GBP £25,000
GBP £260
Campaign funds will be received by Voice for Justice UK
There are many forces in society today which would like to see the end of Christianity. They make themselves known through the damage they have done. We see their trademark in the promotion of sexual anarchy, the breakdown of family, and the conflicts which have grown between men and women. We see their fingerprints in the corruption of our children, and the physical scars this corruption leaves in its wake. We see their signature in the ignorance, contempt and even hatred of Christianity. The result is fear, the rule of unreason and widespread injustice. These fill the void left by those intent on destroying the Christian faith.
Voice for Justice UK has been fighting back against these trends for many years now. We have fought against abortion through videos, publications and our many and varied campaigns. We raised awareness about abuse in end of life care in hospitals and care settings, resulting in premature death – before assisted suicide was even a ‘thing’. We tried to tell people about what was happening in Relationships and Sex Education, even before it became widely known how government agencies and schools were promoting scientifically inaccurate and damaging gender choice to the nation’s young. We provide consultative briefings, and run petitions to protect against attacks on life and faith. Most recently we set up a Commission of Inquiry into Discrimination Against Christians and carried out survey research to show how discrimination against Christians was impacting on Christian’s lives.
The attempts to destroy Christian faith in our society are ongoing. Humanists, by their own admission, want to see religion stripped out of the public realm. No doubt they would also like to see Christ ripped out of the hearts of people and families. They are certainly maintaining their ongoing attacks on faith in schools (e.g. https://www.justgiving.com/page/nofaithschools2024).
Voice for Justice UK would like to take our research into discrimination against Christians further, by finding out whether young people are also subject to anti-Christian discrimination. Young people were, sadly, under-represented in our last survey, and since they are the future of Christianity in this country, it is vital we rectify this gap.
We would also like to explore the hypothesis, that part of the reason for the decline in Christianity in the UK is because schools have, through various forms of sex, health and relationships education, been teaching ideologies which are incompatible with, and therefore undermine, the Christian faith. Far from schools being instruments of evangelisation, as claimed by the humanists, they are actively corroding the Christian faith.
But to carry out research costs money. We need to purchase a programme for the analysis of statistical data. We need to collect, collate and analyse data. Our last extensive survey, available here, collected well over 300 pages of qualitative data, which had to be analysed largely through voluntary work. We want our research to be academically rigorous, and to involve the input of respected academics, and all of this entails costs.
Voice for Justice UK is not a charity. Being a charity restricts the extent to which one can engage with the political issues of the day. This means that we are not eligible for charity grant funding and therefore require your help and support.
We hope through our research to promote and strengthen the Christian heritage of this nation. Any donation you can make would be much appreciated. We would welcome your support.
For further questions regarding our research project please contact: press@vfjuk.org
Please also leave your email address if you would like to be kept updated and informed about our research.
“For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil” Peter3:12
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