USD $5,000
USD $4,075
Campaign funds will be received by Rachael Price
Hi, Everyone 🤍
I’d like to take some time to share our journey with you all.
In the spring of 2022 our sweet little girls health took a sudden turn. Isabella had a flair up of eczema that wasn’t being alleviated with her typical lotions and medications, so I scheduled her an appointment with her dermatologist. Just before her appointment, a dime size bald spot appeared on the top of her head. I brought this up at her appointment and the dermatologist diagnosed her with “a minor case of alopecia”, prescribed us a steroid ointment to rub on her eczema and the spot where she was experiencing hair loss and scheduled us for a one month follow up. In that one month period between appointments, Isabella had lost about 50% of her hair.
Isabella is now 8 years old and has lost all of her hair, suffers from stomach issues, chronic fatigue and debilitating joint pain. She has had multiple labs done, been seen by rheumatologists, endocrinologists, allergists and the dermatologist multiple times.
Her dermatologist recently put her on dexamethasone (JAK Inhibitor) and we started to see hair regrowth; however, within a few months her body stopped responding to it and her hair began to fall out again.
Which leads us to today.
Isabella will continue to see her specialists in hopes of finding an effective path to improve her health and we are in the process of getting a wig for her.
Any donations will go towards past/future medical expenses and towards her wig, to include travel and lodging expenses for her appointment in Houston.
All prayers and donations are greatly appreciated 🙏
Much love to you all
You got this Isabella!
Prayers you all will get answers and for Isabella’s health❤️🩹
Praying for you
Sending y’all our love and prayers!!
I pray you find answers for your precious baby girl
Hope she gets well and pulls threw.
We love yall so much!!
November 18th, 2024
Isabella’s appointment was pushed back to today and she is currently finishing up! Her new wig is perfect! She is SO happy!
Words can’t express the gratitude that we have for each and every one of your donations. You helped make this possible for her ❤️
September 25th, 2024
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.