 USD $60,000
 USD $3,475
Campaign funds will be received by Gregory Miller
I belong to a non profit organization and was in the auto parts store one day when I ran into the mayor of our town. I asked him if there was any local projects we could help with and he directed me to the Moore household. I was sent there under the impression that I was going to do some repair work to a wheelchair ramp but when I pulled up the situation was much worse. The entire mobile home was falling apart. The home had caught fire and been repaired many years before but the repairs had failed and the entire center of the house was pulling away from the roof and it was raining just as hard inside the home as it was outside. A vehicle had ran into the house and caused frame and plumbing damage and there are soft spots in just about every floor of every room of the house. One bathroom is so bad that she does not allow the children to use the toilet for fear of it falling through the floor. Ms. Moore is a single mother with 4 children. Two of them are still very young and one of them is disabled. She works everyday but cannot get ahead and so the home continues to fall apart around her. Having been raised by a single mother myself I was immediately emotionally invested in this family and determined to help. I have contacted a used mobile home dealer in our area who has agreed to waive the delivery fee of a much more structurally sound home, the city has granted a set aside to allow another home to be placed in the same spot as the old one, and the mayor will be helping with the transfer of utilities. We need this money to purchase this family a used mobile home and deal with any issues that may arise with the connection of the septic system to the new home. This is a chance to make a lifetime of difference for these children. This is a chance to keep a family safe and healthy through the winter, and for years to come; as the current home has major mold and mildew issues that aggravate the disabled child's situation greatly. Please join me in helping Ms. Moore and her wonderful family by providing a healthy, safe, and comfortable place for her family to thrive going forward.
Love offering
Please chip in and help me help the Moore family. For the price of a cup of coffee we can change the lives of the 5 members of this family and provide them with a safe and comfortable home.
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