USD $10,000
USD $12,794
Campaign funds will be received by William Bracken
Meet Gael. He's the 4 month old son of Tony & Yvonne. He was born with a serious heart condition, the name I cannot pronounce or spell so you're just gonna have to trust me. :)
The condition was detected before he was born in the later part of Yvonne's pregnancy. Ending the pregnancy was not an option for them but they knew they would have a rough road ahead. How rough they had no idea.
Prior to Gael's birth Tony lost his job because he was missing too much work as he took Yvonne to the doctor. That began a spiral of issues. Gael has had 2 open heart surgeries and is awaiting his 3rd when he reaches 6 months. Surgeries to help his condition. Last week his oxygen levels dropped to dangerously low levels as you can see in one of the pictures. He ended up spending a week at Choc LA. Tony & Yvonne drove up every evening when Tony got off work, spent the night with Gael and drove back by 6:00 am so Tony could go to work. They had to clear a shunt in little Gael's heart in order to help him breath. After a week in the hospital Gael was healthy enough to come home and while the family celebrated, bad news was just around the corner.
Tony was blessed to find work at Bracken's Kitchen, www.brackenskitchen.org. and has been a great addition to the team. But unfortunately, being out of work for so long prior to this, they fell behind on their rent and car payments. They now face eviction from their apartment where they live with Gael and his brother and sister. And as if that wasn't enough, they just had their only vehicle repossessed today.
Now, without a vehicle we are fighting to help them stay in their home while also taking care of their family and ensure that Gael gets the help he needs.
They are an amazing couple, not born into wealth or means, and just trying to live their life, raise their kids and hopefully leave a positive impact on the world.
Will you please help us to help them. Our first request, prayers for complete healing for little Gael and strength and endurance for his family. We saw the power a prayer last week when Gael was in the hospital and the more that are praying the better.
And if you are so inclined, and in a position to help, any financial support would really be a blessing for this family.
Thank you so much and may the good Lord bless you.
I am sending prayers to little Gael and his Family.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to help!
Thank you to Bill and the amazing work family at Brackens for dishing up a heaping serving of kindness and support for Tony and Yvonne and baby Gael.
May God Bless You
Keep fighting the fight!
Sending healing love!
Sending love and prayers.
Praying for Tony, Yvonne, Gael & family
God be magnified. God bless you with peace.
May God’s provide healing and comfort to all.
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