USD $5,000
USD $1,942
Campaign funds will be received by Andy .
"Patriots Wife (Andygurl) In Financial Distress Due To Husband (Steven John's) Funeral Expenses And Needs Your Help!"
I recently got some bad news and I don't know where else to turn. The funeral parlor reached out to me and said they regret to inform me that the Social Services (where we initially applied for Medicaid) has declared Steven ineligible for funeral assistance. This is after we were already approved for eligibility on 10/11/24 and after they made me sign a form after he passed away stating Steven did not have a will. The reason they said they won't pay is because of his age as well as he wasn't in a nursing home. I told them he was in the hospital for 35 days dying and was sent home on hospice, how does that not make him eligible?!
A day later the funeral parlor reached out to me again suggesting I call the State Ombudsman to plead my case but I got nowhere with them either. The funeral parlor wants their money and I told them I don't have it. They said as per our contract they will extend me credit on the balance at 1% interest per month provided I make a monthly payment of at least $500 until the bill is settled. I told them I'm sorry I do not have it.
As you can see I'm in a jam and need your help. I have no income to speak of and only a small amount of money in my bank account to get me by for maybe 2-3 months. My health is not the greatest, plus my eyesight isn't the best either due to cataract surgery gone wrong, as well as hearing loss, so getting a job will be a challenge. Also, taking care of Billy first then Steven has taken a toll on my health as well.
Steven was placed on Hospice and after being discharged from the hospital we had no choice but to go live with his family member in a different county. We set up sleeping arrangements in her living room, Steven on a hospital bed and me next to him on an air mattress and our bedroom furniture scattered around the room. After a week of being home Steven passed away on 10/23/2024 and Hospice came to pick up the hospital bed leaving me still on the air mattress in the middle of the living room. Steven's family member recently told me she wants her living room back and for me to move upstairs in the extra room which is in the attic. Living with this family member is less than ideal but at the moment I have nowhere to go. I have no friends or family left that I can ask for help, that's why I'm turning to you Angels.
God bless you, Dear! And everything you did for Billy, everything you did for Steven, and everything you do for the lady you are staying with. Still praying for you to receive the best of everything you need!
"Thanks again, actually I can't thank you enough! Your words spoke to my heart and touched me deeply, God Bless you!
Praying for your heart to heal. I am sorry for your loss. God Bless
"Thank you Lori, appreciate your kindness and prayers so very much. God Bless you
Holding you in our hearts…
"Oh bless you, thank you so very much.
Steven was such a bright light. We could all feel his HUGE heart and amazing spirit. He will be missed. Sending you lots of love and prayers. ~sumaiya
"The brightest indeed. Thank you for gracing our page sumaiya with your beautiful thoughts, words and prayers. You have such a kind heart.
May their memory be eternal and may you find comfort through these difficult times. God Bless
"God Bless you Scott, thank you ever so much for your beautiful heart and kind words.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope this helps.
"Thank you Christopher, you have a heart gold and it's so appreciated.
I am so sorry about your loss. We are praying for you and for healing during this difficult time.
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart, means so much.
"Your prayers and kindness has a calming effect on me, thank you dearly.
God bless you, Sister, and everything you do for Him and for others!
"God Bless you dear heart and thank you so much for everything.
We love you, Andygurl. Praying for you. Hang in there.
"The outpour of love you have shown me gives me so much solace and the feeling is mutual, thank you kindly.
Hope this helps a little.
"You're such a beautiful person Janice and I am truly grateful for you, thank you my friend.
May God bless you, and keep you, Ma’am. I’m so sorry for your loss.
"Your warm words and kindness brings me comfort, thank you for everything.
November 19th, 2024
Hello all you beautiful people! I was inspired to do an Update today and wanted to thank you all sooo very much for your prayers, love, support, kindness and just being there, you have no idea how much it has helped carry me through one of, if not, the darkest times of my life.
I miss my Steven so much and to be honest it's not getting easier, the world seems empty without him, yet he's always with me in my heart, plus everywhere I go on the internet... I can't help but run into one of his songs, one of his websites, one of his videos, or just a picture of him... "He's always right there!" (inside joke, right Flip :))
I'd also like to share with you a gift the lovely folks at GSG sent my way. It's a book they put together titled, In Loving Memory of Steven John... with pictures taken from our Campaign, depicting all the donations and prayers we received, as well as a heartfelt message to me. I'm so grateful for the hand they extended out by guiding me and reassuring me I was doing the right thing as I was setting up our Campaign. Thank you dearly!
Now I start a new journey, not sure what direction I'm going in or what's the plan. It's no fun going it alone and hard to even think about the #America250 celebration without him... or perhaps that's when we'll reunite once again.
Thanks again, God Bless you all,
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