Monthly Goal:
USD $2,000
Total Raised:
USD $1,595
Raised this month:
USD $0
Campaign funds will be received by Lisa Dumas
As you may know from the previous campaign, my daughter, Margaret, is in emergency financial need. Due to many debilitating mental and health issues, she is unable to maintain gainful employment outside her home. As such, she prefers to work from home. In the past she had been able to find remote jobs, but many have turned out to be less that upright and they did not last. Her current search for remote jobs has not been successful and she is in the process of being evicted from her apartment. As such, if she looses this safe space, she will be homeless and unable to get into another apartment due to her lack of employment and medical debts that leave her with a less than acceptable credit score. Margaret is a good person, and only wishes to find a good, remote job that will enable her to support herself. She has done everything she can to get financial assistance from the usual avenues, but is constantly advised that she does not qualify. Seems unfathomable to most people who know her situation. She had a good job for the holidays but it was only temporary. She also found a partner that she thought was going to be a long longed for stable relationship; someone to share expenses with, but he decided that he could not deal with her ongoing health issues and left her with shared bills to pay on her own. Her search for a new roommate as not been successful either. For reasons that cannot be shared, she can no longer count on help from her family. She is a great graphic artist and has shops where she sells her creations but not enough to support her. She is good a web designer and would be a benefit to anyone seeking web design help. She needs a legitimate remote job. But right now, she needs immediate help to pay January rent and other bills. Your financial support is greatly appreciated, as well as prayers. And, of course, remote job leads would also be wonderful. Thanks for reading, sharing, and giving if you are able to. God Bless.
My heart goes out to your daughter and you and your family, I understand and know about this pain. Much love to you, Kay
My heart goes out to you Lisa. We are only as happy as our least happy child. Love, hugs. Prayers for you all.
October 24th, 2024
A really generous individual helped with last month's rent. Margaret did get a job @ Target but couldn't keep it due to her chronic health conditions. I know there are lots of people in need right now, but Margaret needs continued financial help. She's working with her health providers in hopes of getting control of her mental and physical challenges so she can become gainfully employed. Please help financially if you can, and please pray for her in any case. God bless!
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