USD $12,750
Campaign funds will be received by Elijah Sheremet
Dear family and friends,
My name is Evelina Natekin. I am Lydiya's cousin and am making this fundraiser campaign to help support the Sheremet family through a difficult time.
Seven year old Mia began experiencing pain in her legs and joints on and off this summer. Her parents took her to the doctors, but no cause was found at the time. On October 19, once again experiencing persistent and strong pain, little Mia was taken to St. Luke's hospital where she got bloodwork and Xray for the pain. There were some values flagged in her preliminary bloodwork, so more blood samples were collected. Early on the morning of October 21, Lydiya got a terrible call "come quickly, the blood work has resulted. Pack a bag, you'll be admitted, its serious". It was just an hour later, at the hospital, that the Sheremet family got the devastating news, Mia's bloodwork showed that she has B-cell ALL, a form of leukemia. Her tests showed that the disease load is very high. Yesterday, Mia went in for a procedure where she had a port placed (a more permanent access that will allow blood draws and meds without extra pokes). She had some additional tests done, and PRAISE GOD, there are no cancerous blasts in her spinal fluid.
The Sheremet family has a long road ahead as Mia undergoes treatment. Treatment may last several years. They will be spending a lot of time inpatient and in the clinic. They have three small children at home and are still figuring out how they will balance their time. Please keep this family in your prayers, and consider financially supporting if you are able. Thank you all sincerely for the outpouring of love the family is already seeing. Please pray for:
- A complete healing of Mia's body, supernatural protection over every organ
- Protection from infections or complications
- Wisdom and God's direction over every doctor, nurse and healthcare provider that works with the family
- Peace and direction as the family makes difficult medical decisions
- For peace and refreshment for the parents, to feel rested on minimal sleep
Here is a message from Lydiya (mom):
"We are so grateful for each prayer and for everyone that already knows and is praying. This is a journey that we are walking through relying on God. We believe and know that God will heal her. We believe and pray that God will give wisdom to her doctors, and that she will have minimal side effects from treatment. The form she has is highly treatable. It will consist of sometimes in patient treatment but mostly out-patient treatment. Currently I don’t have a place designated to send updates to everyone. It will be hard to reply to everyone, but we will read all of the encouraging words we can get. Elijah would prefer to not be the one updating people. I’ll try my best to give updates whenever we can. Thank you so much for all the love and support. God has our sweet Mia in his hands."
“Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; Who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; So that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.” Psalm 103:2-5 KJV
Wishing Mia nothing but the best in her recovery. Positive thoughts and wishes to your family -Renewal by Andersen of WA and Central CA.
I am trusting our awesome God to show Himself strong on behalf of your family.
God bless you Mia. We’re praying for you
Our prayers for your little Mia
Prayers for a healthy recovery and peace through this tough challenge.
You and your family are in my prayers!
January 2nd, 2025
Mia had a lumbar puncture on Friday and we noticed right away that something wasn’t right. She was complaining of bad back and head pain worse than before. Her pain only kept escalating over the weekend, Mia kept insisting she didn’t want to go back to the hospital and wait until the clinic opened. Mia has had several bad experiences with the ER staff missing her port, and in clinic she hasn’t had a bad experience.
On Sunday night (December 29th), her pain was so severe she couldn’t void. We took her into clinic at opening, they thought maybe she had a spinal headache. They gave various narcotics and nothing helped the pain. They weren’t sure what to do with her. One of the oncology docs we had never met before ordered ct scans of her back and head due to low platelets, to rule out bleeding.
Sure enough the scan showed she had blood in and around her meninges, chemical meningitis. She was admitted and they proceeded to give her various narcotics and nothing would help her pain.
Today (January 2nd), it’s been over 4 days of not eating, but today she was able to drink some water and hold it down. Doc started her on WinRhoD in hopes it would help her platelets to prevent further bleeding. 36 hours after getting WinRhoD her platelets are at 110. Praise God. She is also getting TPN right now. The chemical meningitis and pain associated with it can take 3 weeks or more to resolve. Our Mia has went through so much and suffered so hard already. Please continue to pray for her full restoration and her pain to go away. Thank you everyone who is praying for our sweet Mia and helping us.
December 17th, 2024
Hello everyone, here’s an update on what’s been going on for the last several weeks. After Mia’s hospitalization for pancreatitis, Mia started dealing with brutal nose bleeds and petechaie. We came into the clinic with Mia bleeding and they saw that her platelets were at 3. A normal person would have 200-400. Less than 10 requires a platelet transfusion. Several weeks of getting platelets wouldn’t help. Every time they would check she’d be at undetectable levels of platelets. One of the doctors said to draw labs and check platelets right after a transfusion, and sure enough her platelets were still undetectable. We proceeded to be hospitalized. They gave Mia a high dose of IVIG in hopes it would help.
It made her vomit, fever, and she had terrible migraines. The highest her platelets came up to was 9 at that point and they let her out of the hospital on Sunday December 8th. Monday December 9th she had labs and her platelets showed 6. By Friday the 13th they were once again undetectable.
She had been on a break for all treatment for almost 4 weeks at that point. But the doctors decided treatment must go on and they did a procedure on Friday and started the second cycle of treatment. They ran platelets in a separate iv while using her port for anesthesia.
Today, Monday December 16th, Mia had another appointment and labs and the doctors said they haven’t seen a situation like this, they’ve been reading case reports all over the world. By the grace of God she hasn’t been bleeding this last week, it’s a total miracle. We continue to pray and believe that God can heal her and give us another miracle. Thank you everyone for your prayers, love, and support. We are so grateful.
November 27th, 2024
November 5th, 2024
Mia has been happy to be home. We’ve all been happy to be together as a family. Currently Mia is doing the best she can, thankfully she has been eating well. She is more tired than usual but still has her sense of humor. She is such a joy. We are adjusting as best as we can to the situation.
Currently we take her in to treatment in Boise and are able to come home after. We hope that treatment will stay this way and we can avoid hospitalizations. That’s our prayer.
We are thankful for everyone praying for her and our family. We feel the love and support.
We are also thankful to everyone who has donated.
“Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.”
Isaiah 41:10 KJV
“не бойся, ибо Я с тобою; не смущайся, ибо Я Бог твой; Я укреплю тебя, и помогу тебе, и поддержу тебя десницею правды Моей.”
Книга пророка Исаии 41:10 SYNO
October 26th, 2024
From Lydiya Sheremet
Hello everyone. We have been discharged from St Luke’s Boise Children’s on Friday evening. Praise God. It feels so good to be home. So far Mia has been doing well with all of the treatment so far. Thank God. We will be in and out of the clinic and hospital for the foreseeable future, about 2.5 years from what we are told by doctors.
Elijah and I are so humbled by everyone reaching out to us. We feel everyone’s prayers and support, it’s hard to explain. We have so much peace and we know that the Lord will help us through this time. He already is. God has prepared us to walk through this, and we will remain faithful.
We are also thankful for everyone who’s asking to help out in any way they can. I will contact those who have reached out to me as far as bringing meals goes. We are also thankful to everyone who has donated as well. We are also thankful that many of our family members live near by and are helping us too. We are thankful to our church who is supporting us in prayers.
During our stay at the hospital we’ve met so many wonderful and caring people. From the doctors all the way to the house keepers. It’s amazing what a stay at a hospital can do to put things into perspective. We are thankful.
Please continue to pray for our Mia. We believe God will help her through this. She is our oldest child (7) and has three younger siblings. Bella (5) Evelina (3) and baby Elijah (5 months). Mia is such a strong girl we know she will make it. ❤️ also to those who have wanted to send her a package, text me and I’ll give you our address.
“Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.”
Jeremiah 17:14 KJV
“Исцели меня, Господи, и исцелен буду; спаси меня, и спасен буду; ибо Ты хвала моя.”
Книга пророка Иеремии 17:14 SYNO
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