Joshua Knowles


 USD $8,792

Campaign created by Tracy Sevey

Campaign funds will be received by Tracy Sevey

Joshua Knowles

"When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the Government fears the people there is Liberty." 
-Thomas Jefferson-

A picture says a thousand words doesn't it? (photo updated)

Im Josh from Arizona, 35, single father and small business owner and I will soon surrender to the Board of Prisons for 7 months.
1 week before January 6, 2021 my mom and I decided to go to DC for the Trump rally. Mother/son trip. Like many others we had concerns about the 2020 election results and hoped to see the electors sent back to the states to confirm the results one way or another. I'd never been to DC and was excited to hear the president and sightsee. The rally was amazing. I'd never seen so many people in one location before and everyone was thrilled to be there. We even made it through security and were able to be in the front half near the Presidents stage. After the speech it took quite awhile to start exiting due to the massive crowd and people were hanging around figuring out where to head next. We made our way down Pennsylvania Ave with millions of Americans to hear from planned speakers at the Capitol. The peace, patriotism and love from the crowd was refreshing and we felt right at home with Patriots from all over the country. Unity amongst all walks of life. Half way there I began getting calls from back home that chaos was erupting ahead. Someone had been shot and died? (Ashley Babbit)This couldn't possibly be true. Where we were there was nothing of the sort going on. We stopped for lunch at a food truck, the only place to grab food in town, then headed to our hotel to return a little later. Upon reaching the Capitol the people were singing the national anthem, praying, gathering and waving thousands of flags but there were no speakers or events going on. I made my way to the top of the stairs and saw doors held open by the police with crowds of people walking in. The CP shook hands with the people, told us where we could go and where we couldn't. Following the crowd it was hot and congested. For all of my 7 minutes inside, there were a few angry protestors but the majority were wandering around looking at this historic building. On my way out and walking to the North side of this massive building there were "supposed" patriots banging on windows and causing damage. I quickly knew something wasn't right. Up on the platforms around the building there was groups of agitators, The capitol police then began congregating from the inside. What I did not expect was the CP to activate an all out assault on the American people. The patriots were being attacked with chemical deterrents, rubber bullets, tear gas etc. This infuriated the crowds and soon the police riot squad was making their way out of the building. They began spraying the people, demanding everyone retreat while pushing the crowd back. I witnessed a man shoved down the stairs by the police, a man with a hole in his face from a rubber bullet. Also witnessed a police officer shoved down by protestors. As I helped a crowd goer who was injured the CP, they were coming closer and we were unable to move away quickly. A female officer began beating me with her steal baton on my backside. Somehow I was able to turn around and place my PVC flag pole between us and begged her to stop, I explained I was moving as quickly I could. The male officer next to her agreed with me and the beating stopped. When I was able, I made my way to my mom and walked her back to the hotel.

Prior to arriving in DC we were informed that DC was shut down. Nothing was open and to expect Antifa groups to be present. We were encouraged to escort anyone walking alone, elderly, women and children back to their vehicles or hotels. From our hotel room window the night before J6 we saw 2 white vans stop at the corner down below our room and out came groups of people dressed in all black. This confirmed our prior warning. For a city completely shut down with very few vehicles on the street other than Ubers these vans were very noticeable. 

After taking my mom back to the hotel, I went back to the Capitol to see if I could help anyone get where they needed to go. The massive crowd was mostly gone other than a few hundred people gathered by the reflection pool. It was now dark and a woman and her daughter were trying to call an Uber but their phones were dead. I offered them use my portable charger and waited with them until their Uber arrived. Shortly after I noticed the Police begin circling the group of people I was around. This was when I became a J6er.

They arrested about 50 of us for curfew violation. Supposedly curfew was in effect at 6pm. We were all loaded onto buses and off we went. I was able to make a quick call to my mom but she had no idea where I went or what had happened to me. All I knew was our flight leaves in 48 hours and didn't know if I was going to make it out in time to get home. After being held without a phone call they released me 26 hours later on OR. Being let out on the streets of DC in the dark I had no idea where I even was. In a town I wasn't familiar with, without my phone (they kept it) and had no idea how to find the hotel. Thankfully another guy was released with me. His friend had been driving around for 24 hours looking for him. He happened to drive by at the right moment and they gave me a ride to my hotel which happened to only be a few blocks away.  

Mom had explained that family in AZ had been calling all day, the events of J6 were on every network and my name and another woman were the first 2 names on the news as insurrectionists back in AZ. That was the farthest thing from the truth I'd ever heard. It was overwhelming to get out of jail and hear all that had gone on the last 26 hours. 

When we returned home, the local news stations were at the airport. They were outside my home for 3 days. Spoke to my neighbors, continually knocked on our front door and even followed my family when taking my kids to school.  
I have 2 amazing children, 8 and 10 years old. I am a father figure to 2 other children as well. All of whom I love dearly. 4 years ago when this fiasco began my daughter was 6 and ever since that time she has struggled with anxiety and physical illness. Our circumstances have changed and currently I am going through a divorce with temporary orders. A lot of things have been added to her plate unfortunately and the illnesses continues. 

18 months fighting a curfew charge (misdemeanor in CITY court) and every intention to go to trial, the GOV then decided to indict me on

4 FEDERAL misdemeanors. The typical J6 charges:
Ct 1: Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds
Ct 2: Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds
Ct 3: Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building (sounds like Ct 2)
Ct 4: Parading in a Capitol Building. 
7 minutes in and out and 4 federal charges! Wow! Curfew charge gone and the next 2 years had begun. 

The past 2 years the GOV failed to provide me with their discovery until the very last minute. When they did provide evidence I could not open or access the files. Like the first case, I was determined to go to trial. Even knowing that ALL DC cases for J6ers are 100% convictions. NO ONE has been found not guilty. The GOV did not appreciate my willingness to go to trial, and then came the ultimatum. 
Feeling backed into a corner, a nasty divorce currently still going on, a daughter with health needs, a small business owner and sole provider for my household, I was told if I did not accept the plea offered, the GOV would indict me on 4 Federal FELONY charges instead. Currently my charges are federal MISDEMEANORS. I would have been required to be in DC for every trial hearing and certainly could not afford those expenses. I also knew this case would be used against me in my custody proceedings. 

Ultimately I chose my kids and family, temporary custody orders that were in place, over continuing to fight and battle what I would unjustly not win. All 4 kids are the most meaningful, valuable, important human beings in my life. I chose them over myself. 

I was expecting 3 days time served (there was 2 more days served after the FBI showed up for the 4 new charges) a fine, probation and community service. This was for a plea for 1 COUNT and the other 3 would be dropped. This outcome was suggested as most likely outcome from counsel. Which is why I accepted the plea. But this did not happen. 

On July 25, 2024 at sentencing, Judge Kelly, on the plea for Ct 2: Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds, sentenced me to 7 months in a federal prison. 500.00 fine and 1 year probation. Judge Kelly said because I showed no remorse for However I felt peace throughout this ordeal, even at sentencing for I had done nothing KNOWINGLY wrong. I was peaceful and caused no damage to anyone or anything whatsoever. 

There are hundreds of innocent Americans locked away for years who have been sought out by the Government. I suppose I don't have it to bad, It could be worse. While I am away I will likely lose my business I built myself. Pool Service and Repair. I have a home to keep for my children and family. Responsibilities, obligations and the holidays coming to make it through this time and would be forever grateful for any help you feel led to give. My mom will be handling this account for me and will provide updates often.

I have received my date and location to Surrender. 9/5/2024 in California. Why would they not allow me to stay where I asked to be? Close to my kids and in my own state? Another attempt to continue punishing innocent Americans. 1 misdemeanor count and 7 MONTHS. I will not be broken. I will always fight for freedom and liberty for myself and all Americans. 

Thank you for listening to my experience on J6, for your support and prayers.
God bless you and God Bless our great country. It's worth saving and fighting for. 

Joshua Knowles
J6 Hostage 

Recent Donations
Jake Lang
$ 1000.00 USD
16 days ago

Welcome home patriot!! God bless you!

$ 25.00 USD
18 days ago

$ 25.00 USD
22 days ago


Paul Dudley
$ 200.00 USD
30 days ago

Praying for peace for Josh and the family. Also that the new administration would pardon this quickly.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you ... brings me tears...

Terry Manion
$ 150.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Trump won, I'm writing everyday to ensure the first thing he does is free the J6 Political prisoners. Thinking of you Josh. Hang in there.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

Jenny Jamie
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Ruby Martin
$ 30.00 USD
3 months ago

Josh, I can tell you are a good man, son & father. I’m on TN/KY line if I can help your mom. If you need anything please let me know. I wish I was wealthy but I’m unemployed and still have 8 months before s/s.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

So sorry for the persecution you are going through and the difficulties it has caused for you and your family. Stay strong. There are those who care.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Cindy M
$ 40.00 USD
4 months ago

God bless you. I pray you and the other Patriots will be released soon.

James Reece
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Praying for you bro, I hate this has happened to you, you definitely don't deserve this we will get up when you get out maybe I can fly out from Bama one weekend out there


Update #12

January 22nd, 2025

Joshua is FREE! As most of you know by now Josh was 1 of 1500 to receive a full and unconditional pardon from President Trump on 1/20/25. The President fulfilled his promise to make these wrongs right. Joshua has been called a domestic terrorist, anarchist, traitor, some believe that he and many others "attacked" and stormed the United States Capitol. The truth of January 6, 2021 and our experience that day was one of patriotism, unity and love for our country. All walks of life from every corner of the USA. Elderly, children, families, every color, race and creed. Our plan and intention that day was to see historical sights and tour the city. See President Trump speak with 1 million other like minded Americans. Then walk to the capitol and listen to the permitted speakers on the lawn. That never happened. There were no speakers, only a very large crowd that seemed to be getting out of hand, but why? what happened from the rally to the Capitol? For the record, Joshua never entered or broke into, unlawfully nor illegally, did not attack anyone, did not damage anything. For just being there, entering through an open door held open by Capitol Police, walked along a wall and 7-9 minutes later exited the next door. For that alone, he received 7 months in prison. Did you know 99% of those charged and pursued by the DOJ were convicted? 99%!! which means EVERYONE, was convicted. Change of venues were all denied. Discovery was withheld from defendants, witnesses were not allowed to be called, there were no speedy trials and you had no defense. Defendants were over charged and over sentenced according to the law. Did you also know now the juries were re-circulated over and over again? If the defendant did not apologize at sentencing, you received more time on your sentence. Defendants were threatened with felonies if they did not take pleas. Joshua was charge the common 4 MISDOMEANORS and was sent to a Federal prison, He had NO felonies! There was not a single action that day by Josh that warranted a single charge from the GOV. He was and is an innocent man. The way the prosecutors worded the pre sentencing reports made every single defendant out to be a domestic terrorist. For these reasons and more President Trump did the right thing and kept his word. Josh was released at 8pm on Inauguration Day. and as of this afternoon 1/21/25 he is home where he belongs. Unconditional and Full Pardon and is once again a FREE man.

He has already seen his children and the reunion was just what they needed. He is ready to get back to his life and responsibilities to provide for his home. With all that said, the 4 years leading up to this moment has brought great sacrifice, downsizing, slower business, lost clients, readjusting business and reprioritizing wants really important in life. Planning for a future that was unclear. not knowing what the last 4 years would bring, a lot of things had to be put on the back burner. Josh has been in a custody battle for 3 years now. Another item put on hold. All along the kids have been told he is an insurrectionist, attacked and stormed the capitol, a criminal and not a good father. With no funds for an attorney, it is now time to get to work! Obtain and secure someone who will fight for him to maintain and help to flourish all thats been broken with the kids. There have been grave consequences these past few years, for him and for each of them. We still have a BIG expense in the next few weeks to try and cover. A lawyer.

If you feel led to help us continue this fight please donate to his campaign. Thank you to ALL who have given from your heart and for your continued support and prayers. Thank you for sharing this fund with others and for all the calls, texts and emails. You have all been a blessing and encouragement to us. We will Make America Great Again. As I bring this update to a close ALL but 21 J6ers have been released, most still behind walls are in the corrupt DC Gulag. Pray the GOV will open the doors and let them go home! 


Update #11

January 12th, 2025

Quick update:

New mailing address:

Joshua Knowles 19366-510 

FCI Victorville Medium 2DU-304

Federal Corrections Institution

PO BOX 3850

Adelanto, CA 92301

Same location, different floor on same unit for those writing. 


Update #10

November 8th, 2024


 Saying Gratefulness of a Trump 2024 win is EPIC and what the world needed, is not enough to express the excitement and future for America! Heard from Josh 11/6 early morning. A few tears came to his and my eyes expressing the JOY, thrill and vindication of the last 4 years. The J6ers are on a road to freedom. Promises made, Promises kept! It is a travesty the injustice what the GOV has done to innocent Americans. But one day soon, they will be vindicated and set free. The process of gaining their lives back, putting families back together, starting over and clearing their names is going to be a long road ahead but it is only a short time away. We look forward to a nation that is about TRUTH, FACTS, JUSTICE and LAW and ORDER, Making what has been clearly used against the American people, will soon be made right. It is with great JOY that I have faith! Whether it be 5 more months or 5 more days, we will soon have our son back home, picking up the pieces and putting back together what was taken away. The one absolute in this life is GOD. in control, knowing every detail of everyone one of our lives and putting evil under his foot. There has been some recent giving to the fund. THANK YOU! The road ahead is going to be tough but not impossible. Why? because nothing is impossible with GOD. nothing!

Thank you for the continued prayer, keeping Josh lifted up and thank you for all the messages I receive in support. I appreciate you! 



October 16th, 2024

Hello All, 

This past weekend I was able to visit with Josh both Sat and Sunday. He looks great and sounds good too. Alot of time to catch up in person and lay my own eyes on him. He is hanging in there and expressed his gratefulness for all the prayers. He feels them and is encouraged. He has received all the books in the registry and is passing them on to others, trading books and keeping some for himself. He is attending church on Sundays and really enjoys his time listening to the messages. Got a job and keeping busy. Time is flying by for him and He is looking forward to coming home and putting all of this behind him. 

The fund has been at a stand still for quite some time. Feel free to forward it to friends and family, email or text the link. 

Thank you, 


Updated address

October 7th, 2024


Updated address for Josh if you are writing letters. The 2DL-104 needs to be after his name also. Mail will get to him sooner. He has received all 16 books! you guys are amazing. He said to tell you thank you. He is enjoying them one by one and finishing rather quickly. Fills the time and is encouraged. 

Joshua Knowles 19366-510 DL-104

FCI Victorville Medium II

Federal Corrections Institution

PO BOX 3850

Adelanto, CA 92301


Update #7

October 3rd, 2024

Thank you to anyone who has ordered from the Amazon book registry. Josh is plowing through his new reading material. More are on the way. Here is the link with a few books left if you'd like to send him one. Its super simple, select a book, select his name (no need to enter any info, its already there!) and send.

Joshua said to say hello to all of you and is grateful for your prayers and giving. Please feel free to forward the fund to anyone you think may support and re-share. We are all fine here at home and talk with him daily. 

Thank you!


Update #6

September 13th, 2024

Week 1:

It has been eventful both for Josh and here at home. Commissary has been ordered and laundry services are back up and running. There is also a book registry with Amazon for Josh. Since his stay isn't to long there is just a few books he'd like.

Here is the link:

His address is already in the registry so you wont have to enter any information. Select, Click, Send. IF you send a book, Thank you! there are 3 selections remaining. 

He has signed up for a few classes but most of them they say he is over qualified for. That's a good thing! We are holding down the fort here at home and trucking along. He calls daily and sounds good. Has moments of really missing his kids but he is focused and determined, making the best of the situation and can't wait to be home. 

Thank you for continued prayers and support! 


Update #5

September 10th, 2024

Day 5:

Josh calls various friends and family a few times a day. Still sounds pretty good but has moments he’s bored. The jobs are full and classes have waiting lists. No one has been able to order commissary in over 3 weeks for unknown reasons. Laundry services weren’t available for over 2 but have resumed thankfully. 

Please pray he will be able to order necessities asap. That space would be open and be available for classes. 

Thank you for the new giving that has come in and share via texts and emails to your friends, family and patriots. For others who follow updates but give in other ways, thank you! 


Update #4

September 7th, 2024

First phone call:

Josh sounds good. He is safe, protected and feeling content in his surroundings. He has called a few times today and sounds the same each time. He is starting to get things in place. emails, calls and commissary. It was a blessing to hear from him. Josh thanked everyone for the support and is very thankful. Continual prayers are appreciated and welcomed. 


Update #3

September 6th, 2024

Day of Surrender:

God is at work! with many forces against Josh, who want to take him down, would rather see him fail than prosper, accuse and say many false and evil things, we had several moments God showed himself to us. Especially to Josh. All in 36 hours. As we were heading out of town for CA. An order came from the court granting our continuances in his family case until after release. Huge win! In this moment I immediately felt The Lord say "Im aware, Im involved in your needs, I know the plans I have for you, I go before you, Im with you" I shared this with Josh and he was in a bit of awe. It was a sweet moment of reminder that Josh/we are not alone. Not left to our own devices and he will meet us in our time of need. One less thing for him to think about over the next few months. Always take those moments and share them with others. Don't overlook them. It will bless and encourage others and remind them of the goodness of GOD. 

Before we left our location for the 30 minutes drive to final destination, a group of family gathered to pray over Josh. Making our cares known to the Almighty who hears our pleas. It was a sweet time of calling on the Lord for his help in our/his time of need. On the drive, Josh said out loud that he was feeling a sense of peace, calmness that hadn't been present in a few days. We asked and the Lord provided! Another moment the Lord delivered. 

Upon arrival, we walked with him inside. We had 1 minute for hugs and I Love you's and he was gone. Now the wait for that first phone call begins. 

Thank you for praying for him and our family. There are situations at home that are tiresome and hard to navigate through. But God, in his steadfast love is present, making himself know and reminds us He will never leave us and is with us. He knows every details of the struggles and its His plans that prevail for His own glory. 

Write to Josh here:

Joshua Knowles 19366-510 2DL-104

FCI Victorville Medium II

Federal Corrections Institution

PO BOX 3850

Adelanto, CA 92301


Update #2

September 5th, 2024

9/5 Today-Surrender day AM

We are in CA with only a few hours until Josh will be walking into Victorville Federal Prison. Yesterday was a really hard day. Saying goodbye to the kids. There is confusion, emotions, inability to understand what has caused their dad to have to leave them. Pray for Josh please. We are less than 2 Hours away. 

Will update soon with his actual address for letters and mail. 


Update #1

August 30th, 2024

T-3 days until we drive Josh to CA to surrender him to the Board of Prisons. There is still so much to take care of behind the scenes to prepare for his absence and it is crunch time with a Holiday this weekend, which doesnt help. I wanted to personally thank each person for your giving thus far. We are all truly thankful. It is extremely hard to spread the fund on social media. J6er crowd funding is highly shadow banned and not scene. Believe it or not the GOV has found a way to withdraw money from J6 fund accounts and pay off fines owed to the GOV from thousands of sentences imposed on the innocent American patriots. I pray this doesnt happen to us. Josh's fine is smaller, 500.00 but legal funds have been confiscated to GOV paid attorneys, Taken from people who raised money to save their homes, funds for wives and families to pay the bills. We are living in unfettered waters and never in our lifetimes have we been witness to such abhorrent actions by the regime we all have to exist under, for now.  

We have a deadline for a few more court filings for Josh divorce case by Tuesday 9/3. We have been working non stop with the help of people close to us to fill out motions, make a million copies and stand in line to file documents. Now we have opposing counsel objecting to all of them. There are prior hearings already on the docket that Josh wont be physically able to be present for but He wants to proceed anyways. Seriously?? one motion leads to another and another. 

Please pray that the Judge will have favor and GRANT our continuances until he is released. 

I have been so busy I really haven't had the time to process what's about to occur in a few short days. Im sure I will on the drive to Victorville 9/5. I feel with the updates this may be a way of journaling for me. Hope you are along for the ride. 

Please share the fund anywhere you can. Ive contacted some big name accounts and hope to get some help spreading his story. If the Lord wants of fund it He will make a way!

Ive come across some great foundations that help J6ers. There is also a J6 tracker that has tons of spreadsheets listing every J6er by name, by BOP#, by commissary funding, by facility, by arrest and release date, by charges, by state, by givesendgo accounts etc. There is Christmas lists for families and inmates, It is very informative and Josh is listed. He will be fully listed when we have his BOP info. 

Some sites to take a look at: WE can ALL do something (this one is phenomenal, Everything J6ers) (can sponsor an inmate monthly) (great videos, stories and documentaries and more)

The tireless work of hundreds of people started organizing a few years ago after J6 and were determined to not let one single J6er and their families be forgotten. They are doing Gods work. putting others before themselves and it's truly amazing. In a helpless situation Im sure it feeds their souls to not sit back and watch people lives be destroyed. 

Again thank you all for giving, Share, Share, Share. 

Until next time, 


Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.