Monthly Goal:
USD $5,000
Total Raised:
USD $1,200
Raised this month:
USD $0
Campaign funds will be received by Alianne Mahlstedt
Hello sweet friends,
This is one of the hardest things I’ve had to do - and I’ve done some pretty hard things. On 8/13, I lost my job. Despite my relentless effort in searching and applying I have still not been able to secure a new FT opportunity. Ben started working for Amazon at the beginning of August and is picking up extra shifts, doing what he can to contribute. I’ve picked up a part-time role at Old Navy to help with cash flow, and am supporting a small business with marketing and social media. Unfortunately we’re still far from meeting our monthly expenses. My ideal scenario is to secure a FT remote role ASAP. Despite countless application submissions, noting has panned out YET. All that to say if there is anything extra you may have to offer, I’d greatly appreciate it. I know things are hard for most right now so please don’t feel obligated. Employment leads, prayers, warm fuzzies, and well wishes are also greatly appreciated. I look forward to the day I can pay it forward. Sending you all love and appreciation for the consideration.
Michon has shown my family and I so much care and love when we have been in need. She is a blessing and we want to return the love and help her beautiful family. Sending love from our family to yours.
Sending you all the warm wishes
everything is boring without our slack thread :(
Love you guys! It’s tough right now for many so I understand. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open for any opportunities!
Brave you!
Sending you guys so much love and prayers.
Sending love and prayers your way.
Sending you lots of love
Praying for you and your family. God has you! He will provide.
Love you Ali and family. Sending all the love and prayers your way. God has a plan. Faith not fear always! Love Lynda
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