Garrett Indiana TNR Project
We are currently two community members of Garrett Indiana spearheading the TNR (Trap-Nueter-Release) project for the city of Garrett. We are currently asking community members to help us cover the initial $350 that we need to cover our first 5 TNR slots that were graciously organized and given to us by the DeKalb Humane Shelter since they did not have a need for them. The appointments are scheduled for September 24th so the $350 is needed by the 23rd!
We have set our goal to $2000 because if we can raise that entire goal we can cover an additional 24 slots through Humane Fort Wayne who we are currently in contact with to scheduled with for the rest of this year. We are also in contact with them to hopefully get a contract with them for 2025! All donations will go towards the veterinary costs to sterilize and give a rabies vaccine to every stray or feral cat we’re able to humanely trap and release. It will also cover all the food we need to care for these community cats.
What is TNR?
it is the TRAPPING of stray and feral cats using humane live traps to safely contain and transport the cats to the vet. (Any cat with a tipped ear or easily identifiable that they’re owned such as but not limited to: collars, bells, harnesses, etc. will be immediately released if ever unintentionally caught)
Once transported to the vet, they will NUETER (sterilize) the cats. They will also give them a rabies vaccination and if using Humane Fort Wayne, they will also be microchipped with an unregistered microchip. Then each cat will have a mandatory ear tipping to easily identify them in the future and avoid putting them through the TNR process again.
After they’re done at the vet, a volunteer will RETURN them to where they were initially caught. From there they will reintegrate back into their original colony causing the least amount of stress to the cat.
Have questions or would like to follow our story? Give us a follow on our Facebook group at Garrett Indiana Trap-Neuter-Release Project. We hope to see you there and can answer any additional questions you may have! We’re also accepting dry cat food donations if you’d like to contact us on the group on where and when you can donate food!