USD $5,000
USD $1,000
Campaign funds will be received by Lamar Thompson
As some of you know, Tony has been through some trying times recently. For those who do not know, He is facing health trials that we are believing in, and praying for, God’s healing touch.
Tony was recently seen in the Emergency department at his local hospital. While we were expecting a large bill, we were not expecting for him to be admitted. Day after day lead to multiple diagnostic tests and ultimately an astounding medical bill. Tony has been working with Cody( friend and co-worker) on getting set up with insurance; however, his health issues cared nothing about timing and coverage.
His family has created this account for multiple reasons:
1) In hopes of helping him with his recent health related hospital bills.
2) To show him how much he is loved.
3) To be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ ( this is actually #1!)
If you feel led to help our brother in Christ, would you consider donating? If this isn’t feasible, would you consider sharing?
In love and obedience in Christ,
The family of Tony Thompson
““The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
Matthew 25:40 NIV
We love you! Get better soon!
Praying for a full and complete recovery in every way. Love you.
We love you Burdu. God's got this!
You are the absolute best Tony and we wish we could be out there to help you in person. We love you so much!
We love you!
Praying Tony gets well fast. We love you!!
The Lord knows what we need before we even ask him. He’s always one step ahead of us. Keep the faith. God will never let you down, and neither will the people who love you. You know we do.
I love you big brother!
I love you Uncle Tony more than you know! Keep your head up, stay positive and keep the lord first! I will always be praying for you and just know, this beautiful family that the lord blessed us with, has your back and is with you every step of the way, i love you knuckle head🤘🏼❤️
I love you bubba!
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