USD $6,000
USD $7,747
Campaign funds will be received by Anna Greene
Christopher has been a fighter since he was born into this world 27 years ago to my dear friend, Anna Greene. He was born with a rare heart condition known as hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Christopher underwent open heart surgery (Norwood Procedure) at CHOP in Philadelphia within 24 hours of taking his first breath. By the time he was three years old, Christopher had undergone two additional surgeries (Glen Shunt and Fontan Procedures) that would allow him to live a healthy childhood all the way through high school. Anna remarks of Christopher growing up, "He was only slightly more tired/winded than his friends who were glad to wait up for him!"
Anna was told during Christopher's first years of life that he would eventually need a heart transplant when he became an adult. A liver transplant would also be likely due to the toll caused by Christopher's medications over the years. In October of 2021, Christopher went into heart failure. He remained in Pittsburgh Children's Hospital until November. He was transferred to the Children's Hospital in Cincinnati where a LVAD battery operated heart pump was surgically implanted. Doctors determined soon after that Christopher needed to be placed on the transplant list for a heart and liver. In March of this year, the Greenes were excited to learn a donor was found for Christopher. He was prepped for surgery; but upon closer inspection of the organs, it was found that the liver had a tumor. The surgeons decided to postpone the transplant and hope for another donor.
In the early hours of July 10th, Christopher received the call that there was another heart and liver ready for him. Once again, he and Anna drove to Cincinnati Children's Hospital. Christopher's surgery lasted about 12 hours. His new heart is beating strong through God's mercy! However, he has had several complications since the double transplant: blood clotting in the liver, fluid retention in the abdomen, and now sepsis. Christopher and his family need much prayer at this time.
I started this fundraiser to help support Anna while she cares for Christopher. She has very limited resources, and I don't want her to worry over financial concerns. I want her to be able to devote this time to Christopher and to God. If you can help in any way through prayer or a donation, I know she will be so thankful for your love and concern!
I want to make this donation in honor of my grandson Vasili for his nameday and my granddaughter Anna for her upcoming birthday! We have been praying for your whole family! God is with you!
Praying for better health.
We pray you have a Blessed Nativity! Merry Christmas!🎄
God bless your struggles! We love you!
In memory of our Aunt Georgia's soul!
We love you, Christopher and Anna!
Keep up the good fight, Christopher!
God loves you Christopher!
This gift is given in memory of my mother, Lukia. May God bless Christopher! You are very blessed to have such a loving mama to support you!
May our dearest mother Panagia watch over you and strengthen you! You are in our heart and our prayer though we never met. That's the beautiful mystery of love ...from one heart to another in Christ...crossing time and distance. We pray that you will do more than just get better; you will be better than you were before.
May God continue to bless and heal Christopher!
January 2nd, 2025
From Anna:
Thank you and may God bless you all for your generosity!
Christopher's heart and liver are working wonderfully. His pancreas and inflammation are calming down. Except for a few infections and pneumonia, he has continued to heal and strengthen. As soon as the doctors can get his blood sugar under control, Christopher will be transferred from the CICU to an adult rehab facility. His kidneys have shown no sign of working, so as soon as he is completely healed and gained enough strength, he will be placed on the kidney transplant list. In the meantime, Glory to God for All Things!
September 16th, 2024
Forgive the lack of an update these last few weeks. Recovery from transplant surgeries can be complicated and Christopher has had some setbacks ( issues with his pancreas and kidneys, abdominal stitches coming open, and abdominal pain ) but also improvements (lessening of pain symptoms and healing of stitches, and improved tolerance for his occupational and physical therapies). His liver and heart are working well!
Today Anna sent a pic of Christopher sitting up in bed and says he is getting more restorative sleep which is so important for healing.
Keep up your prayers for Christopher and Anna! May God continue to grant them strength and courage!
August 14th, 2024
Christopher was extubated earlier today and is awake and alert!
Please continue to pray for him as he has a long road to recovery ahead of him!
August 10th, 2024
Text from Anna:
Christopher has been awake the past few days. Mark said he’s very responsive with his head nods and shakes, and he can move his finger slightly, but his legs and feet are still strong. The doctors are trying to find a small infection they think is in his stomach. They’re trying another Antibiotic on it. They still think his kidneys will come around and they said his pancreas is is already beginning to work on its own. Just a short time ago they did a brain scan. Mark said a few hours for the results.
A later text:
Yes, his brain is fine. He’s becoming more and more awake every day. Mark said he’s he’s pretty himself of course groggy and tired. They took. They took him off almost all his medicines for pain and to keep him sleepy. He’s beginning to move his hands a little more he’s much more himself, and he’s actually wearing his glasses now because he can see and focus. Glory to God I will be going on Tuesday to stay up there for probably at least a week and a half or two weeks. I just have to see how things go.
Poor Anna had been sick with Covid and had to return home to recover. But now she will be able to return to Christopher’s side soon!
August 2nd, 2024
"Glory to God for all things! He really is showing signs of healing. He is much less jaundiced, which means his liver is working. He is also still on the blood dialysis machine. They are thinking of next week trying to close some of his abdomen, but they want to look around and make sure things are going well. They also might close the hole in his colon. They have taken him off all of the blood pressure medicines, except one, which is a very low dose. They've taken him also off of all the pain and sleepy medicines, except one which is a 2-in-1 medicine that just keeps him lightly sleepy. He still has not truly awakened, because he is still on the intubator because of the next procedure (to come). For the weekend, they just want to keep him steady and quiet, which he is doing a lot on his own. Through all the prayers of the Saints and Martyrs, God is strengthening him. Thank you for all of your prayers! Keep them going!"
July 31st, 2024
From ANNA (text):
"Christopher has been doing very well with his new liver, all blood tests are coming back with no alarming changes. Theotokos. Theotokos. Next thing they are looking at is to extubate him."
July 30th, 2024
From ANNA:
Christopher's liver operation went very well last night. This liver is already functioning well! The doctor this morning said that everything went well even though it was a long process. Glory to God this liver is good!
Please thank everyone for all their prayers and support. I really appreciate everything!
From Sarah:
Anna mentioned to me that Christopher's coloring is so good now. He is no longer jaundiced. Prior to the second liver transplant, his fingernails and toenails had a purplish tint to them and his body had been cool or just warmish to the touch and now it is warm all over! Glory to God for all things! May our Good and Loving God continue to bless Christopher, Anna and the whole medical team!
July 28th, 2024
Anna thanks everyone for their prayers and generous donations. These have been a great source of support for Christopher and the whole family! The donations have helped to alleviate some of the financial strain.
It has been difficult to provide updates on Christopher's condition because things have been changing from day to day and even hour to hour. Yesterday, Anna received confirmation from the medical staff that Christopher will need to undergo another liver transplant. Doctors discovered that the source of the sepsis infection was in a blocked duct in the liver, and the transplanted liver is no longer viable. However, doctors said that Christopher's heart and brain function are strong. They feel confident that Christopher would be able to tolerate another liver transplant. Christopher had been placed on an emergency liver transplant list, and by the Grace of God, a matching liver was found today. He will undergo surgery tomorrow (07/29) morning.
Please continue to pray ardently for Christopher. May God continue to enlighten the doctors and all the staff who are in charge of his care. May Saint Luke the Surgeon and Saint Panteleimon guide the hands of the surgeons during the upcoming transplant.
I am changing the goal for Anna's and Christopher's financial needs to $6000 due to the other expenses previously unaccounted for (e.g: meals, hotel stays, gasoline, etc.). May our Lord bless you abundantly for your love, prayers, and support for Anna and Christopher.
July 21st, 2024
Corrections to above story:
1. Christopher needed a new liver due to the stress of consistently working with a heart that had lowered function over the years.
2. The cancellation of the transplant in March was due to the donor liver being fatty.
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