USD $20,000
USD $840
Campaign funds will be received by Servicemen and Citizens for American Rights Society
Donations will help initiate the startup of The Servicemen and Citizens for American Rights Society(SCARS), a non profit, in our mission to protect Veterans who are using Veteran's Administration services and not receiving the services they have a right to receive with dignity, transparency and in a reasonable amount of time with educational outreach, guidance and civil litigation. Citizen activists will benefit as SCARS provides legal guidance through educational outreach and legal representation to uphold their Constitutionally protected activities in both criminal and civil litigation. ALL donations will be used to seed the SCARS program until we achieve our non-profit status with website design, legal expenses, government fees and other office materials.
SCARS has already taken the initial legal steps to incorporate in Delaware and should achieve our non-profit status in July of 2024.
Mission Statement; The Servicemen and Citizens for American Rights Society(SCARS) is soon a registered Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization whose mission serves 2 main purposes. Our first mission is to provide support services for American Veterans under the care of The Veteran's Administration in order to insure our Veterans are properly cared for through mental health care and educational services provided through SCARS outreach programs, and to insure that their physical and mental health care are promptly and properly provided for through legal services to our Military Veterans. SCARS 2nd purpose is to provide legal resources and services to U.S. Citizens struggling with government overreach while practicing Constitutionally Protected activities through activism.
For the goal
Prayers for TAV
Love you TAV
From a Army Veteran Mama
We are going to make this work, I'm really looking forward to seeing it get established across the country.
Wonderful news
Congrats Kevin!
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