Laura Piskula Dominican Republic Mission
Hello, thank you so much for visiting my page. I appreciate you taking the time to check it out. As some of you may know, I have been interested in missions since I was a little girl. My dreams of what I would be ”when I grow up” included working in far off countries and helping people. I did do that for a brief time after college but most of my adult life has been spent in the US. I am a wife and a mother which is a wonderful blessing from God. Helping people is still my mission. God has allowed me to have a job helping people. He has also helped me to get plugged into a wonderful church where I can serve. At the moment my husband and I serve as volunteers for the youth ministry and I serve in the nursery with my oldest son. I love all these aspects of my life! I am excited though about an opportunity that has opened up for me to serve overseas for the week of March 1-8,2025. My church (Grace Community Church of York) is taking an adult trip to the Dominican Republic to build a chapel and serve alongside an organization called TIME Missions. We will be sharing the love of Christ alongside TIME to the local community. I have had the opportunity to go to the Dominican and serve with TIME in the past with the youth group but this will be my first time on an adult missions trip. I am so excited to serve a part of the group instead of as a leader! And I am excited to see how God works and moves through us while we are there.
The chapels we build provide a local pastor with a safe shelter to meet with their congregation. It’s so awesome to be able to see a place go from no building to have a chapel on it in one week! Being a part of something like this is such a blessing for me!
I am working on learning some Spanish so I can communicate better while I’m there.
I do need you help though. Your prayers mean to much to me! I know God is moved by prayer. Please pray for me. Pray that I can learn Spanish and pray for safety. Also, please pray that I and the whole team are sensitive to God’s leading and that we work together well as a team.
I also need to raise $2,200. Please consider helping me reach my goal.
As you pray and/or give toward this trip you are actively involved in the service to the pastor and his congregation who need a building. Thank you for whatever part you play in helping me and helping the Dominicans.