USD $15,000
USD $3,200
Campaign funds will be received by Antonio Hernandez
Thank you for taking time to read this. I am currently raising money for my legal proceedings.
Due to legal advice, I will keep this description brief: on July 11, 2023, I, and three other gentlemen, were accused of conceal carrying firearms on school property. We believed we were completely in the right in that it is in fact not a school building, as it was decommissioned over 10 years ago, along with several other factors.
However, what seemed at first like a simple misunderstanding quickly turned into a drawn-out case involving local politics and mysterious proceedings. We have cooperated at every opportunity and have asked for mercy and understanding, however we are still headed for a jury trial. We hope that we can adequately explain our side and arguments to a room of our peers, but we have become exhausted financially and mentally from this process, and would love to have your support. We are currently facing felony charges, and our lives may be irreversibly affected as a result.
In particular, my wife and I have been heavily affected by this ordeal. I have been studying and obtaining certifications and improving my education on my own in order to secure a promotion or a better paying job to improve our lives. Unfortunately, I have been denied many times due to my situation, and due to the costs borne so far as well as the increasing cost of living, our savings have been dwindling. We have never been more stressed or worried for the future. However, we continue to have hope, and in God we will continue to trust!
If you could spare anything to make a donation, any little bit helps and would be life-changing! Sharing my story is also greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read all of this. Please continue to pray for us! I am greatly in your debt,
May God be with you!
"God was definitely with us, and may He continue to be with all of us at all times! Thank you!" By Antonio Hernandez
God be with you! You and your wife will be kept in our prayers.
"Thank you all so much! It means so much to us" By Antonio Hernandez
You have my best wishes and I hope to workout and eat with you and the bros soon
"Thank you so much! I look forward to all of us hanging out soon and resuming our hobbies" By Antonio Hernandez
May God bless y’all in your fight against this demonic judean system , may it crumble and people come to repentance in God , God bless y’all and take care
"Every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Thank you so much for your support, it means alot to us!" By Antonio Hernandez
God be with you!
"God be with us all, thank you kindly" By Antonio Hernandez
Love you bro, praying for you
"Thank you so much! This has made a huge impact and it will help me prove my innocence and guarantee my freedom. God bless you all" By Antonio Hernandez
It's not much but I hope it can help. God bless your efforts!
"It's more than I deserve. Thank you greatly, may God bless you!" By Antonio Hernandez
St. John pray for Ivan!
"Thank you! Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us amen" By Antonio Hernandez
Psalms 112:6-8
"Thank you so much! It really helps us out. Very relevant verse as well! May God bless you." By Antonio Hernandez
Best of luck sir!
"Thank you so much! It really helps us out." By Antonio Hernandez
Praying for you brother.
"Thank you all so much! It really helps us out." By Antonio Hernandez
July 20th, 2024
I apologize for the delay in updating. Something monumental happened yesterday and I needed time to process it. I still need some more time to gather my thoughts completely, but I will say God is with us and has blessed us with a miracle! Thank you all for your support! A long update shall happen soon.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.