CAD $25,000
CAD $13,230
Campaign funds will be received by Keith Davis
This page is designed to receive donations for Zach's Long Term Health Care in connection with our "Running for Zach" Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament Fundraiser. (I will be receiving and distributing donations to Zach's parents, Ed and Alice Hoogerdyk).
The Co-Ed Volleyball tournament will be held on Saturday, November 23, from 12:00 p.m. to 6 pm. Six courts have been reserved so we have room for lots of teams. Team fees will go to offset court costs, prizes, and drinks/snacks. Team fees will be paid directly to me cash, cheque or e-transfer. Any extra fees will be donated to the cause.
Location: The JV Centre at #130, 10 Smed Lane S.E. Calgary, T2C 4T5)
Interested in getting a team together: go to https://forms.gle/gahaF1Xp9ogTsu1T8 or contact me at kdavis@bethelurc.org.
Zach's Long Race:
For those of you who don’t know, Zach, the son of Ed and Alice Hoogerdyk, is 24 years old and engaged to Megan Teitsma, daughter of James and Joanne Teitsma. He was a mason, a bricklayer who loved his trade!
Without going into all the details, in March of 2023, Zach experienced a medical emergency that resulted in him going into a cardiac arrest. His heart stopped beating for at least 3 minutes. Doctors were able to resuscitate Zach, but what followed were long and excruciating days, weeks, and months of waiting, praying and hoping.
Zach has been hospitalized ever since that time and he has faced many challenges. His right hand and both of his feet had to be amputated. The biggest challenge he faces right now is the brain damage caused by brain hypoxia. Each day Zach continues to undergo physical and occupational therapy to regain brain and body function. He is still unable to speak, but that is something therapists are working on as well.
Praying for you all that you receive the strength you need and that Zach will improve.
I am praying for Zach
Zack, Megan, Ed, and Alice, You are all in our prayers.
Praying for this family
Way to go volley ballers! Enjoy the fun ! Good cause to support our brothers and sisters in the Lord
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