USD $25,000
USD $6,505
Campaign funds will be received by Abigail Etter
Hello everyone,
As many of you know, Abigail is a wife to David and mom to Gabriel (7) and Isaiah (4). She has been living with stage 4 breast cancer for almost 21/2 years. She has been in remission for about a year and a half, but her latest scans seem to show that the cancer is active in her body yet again. Her doctors believe they can treat it with radiation at this time.
This time around, Abigail would like to incorporate some supportive treatments. She was gifted hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments at the beginning of the year and she has physical evidence from her doctors that it helped her body immensely. She is hoping to continue with the hyperbaric chamber at the very least. If she can raise enough support, she would love to work with an integrative oncologist who can prescribe treatments to best support her body as it fights cancer.
Most supportive/integrative therapies, even the ones that are well studied and effective, are not covered by insurance. She will need to raise the money to be able to afford them. Honestly, the expense seems out of reach, but we know that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Psalm 50:10), and He is able to provide for her if this is His will.
We are starting with a goal of $25,000. Everything raised will go directly to supporting Abigail’s body through radiation and beyond. Thank you all so much!
Prayers continued for you, for David and for your precious boys. Love, Hans and Autumn
Praying for you!
Praying for you!
Praying for you and your precious family sweet lady!
Prayers & hugs! 🙏❤️🙏
Praying for you!
Praying big things to a really big God!!
Dearest Abigail, my heart is steadfast in my prayers for you ! May The God of Hope be so Near
Lots of love and prayers from your Pop Pop
We are praying for you and your family. ❤️
I love you! Praying for you always.
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