USD $10,000
USD $7,355
Campaign funds will be received by Braylen Gage
Benaiah James Gage came into the world 5 weeks early. Unfortunately, he was born with a significant amount of fluid on his lungs and was unable to breathe at birth. Thankfully the incredible staff of doctors and nurses were able to get him breathing and stable. He is now in the NICU getting stronger everyday. His biggest challenge is getting the fluid off of his lungs so he can continue to breathe better. Doctors are still unsure what has caused the fluid but they are sending out labs to get a better idea. You can read more about the specifics of his journey on his Caringbridge here: Benaiah's Caringbridge
In addition to the medical bills, Braylen was laid off at the end of August putting additional financial strain on the situation.
Continued prayers and love
Continued prayers for healing and health in all ways. Sending love
We love you guys and hope adjusting at home has been great. Continued prayers for your precious boy! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!
Praying for your sweet family!
Prayers for continued growth!
Praying for this precious family and so glad to hear you’re back home.
Praying you get to take your sweet boy home soon.
Praying for your family.
Constantly in our prayers
Praying for your family and your sweet baby
Constant love and prayers for healing, growing, and soon a safe trip home!
Praying for you!
Praying for you all!!
Continued prayers for Benaiah and your entire family!
Praying everyday for your family
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