USD $2,140
Campaign funds will be received by St. John Bosco Academy
The Rosary Rally was an event started by Fr. Patrick Peyton in the 1950s. Its purpose was to educate and make people aware of the power of the Rosary and emphasize the infinite value of family prayer. Although Fr. Peyton has passed, there are Rosary Rallies all over the world still to this day. St. John Bosco Academy’s third annual Rosary Rally, hosted by our senior class, will take place on September 7th at 6pm at the Bowl in Sugar Hill. We will have an inspirational message from Bishop Joseph Strickland, testimonies, food trucks, Catholic vendors, and most importantly...the Rosary!
We need your help to make this a reality and build momentum! Share this message with others! Watch the story of Fr. Patrick Peyton in his amazing movie, "Pray." Invite your neighbors and friends to join us on September 7! Remember to keep this initiative in your prayers and be sure to sign our prayer support page! And last but not least, consider supporting this initiative financially!
"The world hasn't got a prayer without yours." -- Fr. Patrick Peyton
May our Blessed Lady intercede for all SJBA families.
The Scherer Family
May the Blessings & Prayers we say daily be with those that are in need. And may our Holy Mother bless all those that will lead us during this Rosary Rally.
Hope to see y'all there.
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