Mission trip


 USD $5,200


 USD $1,450

Campaign created by Dylan Kennison

Campaign funds will be received by Dylan Kennison

Mission trip


 I have been asked to be a part of three different short term missions trips. I am a student at Hobe Sound Bible College studying to be a pastor in the ministerial department. Because I'm in college I do not have a lot of funds coming in, but I do believe that God has asked me to go on this trip and from that I fully believe that he will bring the money I need.

As i said i was asked to go on three missions trips the first one i am going on is Mexico where we will be passing out tracts at the Virgin of Guadalupe festival. Here we will come across millions of people and have the chance to spread the gospel to those people.

The second trip I have been asked to go on is to Honduras over Christmas the 23-28th. This mission trip would be to encourage and spend time with the children during the Christmas season.

The last mission trip I have been asked to go on is next March to Europe. Me and a group of my peers are going to Budapest, Prague, and Slovakia. We will be helping the missionaries with whatever they're doing then helping with kids, helping evangelize to the locals, or preaching. All of these trips in total are $5200.

Mexico is $1,250

Honduras is $1,500

Europe is $2,450

-  Dylan Kennison

Recent Donations
Caribbean Pools Spas
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

So proud of you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying for you!

$ 1000.00 USD
3 months ago

Good luck, you’re doing a great thing.


Update #3 the Guatemalan trip

December 18th, 2024

Hello, the trip I was supposed to take to Honduras was changed I am still going on it it is just now a trip to Guatemala. We will be visiting all their churches in the area and doing children's ministries and preaching at the Churches really whatever they need done we will be doing it. We leave Saturday the 21st and I'll be getting back the 2nd or January. I have received some money for this and am receiving prayers as well. If you would like to give support in either of those ways it would be greatly appreciated thank you for everything all the support, everything thank you.

Update #3 the Guatemalan trip

December 18th, 2024

Hello, the trip I was supposed to take to Honduras was changed I am still going on it it is just now a trip to Guatemala. We will be visiting all their churches in the area and doing children's ministries and preaching at the Churches really whatever they need done we will be doing it. We leave Saturday the 21st and I'll be getting back the 2nd or January. I have received some money for this and am receiving prayers as well. If you would like to give support in either of those ways it would be greatly appreciated thank you for everything all the support, everything thank you.

Mexico trip

December 18th, 2024

Thank you for all the money but all the prayers too. Money is really nice to have but the prayers help so much more especially when trying to reach people. The Mexico trip went amazingly. We ordered 70,000 books or Christian literature and when I got there they had only passed out 12,000. We passed out 22,000 roughly the day after I got there and on the bay of the festival we passed out 36,000 books. The company I did this with has done a lot of research and one of the things that they have found is that in countries like Mexico where books are limited they share the books they have. The research shows that each book will be read by ten different people so that means that we reached over 700,000 people on that one trip alone. So thank you for all that you have done to support me weather the prayers that help till the land so that when we go the seeds are ready to be planted or the money that gives me the opportunity to go and help plant those seeds. 

Update Mexico trip Image
Update #1 the Mexico trip

November 12th, 2024

Hello and thank you, to all who have supported me either with prayers or financially. You all have helped me so much and we have raised just about enough for the Mexico trip. I am praying for the trip to go well in fact we are buying the tickets this week. I am praying for all of you as well that God blesses you.

Thank you so much!

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