USD $25,254
Campaign funds will be received by Ben Garrison
Ben Garrison has been there for you drawing the cartoons that you love since 2010. He has always prevailed in the face of adversity. But now he is facing serious health challenges when he got the most devastating news that anyone can get, he was diagnosed with cancer last May.
Ben grew weaker and weaker before his cancer surgery, yet he somehow kept drawing the cartoons even with stage four cancer. We were really worried he would not be around to draw cartoons for the 2024 election. It was that bad. The surgery was successful and the cancer was removed.
Ben has always prevailed in the face of adversity—censorship, attacks from the woke Left, death threats, and legal turmoil—and yet this is the biggest challenge he now faces in his life.
Ben's steadfast dedication to his work, to you, to our country, and to his family is relentless. It’s almost ironic that the best human beings and patriots are afflicted with the worst punishments.
During 2023 Ben slowly regained his old fighting spirit and his sense of humor. Yet the fight was not over. He still had to endure six months of immunotherapy treatments (like chemotherapy) that caused him considerable pain. Due to these treatments, his thyroid gland was destroyed. This was yet another setback and we are dealing with the consequences.
As you can imagine, our spirits are a bit low right now. It’s election season and Ben has to be at the top of his game to draw the cartoons that will highly impact the outcome in November. The constant worry of his medical bills (which is in the tens of thousands) has restricted his creativity and enthusiasm. We feel that now is the time to ask for outside help. Please consider donating to help us out with medical costs.
No matter how big or small, your donation will make all the difference in Ben’s fight for his health here in 2024. We can’t give up on the people we love. We will overcome this. We won’t stop fighting.
Your donation goes to helping Ben pay his medical expenses and also supports his wonderful pro America cartoons.
Thank you and God Bless you! Let's Make Ben Healthy Again!
Dear Ben, Hope you can pull through your afflictions, I wish you a full recovery and many blessings from our Lord. You’re a beacon of truth and motivation to all of us U.S. patriots that wants our precious nation to be saved from this evil administration’s shenanigans. Get well soon brother, we need you; I Need You!
Prayers with you and family Ben! Stay healthy! We need you on this end of our screen! Keep us smiling!
Dear Ben, Hope you can pull through your afflictions, I wish you a full recovery and many blessings from our Lord. You’re a beacon of truth and motivation to all of us U.S. patriots that wants our precious nation to be saved from this evil administration’s shenanigans. Get well soon brother, we need you; I Need You!
Dear Ben, Hope you can pull through your afflictions, I wish you a full recovery and many blessings from our Lord. You’re a beacon of truth and motivation to all of us U.S. patriots that wants our precious nation to be saved from this evil administration’s shenanigans. Get well soon brother, we need you; I Need You!
Prayers for you and Thank You for your talented and truthful contributions to society via your clever artwork. It is very much appreciated.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I command this cancer to dry up and die, and I command all his healthy tissue to be nourished and strong-- in the name of Jesus! Amen.
Get well!
Get well Ben, you're a national treasure!
Dear Ben, Hope you can pull through your afflictions, I wish you a full recovery and many blessings from our Lord. You’re a beacon of truth and motivation to all of us U.S. patriots that wants our precious nation to be saved from this evil administration’s shenanigans. Get well soon brother, we need you; I Need You!
Wishing you well, Ben. Your cartoons have always made my day brighter and your talent amazes me!
God bless you, Ben.
Hoping for the best outcome for you!
Ben you and your family are in my prayers. Thank you for your hard work and dedication in fighting for our country. You have a special talent and I’ve always loved your artwork. Godspeed
Praying for a complete and quick recovery!!
I appreciate you and Tina and the work you do. Having had my second heart attack (near the summit of a local mountain) two weeks ago, I also appreciate the struggle to get healthy again. May God heal and strengthen you, and keep Tina as she helps care for you. I also have an angel, Vivian, who loves me almost more than she loves our dogs.
I pray for you Ben. Have you tired or is it available where you are. Some Hospitals do it. I took my wife to Germany and got her cured from duodenal cancer primarily with Hyperthermia. https://jerrypurchase.com/NaturalCancerCures.htm
November 18th, 2024
Hello Everyone!
Thank you for all the support and prayers for Ben. We wanted to update you on recent news about Ben's health situation. Three weeks ago Ben had a scan and also an upper endoscopy. The prognosis was there is no sign of any metastatic disease. No cancer! We were so happy and thankful that there was no sign of any cancer anywhere!
Thank God!
Ben thought the two year nightmare was over....but not yet it seems.
Even though there was no cancer at the moment, Ben has the type of cancer that usually comes back unfortunately. So Ben is going to have to be on chemotherapy for 24 weeks, both the pills and the infusions. This is what they called the 'clean up' treatment to make sure any cancer cells that could be floating around are destroyed completely.
So Ben and I thought his treatments were over but no, he will have to endure another 6 months of chemo to make sure he is finally cancer free. The other good news is that Ben is very healthy and has no other health issues besides his Lynch disease, a genetic preposition to cancer and of course making sure his cancer does not return.
We are not sure how this will affect cartoon production although he kept drawing through his 28 days of chemo last time. This time it will last longer and be both the infusions and the pills so we will have to play it by ear and see how it goes. Ben is also taking ivermectin and Fen Ben, along with other supplements. This is working with the chemo to destroy any cancer cells that may be hidden.
Thank you for your support and your prayers for Ben, I know he will get through this and everything will get back to normal.
Tina and Ben Garrison
October 6th, 2024
Thank you everyone for your support.
Ben wanted to give an update on his health situation and what is ahead for the cartoons. Please click on the link to watch the video on Rumble.
Thanks to your generous support we will be going full throttle into November!
Ben and TIna Garrison
September 4th, 2024
June 9th, 2024
Wow! We are truly overwhelmed by your support and kind words!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
Ben and Tina Garrison
More updates to come
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