you can get to a phone and then die while waiting or use whatever you have available to stop the threat? If she was a trained marksman, she could have done 1 kill shot, but she is not trained and in a fight for your life situation that she did not know was going to occur, she did what most of us would do. You fire wildly to try to stop the threat. You fire not thinking about killing, but firing to stop the threat so you can live the situation alive. Which the situation was her cornered in a small bedroom.

Update How Many Shots Was Fired / How Many Should Be Fired To Justify Self Defense Image
Preliminary Hearing

December 12th, 2024

The Preliminary Hearing was held today. The state put on their case. Which is they say LaToya killed Curtis was malice. Their proof was that she shot him 5 times and if the gun holds 7 rounds (6 in the clip and one in the barrel) she reloaded. They found 5 casings and 4 in the clip.

There was no evidence that the 5 wounds were from 5 different bullets. But this is their mini case. If she did shoot him 5 times and and reloaded. She is half his size, cornered in a small room and he is coming at her with a knife threatening to kill her, her children and her mother (me). So she shot him the correct amount of times to stop the immediate threat.

Case goes to a Grand Jury on January 6 and a speedy trial was requested making a court date to be scheduled within 5 months.

Update Preliminary Hearing Image
In Virginia Money Not Justice Drives Prosecution

December 8th, 2024

“It incentivizes all the worst policies of the last 30 years,” State Senator Scott Surovell told the Washington Post. Those practices include:

Overcharging. Because prosecutors only get state funds for prosecuting felonies—and not misdemeanors—they are encouraged to elevate misdemeanor allegations to felonies before eventually pleading them down. “Let’s say somebody comes in and makes an arrest, and I'm looking at it. I'm like, 'this is a misdemeanor all day. . . .' I don't get anything for that [from the Compensation Board],” Descano explained. “But there are some jurisdictions that go, ‘You know, you’re going to get your misdemeanor, but I’m going to indict it as a felony, so it goes up to circuit court and at least I get credit for having a felony defendant.’”

Coercive pleas. Because funding is determined by the quantity of convictions, not the quality of the cases prosecutors assemble, the Compensation Board incentivizes commonwealth’s attorneys to pressure people accused of crimes into pleading guilty, rather than allowing them to exercise their constitutional right to a trial. There are several factors working in their favor to encourage those pleas. First, money bail means that people experiencing poverty are often held in jail while awaiting their trials because they can’t afford to buy their freedom—increasing prosecutors’ leverage in plea negotiations. Second, mandatory minimum sentences further imbalance negotiations, allowing commonwealth’s attorneys to hold high potential prison sentences over people’s heads to expedite a plea. And third, people who insist on their constitutional right to trial face the “trial penalty,” enduring stiffer sentences for the same charge compared to those who pleaded guilty. Taken together, these factors allow prosecutors hoping to pad their budgets to ignore questions of justice or long-term harm and instead focus on short-term volume.

A Call to Action

December 7th, 2024

We greatly appreciate the monetary support. We are asking for email and phone support.


I had some others tell me that they called the numbers in the other post. Tim Kaine said we need to submit something through his website. I did. As well as emailed the others. 

When they called they questioned them about supporting domestic violence victims and if the politicians support the second amendment.

They were sent to some voicemail, which we try to fill up asking these questions about supporting their law abiding citizens that supported them. Please email the following. Sample letter included.

Include the Prince William County Police that shot a man holding a knife and killed him yesterday. He got paid leave. And he was trained and had a taser and pepper spray.

Anyone wanting to email these representatives here is a sample letter:

When crafting emails to protest a perceived injustice, it’s important to remain professional, respectful, and factual. Below is a suggested structure and example language for your email:

Subject Line: Advocate for Justice and Fair Treatment in LaToya Crabbe’s Case

Dear Amy Ashworth, Commonwealth’s Attorney,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the case involving LaToya Crabbe who has been denied bond despite compelling evidence that she acted in self-defense against her husband during a violent domestic attack.

As a domestic violence survivor and victim, LaToya Crabbe should not be subjected to punitive measures that disregard the context of her actions and her right to protect herself. The decision to deny bond in this case seems to overlook critical factors, including:

 • Evidence of her husband’s violent behavior, including the attempted use of a knife to cause her harm.

 • Her legitimate fear for her life and her legal right to self-defense under Virginia’s laws.

 • The broader impact this decision has on other survivors of domestic violence, who may feel discouraged from seeking help or protecting themselves out of fear of legal repercussions.

I urge your office to review this case with fairness and compassion and to reconsider the denial of bond. Justice must take into account the circumstances and the rights of individuals who act in self-defense under imminent threat.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope that your office will uphold the principles of fairness and justice that are central to your mission.


[Your Name]

[Your Address, optional]

[Your Contact Information, optional]

Additional Tips:

 1. Personalize Your Message: If you have a personal connection to the issue (e.g., survivor advocacy or domestic violence awareness), briefly mention it to strengthen your message.

 2. Be Clear and Concise: State your request (e.g., reconsider bond denial) clearly.

 3. Stay Polite: Avoid aggressive language, as it may undermine the credibility of your concerns.

 4. Encourage Action: Ask others to join you in emailing or contacting the office to show widespread support.

We really appreciate all the support.

If we can flood these emails before Thursday we can make a difference.

A Call to Action

December 7th, 2024

We greatly appreciate the monetary support. We are asking for email and phone support.


I had some others tell me that they called the numbers in the other post. Tim Kaine said we need to submit something through his website. I did. As well as emailed the others. 

When they called they questioned them about supporting domestic violence victims and if the politicians support the second amendment.

They were sent to some voicemail, which we try to fill up asking these questions about supporting their law abiding citizens that supported them. Please email the following. Sample letter included.

Include the Prince William County Police that shot a man holding a knife and killed him yesterday. He got paid leave. And he was trained and had a taser and pepper spray.

Anyone wanting to email these representatives here is a sample letter:

When crafting emails to protest a perceived injustice, it’s important to remain professional, respectful, and factual. Below is a suggested structure and example language for your email:

Subject Line: Advocate for Justice and Fair Treatment in LaToya Crabbe’s Case

Dear Amy Ashworth, Commonwealth’s Attorney,

I am writing to express my concern regarding the case involving LaToya Crabbe who has been denied bond despite compelling evidence that she acted in self-defense against her husband during a violent domestic attack.

As a domestic violence survivor and victim, LaToya Crabbe should not be subjected to punitive measures that disregard the context of her actions and her right to protect herself. The decision to deny bond in this case seems to overlook critical factors, including:

 • Evidence of her husband’s violent behavior, including the attempted use of a knife to cause her harm.

 • Her legitimate fear for her life and her legal right to self-defense under Virginia’s laws.

 • The broader impact this decision has on other survivors of domestic violence, who may feel discouraged from seeking help or protecting themselves out of fear of legal repercussions.

I urge your office to review this case with fairness and compassion and to reconsider the denial of bond. Justice must take into account the circumstances and the rights of individuals who act in self-defense under imminent threat.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope that your office will uphold the principles of fairness and justice that are central to your mission.


[Your Name]

[Your Address, optional]

[Your Contact Information, optional]

Additional Tips:

 1. Personalize Your Message: If you have a personal connection to the issue (e.g., survivor advocacy or domestic violence awareness), briefly mention it to strengthen your message.

 2. Be Clear and Concise: State your request (e.g., reconsider bond denial) clearly.

 3. Stay Polite: Avoid aggressive language, as it may undermine the credibility of your concerns.

 4. Encourage Action: Ask others to join you in emailing or contacting the office to show widespread support.

We really appreciate all the support.

If we can flood these emails before Thursday we can make a difference.

Trained Police Officer Kills Man With Knife

December 5th, 2024

How interesting is that a trained police officer killed a man holding a knife. I don’t see him being arrested. This was in Prince William County. 

A mother of 3 who is cornered in a 10 by 15 foot room is not allowed to kill a knife wielding man to save her life and that of her 3 children and mother, but a police officer that has a stunned gun and combat training can. Hmmmm 😮🤷🏽‍♀️

Free LaToya

December 2nd, 2024

 This Thanksgiving was difficult. I can’t remember the last time I had a Thanksgiving without my daughter LaToya. I am thankful she was able to survive her situation and save me, but I’m frustrated with a legal system that further victimizes her and separates her from her children. These things I know to be true:

-My daughter was forced to defend herself in her own home. 

-My daughter is not a flight risk or danger to the community. I have never even heard her yell. 

-My daughter needs to be home with her children. Our family has already been through enough, my grandkids need their mom. 




Please do the phone campaign in the previous update. Thank you.

Update Free LaToya Image
Judge’s Double Standard

November 29th, 2024

Judge Kimberly Irving in Prince William Circuit Court denied LaToya request for bond telling the defense attorney Daugherty not to argue the case in bond hearing. Then she turns around and lets the prosecution try the case and then she did not twisted logic to justify her previously wrong ruling.

She argued that if the case was not self defense it puts more weight on LaToya being a danger to the community.  Defense Attorney Daugherty correctly argued that Latoya is only a danger if you come into her house with a weapon and corner her and threaten her life is she a danger to that person. Give me a break. Is someone paying the judge or does she not have enough experience to judge these cases?

Judge Irving’s ruling was confusing and completely wrong.

Update Judge’s Double Standard Image
#4 Bond Denied

November 26th, 2024

So we were denied bond again. Even though the information provided by the prosecutor was not factual since he did not have medical examiner’s report. The judge Kimberly Irving applied different criteria’s other than a danger to the community ( LaToya only shot someone that was attacking her with a knife in her home) or a flight risk. LaToya is a rule follower. So she would not flee, also she has 3 small children whose lives she saved, so she would not leave them. 

I need to know who is donating to this judge that she is not doing her job of applying the 2 criteria’s to grant bond.

 I really need help to shine a light on this injustice.

Anyone willing to make phone calls to the people listed below.

The question is to ask how do they support a domestic violence victim that had to take action to save her and her family's lives. And then to be further traumatized by a system where they immediately put her in handcuffs and arrested her when they had not even entered the scene after she told dispatch that she shot him in self defense and then put her in isolation. 

A public servant who has always followed the rules and served her community. 

Why is bond being denied when she meets the criteria of not being a flight risk or a danger to the community.

Commonwealth 703-792-6050

Virginia House of Delegate Michelle Maldonado  804-698-1020

Virginia Senator  Suhas Subramanyam  804-698-7532

Senator Tim Kaine 202-224-4024

Update #4 Bond Denied Image
Update #3

November 25th, 2024

Phone Campaign 

Anyone willing to make phone calls to the people listed below on behalf of LaToya Crabbe

When you call, tell them you are calling about the injustice being done to LaToya Crabbe.

The question is to ask how do they support a domestic violence victim that had to take action to save her and her family's lives. And then to be further traumatized by a system where they immediately put her in handcuffs and arrested her when they had not even entered the scene after she told dispatch that she shot him in self defense and then put her in isolation. 

A public servant who has always followed the rules and served her community. 

Why is bond being denied when she meets the criteria of not being a flight risk or a danger to the community.

Commonwealth 703-792-6050

Virginia House of Delegate Michelle Maldonado  804-698-1020

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

November 22nd, 2024

Case Continued

The state requested a continuance because they did not have a medical report. Which seems strange because during the bond hearing weeks before, they gave the impression that they had the medical report when they tried to act out how Curtis was shot. 

It is very disturbing that they continue to victimize LaToya after going through a trauma of saving her life and that of her kids and her mother. LaToya was immediately arrested at the scene after telling the 911 dispatcher that she shot Curtis in self defense. They put her in handcuffs and read her her rights before they even went to scene where Curtis was shot.

Now they want to punish her for not talking further after putting her in handcuffs. 

We go back to court on December 12.

Update Update #2 Image
Anti-Gun Prosectors

November 14th, 2024

It appears that the prosecutors of this case is anti-guns. Amy Ashworth is running for Re-election. She is a rabid anti-gun activist. She seems to go hardest against law abiding citizens that use their gun. LaToya is just the latest. Before LaToya, they charged a guy who while armed (VA is an open carry state) took the keys from a drunk driver who had crashed into the man’s car. They charged this man with felony armed robbery despite him not threatening to shoot anyone. 

These are 2 outrageous examples of people being used for politics. Please stand with us and donate what you can. But more importantly please flood the commonwealths email with letter of support for LaToya and this other innocent victim of a rogue justice prosecutor.

Email letters of support to: David Daugherty


please flood these emails. The next court date is next week. I would like to have the emails sent before Tuesday November 19th.

Thank you so much.

Update Anti-Gun Prosectors Image

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.