USD $9,000
USD $2,683
Campaign funds will be received by Syrah Rosado
Hi y’all. My name is Syrah Rosado. I am 22 years old. A crush injury I sustained July of 2022 caused a malfunction in my nervous system. This malfunction is called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). I first showed symptoms 8 months later in March of 2023 which is typical of this disorder. It is a neurological autoimmune disease where the brain incorrectly tells a part of the body that it is still in danger. In my case my left leg still thinks that it's being crushed, thus sending the necessary response (Learn about CRPS here). Luckily some symptoms have lessened and I have gotten better but the pain is relentless and seems to not be affected.
After my 3rd nerve block in September of 2023, it did not seem to have the same effect that the other two had. With the pain flaring up more and more, I decided to take a Medical Leave of Absence from Southern Methodist University because I found it difficult to study when my leg feels like it's on fire. Once home, I continued my search for treatment from the limited treatment options left. Among these was a spinal cord stimulator but the road to pursue this led to finding ways to actually go into remission rather than result to soley pain management. After 3 months of failed Ketamine infusions and trying new medications, I got into a clinic where they specialize in CRPS in Austin, Texas. People come from all over the world seeking remission here at Neurosolution Center of Austin. I am supposed to stay for 8 weeks at the clinic starting the end of November until January. Unfortunately this clinic does not take insurance. Each week of treatment being $9,000/ week. My family and I will pay for some weeks but getting donations to take the burden of at least a week's worth of treatment would help immensely.
CRPS is already the most painful disease known to medicine but I am hoping that the journey to remission will end at the Neurosolution Center of Austin. I desperately want this epoch of my life to be over and get back school and do all the things I loved and do pain free as much as my body will let me. I am hoping to have this raised by November 17th.
“The glory of God is man fully alive” -G.K. Chesterton
-All my best, Syrah Rosado
I am praying for Syrah! God is a miracle worker, and He can heal you way faster than the doctor’s say. Can’t wait to hear the testimony.
Praying for you
Praying for a successful procedure and a speedy recovery
My family is praying for you!
My prayers are with you.
I will be praying for you!
Praying for your healing!
My family and I will keep you in our continuous thoughts and prayers!
My prayers are with you Syrah! God bless you.
Syrah, my husband David and I were so sorry to hear from our daughter Miriam about the terrible pain that you have. We will be praying for you that this alternative form of treatment is successful. God bless you, Kelly and David (Miriam from SMU Mustangs for Life)
You are one of the strongest people I know, I'm praying for you every day.
Stay strong, you got this!
So great to meet you, I would never have known about this condition from how you treat others, so full of joy. May God bless you, you are an inspiration!
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