You’ve asked for this letter and I always felt others needed help more than me. I now have ran out of ways to help myself and I am in dire need of help!
Rosetta is a 57 year old wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, niece, cousin and friend!
She spent most of her life taking care of others and making sure that everyone was safe, healthy and happy. Her passion is cooking, passed on from her father, and while doing so she is most at peace!
Since 2014, her life has been turned upside down! In May of 2014, Rosetta suffered her first stroke. In 2015, she suffered another stroke. Doctors couldn’t figure out why this was happening. In January of 2016, she had to have a partial hysterectomy while still recovering from the two strokes that left her with three aneurysms in her brain. October of 2016, she had to have a right knee replacement due to a previous injury and repair to her front and back meniscus and torn ACL from 2012. Two weeks after that surgery, she had a heart attack. All of this while raising a school aged daughter and being a wife. In 2019 another cyst grew on her ovary and she had a hysterectomy performed. Rosetta never complains and never thinks of herself as handicapped. She pushes on and faces all challenges as they arise! If you know her, then you know that this women is relentless at helping others to her own detriment at times!!
In the years leading up to now, Rosetta has never doubted God or lost her faith in him! She has rehabilitated, and despite the residual affects of her health, she still helps others when she can and she has always persevered. Some days are better than others but many medicines are required that are expensive to maintain. Her daughter has now graduated high school and is enrolled in cosmetology school over an hour away. She drives her daughter to and from school and is on the road 5-6 hours a day. They put their home up for sale months ago to move closer to her daughter’s school and relieve the stress of driving so much back and forth. Rosetta recently started a travel business online and is training to be an agent that surpasses her clients’ expectations. With any new business, it will take time for it to become profitable and considered a recurring income.
Her husband works a full time and part time job and with her disability income for her and her daughter, they were able to keep everything in order. Recently, however, Rosetta lost half of her income when her daughter turned 18 and no longer receives disability for having a disabled mother. Their home is in need of repairs that can make it safe for them to remain in the home. Rosetta is willing to continue to transport her daughter to school until her child obtains an operator’s license and starts driving herself. This way she can take their home off of the market. They need pest control for termites, a contractor to rebuild kitchen flooring and a plumber to renovate their main bathroom. The bills have gotten way behind and they’re struggling to hold on to their investment while bringing all outstanding bills up-to-date. Please donate your services if you’re a plumber, contractor or exterminator to help get this home back in pristine condition. Please donate your money, support and prayers so this family can live in their home in peace and maintain a safe and healthy life going forward! Thank you all for reading this and May God bless you! 🙏🏽