Supporting the Thompson Family


 USD $3,000


 USD $1,270

Campaign created by Mark & Tammy Thompson

Campaign funds will be received by Mark Thompson

Supporting the Thompson Family

My name is Mark Thompson and my wife’s name is Tammy Thompson. We are about to lose everything we own and end up homeless. We have a dire emergency situation. I’ve been without work since March 2024 and I have an opportunity to go to school for truck driving. I already have a job lined up that will pay very well. I have funding for the training but I won’t get paid during my training. This money will be used for our monthly bills for the 2 months I’m in school and until I get my first paycheck. I just need a hand-up until I get on my feet. This job means the world to us. We have a biblical marriage and we trust God for everything. We serve an awesome God that provides, He never lets us down and He never leaves us. I appreciate any and all donations. God Bless you just for reading this and I hope you have a blessed day. 

Thank you, 

Mark & Tammy Thompson

Recent Donations
Debrah Miller
$ 150.00 USD
1 month ago

Hope this will help you out.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
3 months ago

Debrah Miller
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

I am praying all will work out for you both. God Bless you both

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much! May God bless you!! Your donation is very much appreciated! ❤️" By Mark Thompson

Sandy Shadrach
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

Praying God's best and favor for you and family. Don't forget to update campaign occasionally. God is Good.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"I just figured out how to reply! Sorry for the delay. Thank you so much for the donation. God is Always good! Hope you have a Blessed Day! " By Mark Thompson


Update #14

March 4th, 2025

I’m in a truck working now. I thought I’d be making more money than I have been. I’ve been training for 3 weeks and this is starting out my 2nd week as a truck driver. My paychecks have been less than I was told they would be. Imagine that… I haven’t been able to make enough to cover our bills. I’m trying so hard and getting so far behind. I see people who aren’t even trying to work and making enough to pay their bills. I don’t understand. I just wish Jesus would come back. I have to wait 5 more months before Tammy can be in the truck with me. I don’t know what will happen if we lose our house and she is homeless, I cannot stay out here in a truck while my wife is homeless. This is a very scary situation right now. God Bless.

Update #13

February 26th, 2025

I went through training at Schneider National and I graduated. They hired me today 02/25/2025. They’re sending me to Topeka, Ks to pick up my truck tomorrow. We’re now confronted with losing our car. We’re so close to being able to pay our bills, yet still so far away. If we had $600 that would get us over this hump. We’re still praying every day and trusting God. Please pray for us, if you have a moment. God Bless you and yours.
Update #12

January 16th, 2025

Another setback… the trucking company that was going to hire me decided to not hire me because I was fired from my last job back in March 2024 because I wasn’t fast enough on the production line. I’m looking and applying at every trucking job I can just trying to get any job so we don’t end up homeless. This is just crazy, seems like old Satan is doing everything he can to drag us down. I don’t think very many people see this campaign, if any at all unless we send them a link when they ask. I want to thank everyone who has supported us through this tough time. It just seems like there’s no end in sight even though I’m doing everything possible. 

Update #11

January 2nd, 2025

We’ve sold off the last of our things that have any value and have nothing left to sell. We’re far from our goal of $3,000. We’re facing losing our mower to Kubota finance. We really need that mower this summer. It’s nothing big. We got the smallest one they make. I’ll be going to work in about two weeks and I’m looking forward to it. We would very much appreciate any donations.

One other thing, I graduated from truck driving school with an 89% overall grade. I also got my CDL-A license with Doubles, Triples and Tanker endorsements. My grade for that test was 98%. I worked very hard for those grades and if it hadn’t been for God, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. 

Update #10

December 25th, 2024

I hope everyone has had a Blessed Christmas. I know my wife and I have. Yesterday I took the CDL-A test and I Passed with the help of God. We’re one step closer to realizing our goal of being financially stable and secure. I’m scheduled to go to Fremont, Nebraska in the middle of January to start my new job at Fremont Contract Carriers. I know this is a very difficult time for giving for everyone. We have to wait for 1 more month to get a paycheck from my new job. After that we will be able to pay our bills on time. I’m so looking forward to that!! God has been very good to us! 

Tomorrow we go to Lebanon, Mo to Clement Truck Driving Academy for my graduation and I’m very grateful for the owners and the instructors for not giving up on me even when I was ready to give up on myself. They’re truly an amazing team of professionals who actually care. 

Update #9

December 19th, 2024

I’m scheduled to go take 3 tests for the CDL-A license on Christmas Eve. The Pre-Trip Inspection, Maneuvers Test and the Road Test. I’m pretty sure I’ll pass all 3 because I have studied very hard and have never been so ready to take these last tests. We’re needing donations and prayers badly. Please consider donating to help our campaign. I’ve run out of food, clean clothes and money. I need the money to get home to wash clothes and get enough food for the next few days that I have left at the housing unit for the truck driving academy. It would mean a lot to us if you could pray too. We really appreciate it very much! 

Thank you, 

Mark & Tammy Thompson 

Update #8

December 14th, 2024

I’m 1 week away from graduating Truck Driving School. I’m trying to better our lives by going into a new career at almost 60 years old. We need prayers and donations for this to work out. If you can give any amount please consider donating to our campaign. We desperately need it. We’re so close to being able to pay our bills, yet so far away. God has been so very good to us. God Bless y’all and Merry Christmas. 

Thank you, 

Mark & Tammy Thompson

Update #7

December 8th, 2024

I’m about halfway through my CDL-A training and it’s going very well. I feel like I’m ready to take the last 3 tests. 1 is actually driving a truck and trailer on the road. 2 is maneuvering the truck and trailer. 3 is the Pre-Trip Inspection. I can’t take the tests until I have 160 hours of training and I’m about halfway there. My wife and I need prayers for our bills this month. We also need money if you have a few dollars to spare. It all adds up. We understand that everyone is going through financial difficulties right now. We appreciate every donation and every prayer. 

I start my truck driving job on January 3rd, 2025. This job is a lifelong dream of mine and it’s almost come to fruition. God has been very good to me and I’m a very blessed man. 

Thank you for your time of reading this and from my wife and I, Merry Christmas! 

Mark & Tammy Thompson

Update #6

November 29th, 2024

My wife and I had a blessed Thanksgiving and I hope you all did as well. We couldn’t afford a “traditional” Thanksgiving dinner but we made due with what God provided. Sunday I’ll be going back down to Lebanon, Mo to finish my truck driving training and the day after I graduate I have to be in Nebraska for orientation at the company that’s hiring me to drive. I’ll be away from home for a few weeks. We are about 1/3 from our goal of $3,000 and desperately need your support and prayers. We appreciate every donation and every prayer. We really do. May God bless you and keep you. 

Thank you,

Mark & Tammy Thompson

Update #5

November 24th, 2024

If things couldn’t get any worse… just my luck. Our furnace has decided to quit working. The gas valve is bad and a new one is right at $600. I’m trying my best to not let Satan get me down. It seems like every time I try to get a little bit ahead, that old devil tries his best to knock me right back down. I’m about 100 miles from home and my wife is running space heaters to keep warm. Pretty soon as it gets colder those heaters won’t be able to keep the house warm. I just don’t know what to do now. Without this training we’re going to end up homeless. 😞

Update #3

November 23rd, 2024

I’ve finished my first week of truck driving training. I’ve got my CDL Permit and next week we will work on truck maneuvers and parking as well as on the Pre-Trip Inspections. I’m putting everything I have into this training because my future depends on it. My wife and I are struggling financially and we need your support to continue with this journey. Prayers are urgently needed for our bills. We trust God in every aspect of our lives. I’m so glad I found a Christian based truck driving school! I’ll keep updating this every week. My graduation date is 12/21/2024 and I’m looking forward to the day I’m done! I already have a job lined up and I’m in contact with them every week. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement, the prayers and the love offerings. 

Thank you very much, 

Mark & Tammy Thompson

Update #3

November 23rd, 2024

I’ve finished my first week of truck driving training. I’ve got my CDL Permit and next week we will work on truck maneuvers and parking as well as on the Pre-Trip Inspections. I’m putting everything I have into this training because my future depends on it. My wife and I are struggling financially and we need your support to continue with this journey. Prayers are urgently needed for our bills. We trust God in every aspect of our lives. I’m so glad I found a Christian based truck driving school! I’ll keep updating this every week. My graduation date is 12/21/2024 and I’m looking forward to the day I’m done! I already have a job lined up and I’m in contact with them every week. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement, the prayers and the love offerings. 

Thank you very much, 

Mark & Tammy Thompson

Prayers Very Much Appreciated Update #2

November 12th, 2024

I just had a dear lady call me and pray for us as we embark on our new journey. I appreciate your prayers very much! Prayer moves mountains while we think mole hills are stopping us. God is so very good to us! God is amazing and He loves us. He only wants the best for us. 

Update Prayers Very Much Appreciated Update #2 Image
Update #1

November 10th, 2024

I found out Friday that my grant was accepted and I start truck training on November 18th. I’ll be there for a month, then I called the trucking company and I have a job waiting for me as soon as I finish training and I get my CDL-A license! We’re needing prayers for funds to pay our bills until I start working. I think I’ll start on January 2nd, 2025. It’ll be sooner if they will let me! Thank you for the donations and prayers. It’s greatly appreciated. 

May God bless you! Mark & Tammy Thompson

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.