USD $10,000
USD $1,980
Silas is a 11 year old 5th grader who was diagnosed with Stage 3 Melanoma in May 2024. After testing and surgeries found out it had spread to his lymph nodes. Currently Silas is getting immunotherapy a form of chemo once every 3 weeks in Spokane traveling to Scared Heart Childrens Hospital for all appointments. He will be traveling to Spokane for at-least the next year just for his treatments and appointments and will have years of medical appointments after that. We are raising money to bring Silas on an amazing elk hunt and to help with medical bills. Thank you!
Good luck elk hunting Silas!
Go get em Silas! The challenge ahead…..It’s not just you, it’s all of us, We are your team, And your team is huge! Fight Hard, Hunt Hard!
Sending you lots of love, prayers, and luck on your recovery and hunt! Hope you have the experience of a lifetime and get an Elk!
Hope ya hammer a tank young lad. Let’s go ….. “WACK EM AND PACK EM”
Sending my best wishes to you Silas on both your recovery and your Elk hunt God speed keep your head up and and dreams big
Best of luck on your hunt Silas. I’m rooting for ya.
Congratulations on your hunt, Silas! I can’t wait to follow along on your journey. You’re going to kick cancers as well. You’re a tough dude 💪
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