USD $10,000
USD $4,960
Campaign funds will be received by Tricia Plank
When you challenge the agenda of a woke school district and those in the administration, you're bound to face some opposition. Tricia Plank was just a regular mom, raising two daughters with her husband, Phil, in rural Adams Co PA, right in the middle of the central PA Fruit Belt. In 2021, Tricia joined the newly formed chapter of Moms For Liberty - Adams Co, PA. By the end of 2022, she became more involved and in Feb 2023, she decided to run for a seat on the Upper Adams School District school board. It was also in Feb 2023 that her daughter, then a 13 year old 8th grader, found writing on her desk in English class and reported it. The writing appeared to be a drawing of a gun and words like "dead". This child is an honors student, received a recommendation to particpate as a student mentor in her school, chose to particpate in the Rachel's Challenge program, which promotes kindness over violence, and is a star tennis player. Unfortunately, in today's society, things like guns drawn on a desk are taken as a threat. School administrators started an investigation, the Biglerville Boro police were called, the PA State police were called, her daughter was questioned and then the incident seemed to be dropped.
Flash forward to fall 2023 and Tricia soundly wins her seat on the school board. During her campaign she was always transparent about who she is, what she represents and how she planned to help lead the district, always putting the needs of student first, while keeping the taxpayers in mind. Her daughter went on to her freshman year where she excelled in the classroom and in track and field. But her real passion is tennis and as a freshman, was named the player of the year going undefeated her first season. But, when Tricia started asking questions instead of just going along with the demands of the superintendent, Dr. Wesley Doll, and the majority of her board wanted to take another look at the sexually explicit material filling the school libraries, trouble started to rear its ugly head. In May 2024, Tricia, with the support of her husband and daughters, made the decision to sign on as a named complaintant on a lawsuit brought forth by Moms For Liberty to stop the new Title IX regulations for taking effect in schools across America, regulations that would chill free speech and force our children to lie and play along with the delusions of others. Suddenly opposition from within the school popped up. Teachers who seemingly approve of sexualizing children by providing students with graphic sexual material in the curriculum and libraries, and pride and "safe spaces" signs in their classrooms, hosted a "Banned Books" table at a school event. When Phil Plank, also a teacher in a neighboring district, asked one of these teachers at this event if they knew the actual definition of "banned", he was slapped with criminal charges of disorderly conduct, a full two weeks later. On July 2, a federal judge handed down an injunction, effectively holding the implementation of the new Title IX regulations that Tricia is named on, stopping the Dept of Ed from forcing UASD, specifically Biglerville High School, from moving forward with the new Title IX regulations. And that's when the graffiti her daughter reported a full 15 months earlier came back to haunt the family as well, with the superintendent deciding to move forward with a full 10 day suspension from school for her, to be followed with an expulsion for making terroristic threats. That's when the Plank Family knew they needed to employ the help of an attorney to fight these ridiculous accusations.
When Tricia went to the Boro police to request a copy of the police report for accusations lodged against her husband, she was denied, with the department claiming the investigation was ongoing. How do you file charges against someone if you havent completed the investigation? During the hearing for Phil Plank, and while under oath, the teacher admitted she DID consult with school administration before going to the police to file charges. Fortunately, the charges against Phil were fully dismissed, however not without other repercussions. The administration and school board in the district where Phil works received anonymous letters about the alleged incident and the PA Department of Education was contacted, again by an anonymous person, to investigate Phil Plank as a teacher.
Even while her daughter claims her own innocence, and though she has yet to receive due process, the superintendent went forward with her 10 day suspension. Except it's actually longer than 10 days. On paper, her suspension was to begin on August 21, the first day of classes for all UASD students. Her daughter, though, was expected to begin fall tennis practice with her high school team on August 12. Tricia received a letter from the district stating due to the upcoming suspension, her daughter was also banned from participating in any fall sports, including preseason practices.
At present, her daughter remains at home, trying to learn remotely, while her classmates and fellow teammates are in school. At the last board meeting, the board, minus Tricia, approved the hiring of another legal firm to conduct an expulsion hearing for her daughter. Read that again: the district has hired the expulsion hearing officer who will determine whether her daughter will remain in school or if she will be expelled, potentially ruining her high school career and potential future for scholarships and acceptance to college. Meanwhile, the criminal charges she faces are still working through the juvenile justice system, waiting for handwriting analysis reports, and the Plank Family and their attorney still await discovery from the district. The expulsion hearing is scheduled for September 6.
To date, legal fees have surpassed $5,000. We are asking for your consideration in helping to support the family financially as legal costs will continue to mount as this case works it way through both the school district and juvenile justice system. We believe in Tricia and we believe in the innocence of her daughter in what can only be called a case of retaliation against a mom, just trying to stand up for the rights of girls all across the country.
You can read more about her plight here, in an article from The Federalist:
Please donate and share.
You will never reach your destination as long as you stop to throw stones at every barking dog along the way - Winston Churchill
God Bless you all!Julie/I are praying for you guys!
Psalms 91
This is allegedly politically motivated corruption. To whomsoever put the school administration up to this: KEEP YOU HANDS OFF OUR CHILDREN. We support girls' athletics and safety in private spaces.
Thank you for standing up for children and families! - Former School Board member and M4L mama.
It is a spiritual battle, but we live in a material world. While my material contribution is meager, I also commit to lifting up this family spiritually. I hope others can help this family to fight this battle. Commit to the Lord your way; trust in him, and he will act. Psalm 37:5
Thank you 🙏🏻 we support you!
The Adams County community supports the PLANK FAMILY !! Tricia, YOU won a seat on the UASD board to represent your school district. The community VOTED for YOU. The UA Administration has come for your daughter(s) because they cannot control your VOTE nor your BELIEFS ~ Stay strong in TRUTH! Doll (and others) are playing a dangerous game of chess. I look forward to your final words "CHECKMATE!!"
September 14th, 2024
While Tricia's daughter was allowed back in school, for essentially "time served", she still has this mark on her school record, one that may very well haunt her going forward in life.
While we don't know the exact details of what happened, we do know that an appeal must be made. This appeal includes the potential for a handwriting expert, at an astronomical cost of $5,000 alone.
Due to that fact, we have increased the amount of the goal to $10,000 to help cover continuing legal fees and this expert.
An innocent child has not only been wrongly accused here, but has been sentenced for something she didn't do. Please prayfully consider making a donation to help pay the legal fees to clear her name. Again, this is something that may potentially follow her moving forward in life with college choices and scholarships. If you are financially unable to donate, please pray.
September 8th, 2024
The expulsion hearing concluded after over four hours. Now we wait for recommendations and a vote.
We are still a bit short of our original goal of $5000, so again we ask, if you are able to financially assist with legal fees by making a monetary donation, please consider doing so. If you can't, we ask that you please pray for a favorable outcome for this child and her family and please share this page with others.
September 6th, 2024
We are one week in and just under our goal of $5,000!
Please keep the prayers coming and if you are financially able, please consider a monetary contribution to help with the mounting legal fees. All donations in any amount are appreciated.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.