USD $2,350
Campaign funds will be received by CAEDRAN SULLIVAN
Caedran Sullivan is a teacher, and she values the truth.
In 2021, she spoke up against the Shawnee Mission School District's racist, anti-white, anti-American, politically charged, DEI staff training, which she and other teachers are expected to implement in their classrooms. Then she was punished for using the "wrong pronouns."
She was demoted; disciplined based on a "complaint" that she has not been allowed to see; subjected to "re-education;" monitored; and falsely accused of "gender preference" and racial discrimination. She tries not to use pronouns but is pressured to use incorrect pronouns against her will, against her conscience, and against her moral and religious beliefs and in violation of the truth. However, Caedran will not participate in the district's encouragement of "social transitioning" at school, and she will not hide from parents the fact that their child is experimenting with being "trans" when the parents are not present. The Shawnee Mission School District will not change its policy, even after warning from the State of Kansas' Attorney General (https://www.ag.ks.gov/Home/Components/News/News/40/).
The DEI curriculum is abhorrent, and its author spews Marxist rhetoric (https://youtu.be/Jl5UKE_5Zu0?si=a2hemmHIbQ02Kay_). It is shocking that our once elite school district is making this radical anti-white DEI training mandatory for all staff.
Since Caedran spoke up and requested the district reconsider some of this divisive "training," she has been targeted.
Caedran has been put in an untenable position. As a result, she feels that she has no other option but to file suit to protect her rights, including her constitutional and God-given rights to freedom of speech, religion, and conscience (https://edmundslaw.com/cases/). She is prepared to see this case through to secure her rights and to see to it that no one else's rights are violated as hers continue to be. Caedran is standing up for so many who have been forced to comply with this insane DEI agenda.
Court cases are very expensive. Caedran needs our help. As a single mom on a teacher's salary, she cannot do this on her own. Our family and unnamed others have decided to help Caedran with a fund to assist her in this battle, which we do not expect to be easy. Every dollar received will be used to pay for her legal fees and expenses that arise as a result of her bringing suit.
Thank you for your support and prayers. I will provide regular updates on the case to those who choose to comment or contribute. Please feel free to share this link with friends and family who would also wish to support Caedran's rights and, by extension, our rights to our own beliefs and speech.
Thank you for having the courage to stand up against DEI and to stand for your students who you love. I will do my part and email the local school superintendents and tell them if they are receiving federal funding, they must comply with President Trump‘s new executive order to get rid of all things DEI. Thank you again for all you are doing.
Jesus is your strength, Savior & refuge … depend on Him.
Caedran, We pray that your lawsuit begins a return of teachers being allowed to teach without retribution. God bless you in the days ahead.
Keep the faith. You have more support than you realize. I am praying for you and will encourage others to do so.
Good luck Will keep following.
Keep up the good work sister.
Pray for your victory
God bless you Caedran!
Thank you for standing up for your rights. You are encouraging others through your actions. We pray that God keeps you and moves among our State Board to ensure this does not continue to happen.
"Stand up for what is right even if you're standing alone."~Suzy Kassem Thank you for standing up, Caedran! I hope you experience a big win in court!
I sincerely pray that at get a massive wave of support behind you. Our children are at grave risk every day in public schools, and in any school that accepts government money and money from agenda partners. I've seen it with my own eyes. Plea share!
May God bless and protect you. Thank you for standing for truth.
We support you!
We stand with you🇺🇸. God, Family, Country!!!
Thank you so much for standing up against the woke agenda at our schools.
January 23rd, 2025
Hi team - I wanted to let those who donated know that I'm fulfilling a disbursement for paper copying that will go straight to Caedran's legal counsel. I have a receipt to attach. Named individuals in the suit were required to be served individually, which led to a bill from copy supplier. Any disbursements in the future will come with updates. As the case continues, I plan to update on the status (with clearance from Caedran's legal counsel). Prayers for her are appreciated, and I thank you so much for your generosity.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.