Supporting Jan and George


 AUD $2,000


 AUD $1,282

Campaign created by Anita Vogel

Campaign funds will be received by Janet Greig

Supporting Jan and George

Our lovely friend Jan Greig has recently been diagnosed with MND (Motor Neurone Disease).

Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name for a group of diseases. These diseases affect nerves known as motor nerves, or motor neurons. 

You may also know Jan as (Seonaid).  This fundraiser will help Jan and her husband George with any medical costs not covered by other means and also so they can take a short holiday to the mainland of Australia to see friends (they live in Tassie).  Please give what you can to bless Jan and George during this challenging time.  Please pray for both Jan and George as well.

Note - you may know Jan by her Pseudonym - 'Seonaid Criosdail' on Facebook :)

Thank you.

Recent Donations
Trevor - Kathryn Handreck
$ 50.00 AUD
2 months ago

Lovely meeting Jan and George on their travels. Touched by their love for God and devotion to one another.

$ 150.00 AUD
3 months ago

I hope this can contribute towards a night's accommodation, and that you are both blessed by the getaway. My thoughts and love, xxk

$ 50.00 AUD
4 months ago

All my love to you.

$ 25.00 AUD
6 months ago

Rich blessings Jan & George

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 AUD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 AUD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 80.00 AUD
6 months ago

May you have peace and joy in the Lord Jesus.

Anonymous Giver
$ 7.00 AUD
6 months ago

$ 500.00 AUD
6 months ago

bless you guys

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 AUD
6 months ago

Gods richest blessings on you Jan and George


Update #4

October 6th, 2024

I came home from hospital on Friday afternoon, after having my PEG feeding tube put in on Thursday. It’s a simple op, but I was in a lot of pain after, and apparently had a laryngospasm while I was still under sedation, so they kept me in overnight. I had a slightly raised temp, which turned out (after x-rays and ultrasound) to be a mild infection in my right lung. That’s a known risk with MND, due to problems with swallowing. I’ve been dosed up to the eyeballs with strong painkillers and antibiotics. Now on Oxycodone every 3 hours. It makes me very sleepy, so I had a good sleep last night!

Still in quite a bit of pain…..feels like I’ve been skewered by a telephone pole! 

Have to follow lots of instructions on cleaning and turning the PEG tube, flushing it etc, and a supply of feeds to have twice a day, while I can still eat soft foods. Later, when I can’t swallow any more, it will be my sole source of nutrition and hydration.

George is brilliant, he’s taking it all in his stride and caring for me so well! He should have been a nurse! I feel very safe, loved and cared for in his capable hands.

The nurses and doctors in LGH have been angels, too….nothing is too much trouble for them, and I appreciate their care very much. Erin, the PEG nurse, is wonderful….she even gave me her private number to call her if I’m worried about something!

Well, that’s the latest….hopefully everything will be smooth sailing now, at least for a little while so we can have our little holiday at the end of the month to visit some dear friends.

The Lord has been faithful in providing strength and peace through all this, I’m depending fully on His wonderful grace and goodness. Over my 46 years as His child, He has never let me down, and it’s in the hardest times I know I can rest in His provision and loving presence.

Love and God bless to all,

Jan (Seonaid)

Update #3

September 20th, 2024

I’ve been in hospital ED 3 times in a week (including on my birthday! 😔) with severe laryngitis, and a nasty cough, which has been giving me laryngospasms…. when my larynx suddenly closes, and I can’t breathe or speak for up to 60 seconds. Scary and nasty experience, but not life-threatening. In hospital they gave me adrenaline in a nebulizer which fixed things fairly promptly.

Saw the neurologist yesterday, he said things are progressing (not in a good way, though.) He Suggested getting a PEG (feeding tube) put in ASAP, as my choking episodes are more frequent. Also suggested a bi-pap to help my breathing when I need it.

ENT specialist did a laryngoscopy, confirmed that my larynx is weaker and partially closed- hence the choking and breathing problems.

Saw the speech pathologists as well, they gave me some helpful advice on what and how to eat. I have a thickening powder for my drinks, makes it much safer and easier (colourless and tasteless, even in water)

They gave me a big tub of Sustagen for extra nutrition, so I don't lose too much weight.

I guess it won't be long before I have no voice. Hoping to do voice banking, but impossible just now.... have to wait for the laryngitis to heal.

Oh, well, it is what it is!

Emotionally, I’m fine. I have asked the Lord to give me courage, and the assurance of His presence, and He has done just that….and more. 

George is in full caretaker mode.... a bit soon, but I love that he cares so much. I don't want him to overdo it though and burn out.... he's trying to do everything himself, but I'm still functional (apart from voice just now) Legs and arms work fine!

Palliative care lady visiting on Friday.

Seeing the gastroenterologist on 24th re PEG.


Note to self: enjoy chocolate while I can still eat without a feeding tube! 😁

Update #2

September 20th, 2024

August 22, 2024

So many appointments! Clinic with the neurologist and neurology nurse, respiratory physiotherapist (which is almost impossible for me to say, with my weak tongue! 😖) …. who gave me lessons on how to cough, among other things…. and still to come, home assessment, speech therapist, nutritionist (to discuss a feeding tube insertion) palliative care helpers….

For the first time in my life, I have a full diary! 😂

I am also seeing a naturopath, who is supplying me with supplements to boost cognitive function. The neurologist probably doesn’t approve, being a “conventional medicine” proponent, but he was wise enough to refrain from commenting. Just suggested I have a liver function blood test after a month. Ironically, the “conventional” medicine, Riluzole, has serious liver damage as one of its potential side effects!! 🧐 And can actually cause respiratory failure!

I have refused it, since it “may or may not help”. 😏

Doing well just now, apart from sounding like a drunken sailor (minus the bad language 😂)

Update #1 - Meeting Emma

August 7th, 2024

This morning, we had a 2-hour meeting with Emma, the MND representative. She was incredibly professional, organised, and also warm and caring.

Emma provided a detailed overview of all available support, including funding, equipment from a lending library, and various medical personnel like speech therapists, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists. She also explained assistance with government aid, home care, and planning.

Her information and reassurance made us feel confident and well-supported, especially regarding concerns about cognitive degeneration and frontal-lobe dementia, which affect only about 15% of MND patients and are usually mild and controllable with medication.

Emma respects our wish to stay fully informed, appreciating our research efforts, which she said actually makes her job easier.  Our next step is to begin speech therapy, with Emma arranging an appointment for us as soon as possible.

So, we are feeling much more positive now, thanks to this lovely lady and thank you for your amazing support too :)

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.