USD $60,000
USD $27,885
Campaign funds will be received by Julie Dillenbeck
For the past 18 months, Julie has been bravely battling endometrial cancer while receiving treatment at the University of Virginia. After the initial rounds of chemo and radiation, Julie’s first scan in August of 2023 was clear, however her second scan in November of 2023 was not. She participated in a clinical trial at the beginning of 2024 that yielded mixed results. The physical effects of this trial were harder on her than the results she was getting. A different trial has been suggested that was not available earlier in the process. While Julie completed the washout period for the first trial, she started looking more seriously into alternative, holistic ways of addressing the disease.
Julie is now exploring several promising options that are not covered by insurance. The costs are beyond her financial reach and seem impossible. Close friends have encouraged her to “go for it” because nothing is impossible with God. The total expenses for these treatments, along with the necessary supplements and medications, amount to over $60,000. The amount also includes some living expenses which will allow Julie the necessary time to rest and focus on her recovery.
Julie has dedicated so much of her life to helping others, especially children. She has been an integral part of our community, and now, it’s our turn to support her.
Would you consider walking with Julie through this challenging journey by contributing to her treatment fund? Any amount you can give will make a significant difference.
Lamentations 3:22-24 (NKJV) It is of the Lord's mercies that I am not consumed because His compassion fail not. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, therefore, I hope in Him.
God is good!
Julie, you are in my thoughts and more importantly my prayers. No matter what happens, keep your faith strong in our Lord. He will guide you through this. He sees you and is always there for you. May God almighty bless you and bring His peace and joy upon you!
I pray that God provides you with his almighty strength and guidance to endure this suffering you are going through in Jesus name!
Cherry and I are praying for your battle to be won. May God continue to strengthen you and help you through this journey. We love you and will be praying for you. Love, Ric and Cherry
Julie, I think of and pray for you often! ❤️ Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas with love from the whole family. We love you! Xoxo
Go for it, girl! Praying for you and your family.
Praying for you
Grateful you are shining a bright light on natural medicine through your journey Thank you for shining brighter than the sun as you heal, and always
We love you coach!
Praying for you always.
Hi Julie, This it to help with the cost of the hyperbaric chamber you mentioned. Praying for healing and a full recovery! Luv ya!
Keeping you in our prayers and thinking about you during this time!
May God continue to keep you equipped abd fueled with strength and faith in Him during this fight Julie.
Praying for healing, Keep fighting, but take time to rest. Go TERPS!!
November 15th, 2024
Update from Julie (11/15/24):
Hi Y’all,
It seems past time to do a recap and update on how things have gone the last several months. Hope 4 Cancer was life-changing. Finding out about nontoxic treatments done over time that make a significant difference have resulted in daily benefits for me since returning home.
From June onward, my body was doing something I didn’t understand. I thought it was a digestive issue, but it ended up being more serious. By the time I returned in late August, I was needing chemotherapy to combat what was going on. By the third week, my oncologist informed me that she did not feel the chemo was being productive.
For about two months, mid August through mid October, I was mostly bedridden and lost 20 pounds. All the while I was talking to God about 1 Corinthians 10:13 “Through every test and trial, God provides a way of escape.” I knew that He was my only hope for overcoming what was taking me down. I was waiting for His miracle.
In mid October, one morning, I woke up feeling like I had a thimble full of energy, and a thimble full of strength. It was marvelous! I could finally begin to do an activity or two around the house. One day, I was able to vacuum the living room carpet, then laid down on the couch exhausted and cried with joy!
For several weeks, I continued to gain strength and energy. The issue in my gut slowly resolved. I got my miracle! I could finally manage to get my own breakfast, take a kitty for a walk, or do my own laundry.
About two weeks ago, another underlying issue in my respiratory system, began to become more evident. After a visit to Emergi-Care on Saturday, I was diagnosed with pneumonia and put on antibiotics.
My latest CT scan, this week, is showing significant reductions. I will find out more specifics on November 25. On Monday morning, I will be heading back to Mexico for a three day follow up at Hope 4 Cancer. (Nov 18-23) Looking forward to a good report!
Up and to this point, God has provided for me financially through over 200 people giving so generously. Thank you so much for walking with me on this journey and making so many things possible. Here is one example of how miraculous it’s been financially. Just today, I made the decision/commitment (after months of pondering) to purchase a hyperbaric chamber. Later in the day, a great high school friend and his wife sent a gift to cover much of the cost!
As things stand now, I have not been able to do much of any work. (I am planning and hoping to work at the NUT supervising 2 days/wk.) As you can imagine, finances begin to get tight when you don’t work much.
My monthly cost of living runs around $2,100 for medical and living expenses.
If any of you feel compelled and want to help, that would be wonderful and amazing. There is no way I could be where I am now without all of your help.
September 1st, 2024
August 24, 2024
Hello Everyone,
When we left for Hope for Cancer (H4C) 3 weeks ago, we were filled with lots of questions, uncertainties, nerves and jitters. What an experience those 3 weeks What a blessing to be with others on their journey in such a supportive environment. It’s amazing what a different person you are by the time you have your exit exams and consultations. We have been home for a week, and I wanted to share a small piece of this journey with you.
At H4C, you are treated as a whole person. Not only do you meet with a physician, but you also have multiple meetings with a nutritionist, a psychologist, and a dentist. The doctors and staff are amazing and very skilled. The nurses become a significant part of your day, and you get to know some of them quite well. We had lots of fun using our Spanglish and learning new words.
I was also privileged to meet Dr. Tony, the founder of Hope for Cancer, and his wife Marcy when they were in for a few days. He and his wife are wonderful, caring people.
When I arrived, I entered a whirlwind of testing and consultations. Therapies started on the second day. Each day was filled with different integrative treatments specifically designed to attack disease as well as supportive therapies that boost the immune system and detox and cleanse the body. I was blessed to meet two other women who arrived the same day as me. We were able to encourage one another and help each other through the difficult parts of the treatment. I know these two women along with others will be lifelong friends.
Each day started with a greeting hug at the door and worship at 7:40 am. No matter where you were coming from, this was a significant time for everyone. Then it was off to our treatment rooms where a nutritious breakfast awaited us prepared by Gustavo and his kitchen staff. Eating that nutritious was not always easy! The schedule for therapies and treatments was intense and finished some time between 2:30 and 5:00 pm each day. Dinner followed at 6:00 pm in the various restaurants in the hotel. Many evenings, if I wasn’t too tired, we’d have dinner with several others who were there for H4C. The sugar free chocolate mousse became a fan favorite!
One of the benefits of being at the Cancun clinic is that the hotel was across the street from both the clinic and beach front. Most days when I was done at the clinic, I’d go back to the room, rest for a bit, then go for a walk on the beach or dip in the water and debrief the day with Lisa. Those first few days were quite emotional at times. As I got into the flow of things, that part got better as well. Sundays are the only day “off” from H4C. Each Sunday, Lisa and I headed off to experience the area. The highlight of one of our excursions was the southern end of Isla Mujeres called Punta Sur. It was full of dramatic rocks, beautiful water and Mayan history.
- Now that I am home, I am beginning a whole new journey with an integrative approach. I came home with 3 months of treatment protocols, along with supplements and nutritional support that will continue what was started at H4C.
- For a number of weeks, I have had a worsening gut issue, so a GI-MAPP test has been ordered. This will help determine the direction for ongoing treatment.
- I have a 3-month checkup in November.
With that said, I am realizing that I need to take it easier, workwise, to allow time for ongoing therapies at home, and to allow my body to heal. Friends have encouraged me to share that living expenses and costs of supplements/treatments will continue to cost about $2500 a month.
If any of you are able and desire to help with these ongoing costs, I’ll be extremely grateful! God, through very generous people, and other creative ways, has made all of this possible. I am very, very grateful! Thank you so much for your part in this ongoing health journey!
August 7th, 2024
Update from Julie (8/4/2024):
Thank you so much for all of your encouragement and gifts. I have begun my treatment and therapies at Hope 4 Cancer.
I have met numerous wonderful people, both nurses and doctors, as well as other patients. Days are very full, and I am grateful to have Sunday’s “off”.
The photo shows me hanging out in the hyperbaric chamber, one of many therapies.
August 7th, 2024
Update from Julie (7/26/2024):
What a week this has been! It has been absolutely stunning and astonishing to experience the outpouring of love, kind words, prayer support, and financial outpouring that you all have sent my way. It has been like watching God perform a miracle right before my eyes!
Within seven days of starting this fundraiser, enough funds have come in for me to be able to go receive the #1 choice on my list of treatment options. Thank you so much for enabling me to be able to take this step at this time.
I know there will be plenty of challenges along the way, and more expenses facing me when I get home in three weeks, but I have a new peace and confidence after seeing what God and his kids accomplished together in this short time!
Every gift has so significantly touched my heart. There’s a little story behind one particular gift that may encourage you… a friend of mine, two mornings ago, told God that she would like to gift me a larger amount. Later that afternoon, while sharing my story with someone I have never met, that person said they would like to help me by donating. My friend was shocked and thrilled when she saw the person gave her a check for just exact amount! We shouted together that evening when she brought me the gift and told me those details. What an amazing God we know!
July 26th, 2024
Update from Julie (7/22/2024)
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me in this journey. Your kind words of encouragement and generous gifts have been overwhelming at times. A goal was set of $60,000 and we are well over halfway there!
At this time, I don’t know the exact cost of everything, but this rough estimate will provide what I need to have options in my treatment program and help cover some living expenses. Thank you again so much for coming alongside me and helping to make big things possible. Your outpouring of kind words and giving has really touched my heart. ♥️
July 26th, 2024
Update from Julie (7/21/2024):
Back in February 2023, I was given a diagnosis of endometrial cancer. For the last 18 months, I have gone through 12 rounds of chemo, 3 rounds of radiation, and 4 months of daily oral chemo on a clinical study drug, in addition to a number of holistic treatments and of course, nutritional intensity and LOTs of prayer.
I have not wanted to go public with this, as I much prefer to talk about the sweeter things in life, as well as what’s going on in your life when I see you and we get to talk.
In the last number of months, it has become evident that I cannot both effectively fight this disease and work a full-time schedule. Friends and family members have helped me in numerous ways and this kind of love humbles me and blows me away every time. As I have started to share, more are asking how they can be of help. I hate it, but my greatest need is a financial one. They’re urging me to write this, so here goes …..
If any of you have the means and would like to help financially, it would be a tremendous blessing to me. There is no amount too small. Things have become very tight. I am actively researching other forms of treatment, quite a few of which would not be covered by insurance and will have to come out of my pocket. One, in particular, is very promising based on its track record, and my discussions with others with very similar diagnoses. It’s really costly (such a relative term in this situation). I will be sharing more on Facebook - photos and all, and I know that your collective prayers will be heard.
And lastly - how can I pray for you? God and I do lots of conversing, and I’d love to hear how He comes through for you!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.