USD $20,000
USD $2,550
Campaign funds will be received by Preserving Christian Publications Inc
A Happy Feast Day of St. Martin.
My name is Dominic and on the behalf of Preserving Christian Publications, I would like to humbly ask for your assistance in the project we are working on. Our project is to promote St. Alphonsus, the famous Doctor of the Roman Catholic Church, by printing and publishing his ascetical works.
I set up this fundraiser to collect funds for printing and publishing the first fifteen of St. Alphonsus’s ascetical works. So far, we have printed and received (last week) the first two books in this set, but we have thirteen more to go. As of today, we have successfully printed volume 1, Preparation for Death and volume 2, Way of Salvation and of Perfection.
There are twenty-two volumes in the ascetical works of St. Alphonsus but we want to complete the first fifteen volumes as an initial goal. These first fifteen volumes contain the most popular works of St. Alphonsus such as the Glories of Mary, Preparation for Death, and his works on the Mass and the Priesthood.
St. Alphonsus is a really great Saint for our modern times, and I think these books will really benefit many people. We want to get the volumes on the Priesthood, the Mass, and the Holy Eucharist to as many priests as possible. We haven't quite figured a way to get the books that relate to the Mass and the Priesthood to the priests of USA and of the Traditional Movement but we are working on several plans to distribute.
We started this project more than a year ago and only last week, have received the first two volumes of this set. There have been a lot of really crazy obstacles that have come up that have delayed our printing schedules. Shortly after we began this project to print all the St. Alphonsus ascetical books, my father died. Several other issues came up such as having to find a new printer, one of our main proofreaders found a new job, and difficulties in finding paper. In short, it seems that has been some dark force trying to prevent these works from being republished.
Despite all these difficulties, we persevered and now have the first two volumes from our printer in India. Soon, we will have a lot of bills for rest of the volumes. I am firmly convinced God will provide somehow, for the printing bills. 100% of the donated proceeds will go towards the printing and proofreading costs of this project. I humbly ask for your support as our team of fellow Traditional Catholics proceeds to complete this mission. We have volume 3 at the printer now. We have volume four, five, twelve, and thirteen in our proofreading process. We organized the schedule around the themes of St. Alphonsus. For example, the first three of the set pertain to the spiritual life. Volumes four and five relate to Our Lord, and volumes twelve and thirteen relate to the priestly vocation. Volumes seven and eight are combined into one book relating to the Blessed Virgin. (see below for more detail)
My colleagues and I have put our hearts and souls (and most of my retirement account) into this project as we really love St. Alphonsus and want to promote the Sainted Bishop in this modern time. We need some help in getting this project across the finish line. 100% of proceeds of this fundraiser will go to printing and graphics directly related to this project. All work is being done by Traditional Catholics, including the actual printing in India.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I humbly invite you to join me in supporting this work and assisting in this mission. Thank you once again for your help and consideration.
God Bless you and St. Alphonsus, pray for us.
Dominic P. +
PS: Below is a list of the first fifteen volumes we are working on. They are organized by theme. (For example, the volumes relating to the Mass/Priesthood are grouped together)
The Spiritual Life:
I. Preparation for Death; or, Considerations on the Eternal Truths. Maxims of Eternity—Rule of Life.
II. Way of Salvation and of Perfection: Meditations. Pious Reflections. Spiritual Treatises.
III. Great Means of Salvation and of Perfection: Prayer. Mental Prayer. The Exercises of a Retreat. Choice of a State of Life and the Vocation to the Religious State and to the Priesthood.
Our Lord:
IV. The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ; or, The Mysteries of Faith.
V. The Passion and the Death of Jesus Christ.
Priesthood, Mass: (we want to get these to as many Priests as possible)
XII. Dignities and Duties of the Priest; or, Selva. a collection of Material for Ecclesiastical Retreats. Rule of Life and Spiritual Rules.
XIII. The Holy Mass: Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Ceremonies of the Mass. Preparation and Thanksgiving. The Mass and the Office that are hurriedly said.
VI. The Holy Eucharist. The Sacrifice, the Sacrament, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Practice of Love of Jesus Christ. Novena to the Holy Ghost.
XV. PREACHING: The Exercises of the Missions. Various Counsels. Instructions on the Commandments and, Sacraments.
IX. Victories of the Martyrs; or, the Lives of the Most Celebrated Martyrs of the Church.
Our Blessed Virgin:
VII., VIII. Glories of Mary: I. Explanation of the Salve Regina, or, Holy Queen. Discourses on the Feasts of Mary. 2. Her Dolors. Her Virtues. Practices. Examples. Answers to Critics. —Devotion to the Holy Angels. Devotion to St. Joseph. Novena to St. Teresa. Novena for the Repose of the Souls in Purgatory.
The Religious Life:
X., & XI. The True Spouse of Jesus Christ: I. The first sixteen Chapters. 2. The last eight Chapters. Appendix and various small Works, Spiritual Letters.
XIV The Divine Office. Explanation of the Psalms and Canticles.
In honor or Our Mother of Perpetual Help
In honor of St Alphonsus Maria de Liguori and asking for his loving intercession for all who work on and support this project!!
Thank you for your great service to the Church.
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