Supporting Evangeline Fancher


 USD $5,000


 USD $525

Campaign created by ROBERT JACKSON

Campaign funds will be received by Lily Jackson

Supporting Evangeline Fancher

       Evangeline Marie Fay Fancher came into the world 14 weeks early on September 14th. She was just under 2 lbs and could not even cry when delivered by C section. She was immediately whisked away to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as mom was cared for by the delivery team.

       Eva has to fight for every day, and her parents have to fight along with her. They were away from home when the labor started on a doctor approved trip to see dad's mom in TX because they knew that with the new baby it would be a very long time before they would be able to see her again.

      Eva's mom, Lily Jackson, and dad, Jordan Fancher, now have to recover from the shock of the early birth, care for their son Jordan who doesn't know what's going on, and go to a different floor of the hospital to share just a few minutes with her a couple of times a day as she struggles to develop outside the protection of her mommy's womb. They are doing this while dealing with the myriad emotions and questions they face daily.

      Jordan's mom has been very helpful and is taking up the primary care of little Jordan while the parents focus on what they need to do for Eva and Lily right now.

      The family has a very long road ahead. It will be difficult and costly for them to care properly for Eva. It is so very difficult to imagine the hardship she is facing right now, so far from home with so many challenges at hand, but even more so in the future that the little girl will face.

Recent Donations
Daniel Duffy
$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

What a long road of hurdles you have been faced with.. Our family hears you. We care and we hope you and your baby does better. Very sorry to hear of this recent setback.. May you be blessed by the grace of all things good.

Daniel Duffy
$ 35.00 USD
2 months ago

Happy Thanksgiving from our family, may this be a good day for you and your family

Daniel Duffy
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Hi Lilly, We are not forgetting you and your baby.. we are hoping fir you everyday..

Dan Duffy
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Hi, I am sorry folks havnt been able to give more. I guess the politicians are asking folks for so much. I hope you are and your baby are better ..

$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Best of luck

Tara Zimmerman
$ 60.00 USD
4 months ago

sending prayers for you and you beautiful baby girl.

Patricia Fey
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Praying for this family. My granddaughter was born at 1 lb 10 oz. She is almost 21 and a straight A student. This little miracle can do the same. Where in Texas?

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago


Daniel Duffy
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

I heard about your struggle from my daughter. I hope you and yiur baby do better.. Children are such a gift.. May peace be with you.

Aaron D
$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

God Bless you and watch over you.

Sheila Graeve
$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

Prayers for all. From another premie mom. Mine were 10 weeks early. All healthy and 25 years old now! Keep the faith.

$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for this angel and all involved in her care!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

God Bless your daughter and the bundle of joy. Bluesky from Rob’s channel.

K Bean
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

❤️ Prayers for the little one & all the family ❤️



December 4th, 2024

Evangeline is now 38wks old GA (gestational age). Over the past couple of week since the last update, Evangeline has had a successful Microvascular Plug Device Placed to Close her PDA and her surgery was a complete success. She also worked her way off of CPAP Bubbler onto cannula, and also worker her way off of cannula to just breathing room air. She also started cueing at about 34-35wks, and was taking pacifiers when offered. She began to gain weight consistently, and kept breathing very well.

With a little bit of oral practice and lots of snuggles and rest, she began to take bottle feeds/breastfeeds. She had an eye exam and we were told she developed ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). They let us know it was a mild case, and that over time we would know more with every eye exam. Her last eye exam was yesterday November 4th, 2024, and it showed that her ROP has increased significantly since her last exam.

We’ve bought her brand new clothes and we’ve been dressing her up ever since we got the approval to start dressing her everyday. I began to spend everyday with her, finally, after long awaited nights to be with her. We’ve been staying at the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas, and they have been very welcoming, kind, and caring to our family. 

After some more hard work, her doctor approved her transfer to Portland, so the insurance began their work. She started drinking up to 3 bottles a day of 33MLs of formula, handling them well without spitting up. The doctors/nurses started bundling you up nice and tight, and dressing you everyday. They let us know whenever she does get discharged from the hospital she’s going to need ophthalmologist appointments, premature specialists, cardiologist appointments, and a birth to 3 referral. She also got her 2 month immunizations. 

The doctor called on the 2nd of December to let us know she began to asphyxiate on her bottle feeds, so they stopped her bottle feeds and breastfeeds entirely. 

The doctor called again on the 3rd, to let us know that she has a common cold and that we can’t leave until she starts to get better. It’ll probably be another week or two. Other than that she’s stable and still growing as expected! 

Update Update! Image

November 1st, 2024

Eva is now 33wks old! She’s 2lbs and 15ozs, and she’s 15 inches long! She still has a very large PDA, so she is being transferred to Medical City Dallas. Once there, come Monday morning she will be having a catheter surgery to help close her PDA. They’ve tried both Tylenol and Ibuprofen but neither helped close the PDA the way it needs to be. Once she is finished at Medical City Dallas, we will be transferred again, to Randall’s Children’s Hospital in Portland OR.

She wore her first outfit for Halloween, and we did skin to skin with her for an 1hr and 30mins. She’s had up and down breathing, but her nurses say that’s pretty normal for her and it should resolve itself after Medical City Dallas treats her for her PDA. She is getting bigger and chunkier everyday, and her cries are getting stronger and louder. 

She will be transferred to Medical City Dallas, Saturday Morning which is tomorrow at 9am. I will be accompanying her through the ambulance ride and I will ride with her there and hopefully advocate for housing and transportation for our little family. Monday morning she will have her surgery. Thanks to everyone who continues to support us and is sending prayers/funds.

God Bless ❤️

Update BIG UPDATE!!! Image
Bath Time, Transportation, and More!

October 8th, 2024

Hey Everyone!

Evangeline will be 30 weeks old tomorrow and so far she is thriving! This is the first time since birth that we’ve been able to see her face without the mask, certain tubes, and without her head cap. 

Thanks to our NICU Nurse, Katelyn, we were able to get a quick picture of her. We did our first bath time right after this, (super scary, but also super exciting) followed by an hour of skin to skin contact with mommy! She is now currently 2lbs 0.5oz and 14 inches long. Evangeline is currently on the CPAP BUBBLER at 5%, and her PDA is starting to close, so they’re ending Tylenol for her PDA tomorrow at 8AM. They are still concerned about a heart murmur, but very hopeful.

We are starting to talk about transportation back to Washington as of today, because Evangeline will most likely be stable enough by the end of this week or the beginning of next, to transport back. We are asking anyone who can possibly help, to try and donate or leave a prayer for us. We currently have no money for travel expenses or supplies for my son, so this will definitely be a challenge. 

If transferred she will have to be transferred to a level 4 NICU, which will be 2hrs and 30mins away from home. Her kidney function is improving and stabilizing more and more everyday. They’re very pleased with her lung progress, and her brain function is doing everything it needs to at this age. Mostly the best thing about all of this, is that she is stable. She is fighting everyday for her life, and she is fighting strong. My Belle Evangeline is the most beautiful gift from god I could’ve ever received, and I will get through these challenging times for her. Thank you for everyone supporting who has supported us and prayed for us. I’m sorry for not being consistent with updates, everyday is a new challenge. 


The Fancher Family

Update Bath Time, Transportation, and More! Image
Head Ultrasound, PDA, Feeds, and More!

October 1st, 2024

September 19th, she had her PICC Line inserted at around 11am. She did very well, and did not go cold/drop in heart rate. We were informed that she has lost 10% of her birth weight, (which is normal) and that they expect these things to happen. She is now currently 1lb and 8oz.

September 20th, Evangeline has her head ultrasound done in the morning, and her scan showed that nothing is wrong, as well as no brain bleed. We are now allowed to start skin to skin contact as soon as we’re done being sick! We were informed that in a couple of days they will be removing the PICC Line due to how well she is developing/progressing.

September 21st, Evangeline is digesting the donor milk very well and still passing stool with good urine output. She has increased in weight and is now 1lb and 11oz. If everything goes good by Monday they will be removing the PICC Line. Her weight will be checked tonight, and the night time nurse, Chelsea, has made a scrapbook collage with her footprints. It’s currently hanging from her IV post, waiting for us to see when we finish being sick. Overnight she gained 1oz and is currently 1lb 12oz.

September 22nd, we were informed that her hemoglobin level had dropped to 30, and that they need to do a blood transfusion through the PICC Line. We were also informed that she needs to go up on her oxygen via CPAP BUBBLER. Other than that, vitals are pretty stable, and she seems to be taking well to treatment.

September 24th, we were informed that Eva has an open duct on her heart and they were going to be administering medicine to Evangeline to close the hole. We were also told she’s not ready to come off of her PICC Line yet. They’ve also increased her feeds from 12ML to 14ML and she’s now receiving 24 calories a day at this point. She’s also gaining in weight, she’s almost 2lbs!

September 27th, they did a scan on her chest and there is still an open duct on her heart. They are administering her Tylenol to help try and close the duct. She is also on caffeine to remind her to breathe/wake up because sometimes she forgets, which is common due to all the work she’s already been doing. This evening she was taken off the CPAP Bubbler and switched back to the nose mask, due to trouble breathing. 

September 28th, she has stabilized over night and is doing well this morning. The doctor believes that going up on the breathing support and administering the Tylenol may have helped her stabilized. They said we could start skin to skin again today if she doesn’t have any more desaturation episodes. She hasn’t been handling the last couple of feedings that well. The plan is to see if she does well for the next 2 days on her feedings, and if she does then they can finally remove her PICC Line because she will no longer need IV Fluids. The doctor has told us that even though she is having her ups and downs, she’s still improving every time they have to support her in some way. Which is really really good.

September 30th, Eva has dropped back down to 1lb 14oz, but usually that’s normal because the weight fluctuates. She’s had multiple desaturation episodes, so they’ve inserted an IV on the left hand, and one on the back of the right ankle. She’s receiving another blood transfusion because her hemoglobin dropped again, so they’ve stopped the feeds until tomorrow morning at 11AM. They administered antibiotics just in case of infection, and we were also informed she’s been having a lot of air in her stomach. Care time is now 8AM, 11AM, 2PM, and 5AM because she is starting to get bigger.

Update Head Ultrasound, PDA, Feeds, and More! Image
Birth, and more!

September 19th, 2024

Evangeline Marie Fay Fancher, was born at 5:34AM on 5/14/24 in Arlington Texas, weighing out at 1lb and 10.5oz. She is 13cm long. The hospital is called Medical City Arlington at their Women’s center. She’s 14 weeks early at this point.

She has a full head of hair with curly hair from her dad, and she sleeps like her brother (arms in the air), and also sleeps like her mommy (on her side).

In the evening on September 14th,

She got off of the breathing tube, and was given a breathing mask instead.

On September 15th, she’s got 21% oxygen flow, which is what we breathe naturally, so she’s definitely got some strong lungs!!! She had elevated Bilirubin levels, and started phototherapy, which is just a blue light that helps her liver filter out the Bilirubin and prevent advancement in Jaundice.

On September 16th 2024, Evangeline’s breathing mask was taken off and she is now on a bubbler machine (6% only) to help her breathe and is still breathing 21%. This is good because this means that she is doing almost all the work on her own. She’s also kicking and punching ALOT! Her IV line that checks her blood pressure 24hrs at all times, was removed in the evening, which means she’s stable enough to monitor regularly.

On her 7th day of life, September 20th, she will have a head ultrasound to check neurological development and if everything goes okay, then I can start skin to skin contact. Until then, I have had skin to skin contact with a doll and blanket that she sleeps with so she can smell me at all times.

She is also currently receiving donor milk 3 times a day via feeding tube, as well as 20 calories per day for right now, to help with weight gain.

September 17th, her CPAP BUBBLER was lowered to 5%, which is the lowest setting until she reaches 32-34 weeks, in which that case she can come off the CPAP BUBBLER all together. She was given an x ray to check lung development, and development is going smoothly. She is breathing mostly on her own, and her lungs are growing.

September 18th, we were informed that her second (and last) IV tube is ready to be removed. We were told that after removal they will need to start a PICC Line. A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) is a thin, flexible tube that's inserted into a vein in the arm and threaded into a large vein in the chest. PICCs are used for a variety of purposes, including: 

* Administering fluids and medications: PICCs can be used to deliver intravenous (IV) fluids, blood transfusions, chemotherapy, and other drugs. 

* Taking blood samples: Blood samples can be taken from a PICC line. 

* Avoiding repeated needle sticks: PICCs can stay in place for weeks or months, reducing the need for repeated needle sticks.

This will be inserted via hand or foot. We signed the consent forms as well as consent form for students to assist for advancing medical education and blood transfusions/surgeries. We were also informed that care times are at 8AM, 2PM, 8PM, and 2AM. During those times if we are available (and at the hospital) we can assist with temperature checks and diaper changes. Phototherapy ended today and she is no longer required to have the blue light.

Thanks to everyone supporting us through this hard time, and thanks for the donations/prayers. Our family is so grateful.

Sincerely, The Fancher Family.

Update Birth, and more! Image

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