USD $10,000
USD $300
Campaign funds will be received by Josep Vaglica
"An injustice to one is an injustice to all" - MLK
This pic was taken on October 30, 2021... 3 week before heading to Youngstown, Ohio to start my journey.
Hi, My name is Joey V I'm currently in the middle of filming an independent, inspirational boxing movie called "Standing In Youngstown" as my case is set for trial. I'm raising funds to hire Republican Attorney Anthony Sabatini rather than rely on counsel that was appointed to me from the same government that is prosecuting me. On Jan 6, 2021, I entered the capital unknowing it was restricted that day. at that time, I had a Pro Trump Youtube channel called Joey V Trump 2020. I had attended the "Stop the Steal" rally early to a local restaurant. Then about 2pm I headed to the capital and arrived at the north-west grounds around 2:15, by that time all the fencing and restricted area signs have been completely removed.by protesters or agitators. I discovered months later, that by 1 pm all fences and signs have torn down, so there was no way that I and many Jan 6 defendants had no idea that the capital and grounds was restricted that day. The government and prosecutor are aware, that all the fence and signs were all torn down by 1 pm and they should take reasonability for not having properly fencing as they use mesh and bicycle rack fencing. Nancy Pelosi also claimed reasonability. I never seen any violence whatsoever.
As I approached the capital, I saw a massive crowd around it, I walked up some stairs to try to get an epic video of the massive crowd down below, but I never did on the count of, as I reached the top level, I noticed that there was a long slow-moving line of protesters waking slowly into an open door as four capital police officers near the entrance. They never said anything, just watched us walk in the capital. The best way to describe the long slow-moving line was as if being in line in an amusement park. I never stormed the capital and never claimed that I did, and never saw anyone else do so and never saw any violence.
As I slowly walked in a headed down the hall, there were people who were handing out 20 once's of bottle of water as I grabbed one. I was inside for about 23 minutes; it would have been less, but it wasn't easy finding a way out. I never chanted anything nor break anything. I was only filming history being made and content for my Youtube channel. I didn't consider myself a protester but as an independent media on capital grounds. At one point I found a capital police body camera. I picked it up and hand it back to one of the officers he then thanked me. From what I witnessed the officers were courteous and never told us that we had to leave the building. I fist pumped a few officers and seen some protesters do the same and even seen some shaking hands. Still never seen any violence.
I didn't except their horrible plea deal, so it's set for trial in Washington, DC with an and 98% liberal jury. At the moment I have a democrat public defender who is a good guy, but he is bias against Trump. I will definitely be fighting against all odds, and not sure if I'll get a fair trial. Despite the odds, I feel that I'm doing the right thing by standing for truth and not accepting their plea offer, whereby default I would be accepting their lie. I feel that I would have a fighting chance if I had Republican Attorney Anthony Sabatini on my side, they want to make me into a political prisoner. I appreciate your donations, which will give me a fighting chance. Help me fight for justice, thank you in advance .....Joey V.
Saw and heard your story on Adam Francisco You Tube tonight. Praying for your Vindication. Praying you get Pardoned by Trump too.
To help my friend and patriotic brother in his fight against tyranny
Praying so Hard for you Joey! You and the others truly do not deserve this! Go Fight for what’s right! You got this my friend!
Stand for Truth! Don’t tell a lie by accepting a plea! God will honor Truth! Jesus is the Truth, Way and Life
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