USD $350,000
USD $4,000
Campaign funds will be received by James Papia
For many years Jim and Maureen Papia have been a tremendous example to the Body of Christ of what a godly marriage and family looks like. Gail and I have been deeply challenged and inspired by their sacrifices and the example their lives have set for those who follow Jesus. They have balanced ministry, family, and work in a way that has inspired many couples and families over the last 42 years we have been friends.
This is their story (as told by Maureen)
"Jim and I have always had a love story. We know God led us to each other to meet and spend our lives with each other. It has been the most wonderful life building our lives together side by side, recently celebrating 44 years. We consider our life and family a celebration of God's grace. We have two married children and seven precious grandchildren that we dearly love and our time with them is very precious. This summer (2024) has been quite a journey. On June 24th, we received news that Jim had lesions in his brain and lungs. This was a complete surprise because Jim has rarely been sick, never smoked, and has not been to the hospital since he was 19 when he was suffering from appendicitis. Jim has always been strong and healthy, so the diagnosis given to us at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston of stage 4 lung cancer was a shock. A biopsy showed that Jim had a non-small cell adenocarcinoma which is treatable. Jim had brain radiation treatment in July (2024) and is now taking a new medication (pill) that targets the DNA of the affected areas in his body. Jim's body is responding well to this treatment. We are taking life a step at a time as God is leading us. We believe in God's healing power and are decreeing health in Jim's body, and we know God is manifesting His touch daily."
As I was praying for Jim and Maureen, I was inspired by the Lord to raise the balance of their mortgage. This is a significant way to provide for their needs and lift this burden from their shoulders. Jim can no longer work, they are trusting God for His help with their medical bills and housing costs. The Scripture reminds us to, "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2" I believe hundreds of lives have been challenged and changed by Jim and Maureen's love story and life, so I am reaching out to you and asking you to prayerfully carry this burden with us and make a sacrificial offering to help this godly couple in their time of need. Would you join us?
In Christ's Love,
Ray & Gail Perez
Merry Christmas and may you have peace during this difficult time - Love you both.
Any friends of Raymond Perez are friends of mine. Believe that Jesus is healing you every single moment, and give Him thanks and praise!
Love you both, Kathy T.
We are praying for a complete healing journey for each of you!
We love you both so much! Praying complete healing.
Sorry to hear of your struggles.
My dear friends, I love you so much. I am continually awed and challenged by your walk with our Lord. This challenge in your lives is no different!! Praying for a complete healing.
We love you guys. We are very sorry that you are going through all of this. We have and will continue to do battle for you in prayer. May the Lord God Almighty strengthen, comfort, and guide you through this difficult time. Your lives are a testimony before all who encounter you. In the name of Jesus!
We are believing for total healing in Jesus Name for you Jim! Our love & prayers , David & Anita
Jim and Maureen, it is our honor to be your friends and to support you.
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