USD $45,000
USD $20,690
Campaign funds will be received by Scott Taylor
On April 30, 2024, our friend Ginger Taylor, beloved journalist of the autism epidemic for 20+ years, suffered a hemorrhagic stroke.
She was rushed to the hospital and had an angiogram to assess her condition, and fortunately she did not require surgery to stop the bleeding. She has suffered some impairment on her left side and with her speech and mobility, but fortunately after a short time in rehab she is headed home.
Her family will need some assistance in paying for her care, adjusting to the new normal and managing her needs in the future, including some minor home modifications so that she can recover safely.
We have launched an effort to raise funds for Ginger and her family as they meet this new challenge. All you who know Ginger knows she’s a fighter, and this challenge will not be any different.
Ginger and her family are grateful for the support that we have received so far and while it is currently difficult to return all of the messages, she loves hearing from her friends and sends loads of gratitude and thanks to you all.
Praying for you and your recovery. Blessed to have you here educating and fighting for our children!
I found this change between the couch cushions, and I was able to scan it into givesendgo using a special ap. As soon as I win the lottery I’ll send some more.
Love you Ginger!
Ginger, Sending love to you and your family. So proud of you my sweet friend. Love Curly friend
Sending in gratitude for everything you've done and all the sacrifices you've made to help others. Praying for you!
Love you Ginger! Shine on!
Happy for your continued improvement! Praying for lots more!
❤️ 🙏
Ginger, even when you are down, you are up, just like your mom! Keep getting better and know you are loved.
The Fulton Family loves you! We are praying for you and yours!!!
Praying for your full and speedy recovery! HBOT is amazing.
February 5th, 2025
HBOT selfie.
I am back in the can again. The 10 dives I did in Dec were really good. It got me well enough to get to the ball in DC (although I still needed wheelchair assistance a bit) and it got me to the point that I could write a real article for the Brownstone (update #9). So I am back for more.
I also want to say a heart felt thank you to those of you who have donated to us. It has been a year since I have worked and Scott has spent almost all of it caring for me and you guys have kept our heads above water. Further help is needed in case you find extra change in your couch or are a major pharmaceutical manufacturer with a guilt complex.
January 30th, 2025
Hello friends, I wrote an article that was published on Brownstone.org about the RKF Jr. senate hearings. Looks like my brain is healing: https://brownstone.org/articles/the-99th-congress-that-called-vaccines-unavoidably-unsafe/
November 20th, 2024
Hello dear friends. An update on my recovery process. I feel like I am about halfway back, and I have been graciously offered free hard tank hyperbaric treatment in Minneapolis at the Holland Center. I'm finally at a point in my recovery that I am able to travel, So I will be trying to go up next month. The center reports that their stroke patients are among the most successful of their HBOT clients.
We are currently trying to raise a bit more funds for travel expenses so I can go. I am so grateful for the generous help this community has sent me since last Spring. I'm hoping that you might indulge me a bit longer and help me get to a place where I can fully get back to work. If you can contribute it would be a great blessing. Thank you.
August 5th, 2024
For any of you not on Facebook, here's a video update from Ginger. Feel free to share this link if you feel inspired. Thanks again for your past & continued prayers and support. We can feel the love and it's making all the difference in the world. Bless you all!
Photo: Ginger's been swimming everyday as part of her PT.
Video: https://youtu.be/7M-nQOpgjaU
July 6th, 2024
Hey look... it's a bee. Keeping at it, every day.
July 3rd, 2024
A friend brought me a 1000-piece puzzle. 🧩 The puzzle is cognitively challenging, visually stimulating, and therapeutic for my left hand. And it has a big bee. 🐝🌻 My vision has returned to its pre-stroke status, and I am able to use my old reading glasses now. 🤓 Praise God. 🙏
June 26th, 2024
Hey, Ginger here (dictating), something good that happened this week is that I met with 2 alternative practitioners that are open to taking me on as a client, and I would like to start with them in July.
I’m being told that my speech is getting more and more clear. Sometimes I sound like I’m tired, but no longer like I have a speech problem. I was able to reduce the dose of one of the meds so that’s a move in the right direction, and allows me to stay awake twice as many hours as before.
What is frustrating is trying to transition out of the impersonal care of the institutions that are determining a plan for your life based on an algorithm not my actual needs. It can be so disheartening and discouraging. Like once they get you dependent on them, they don’t want to let you go. I am praying that I am able to make the transition to a more wholistic healing plan by August.
This week should be my last visit to the hospital, and my first big step away from mainstream medical care.
Thanks again for all your prayers and support.
June 14th, 2024
It has been a difficult week. As you can imagine finding herself at the mercy of the mainstream medical system's indifference is hard for her. This week we learned the hospital suspects she has a brain aneurysm and scheduled her for a procedure in two weeks, but it’s not clear why they suspect this. We even woke up at 3 am and drove 2 hours to Charleston to meet with her medical team to learn more but they cancelled the appointment 30 mins after we arrived. Someone read us the medical file, but with no context and we still haven't heard the goal for procedure... it's very frustrating (so much for informed consent.)
As part of her self-directed PT (yes, you heard that right, no one has showed up yet) Ginger is swimming in the pool and walking the driveway circle everyday. She’s getting stronger, but progress is slower than she’d like, and she gets tired out easily. Although, she has finally achieved the dream of justifiably sleeping 10 hours a day. “Doctor’s orders!"
It's amazing how many of you have stepped up and said "how can I help?" which we all appreciate so very much. So here's the latest:
This fundraiser has *mercifully* covered the cost of the hospitalization, but we have a long way to go, and none of us can work at least for the next month. So spreading or re-posting the link would be a big help. Additionally Ginger welcomes and appreciates your prayers and kind words for a resolution to whatever problems may exist currently and long-term in her noggin. She feels very loved by all of you. Keep it up!
The Taylors
June 3rd, 2024
A note again to thank you all for your love and support. One of the blessings of this stroke is that it has given me some insight into what our kids with the autism label go through.
Not being able to accomplish what your brain is telling your body to to is frustrating. having people talk to me like I am a child just pisses me off. I hand been tolerating it politely for weeks but one woman came into my hospital room didn't bother introducing herself or telling me why she was there and straight up started to baby talk to me. I lost it, " Can you please stop talking to me like I am a child. I am a 55 year old woman with a masters degree from a famous university." Turns out her last job was an elementary school nurse. I suggested she adjust to her new population. Grateful that I had the verbal skills to do so. What about our non speakers who don't? I can't imagine tolerating that for years.
I had one therapist I really liked come in and say, "Here is what we are going to do..." and then lay out her very reasonable plan. I responded, "Have you ever heard the phrase, 'nothing about us without us?'" She had not, so I introduced her to the concept, and then my modifications to her plan, and she was immediately onboard with both. How a many good, well meaning therapists can't get that feed back have angry clients who are being insulted, and short changed because they cannot express their own (adult) goals?
I am a richer woman having walked in their shoes, if even only for a few steps, as I am recovering.
Please pray for my continued encouragement and provision during this journey.
- Ginger
May 26th, 2024
Hello friends, it’s me Ginger, writing to you from home which Chandler fills with joy and laughter. I am so thankful to be here, and I am so grateful to my friends, family and this community who have given me an abundance of loving encouragement and tangible support in this difficult time. After 3-1/2 weeks in the hospital, coming home is an amazing milestone, but it also presents new challenges.
Fall prevention is job number one, so Scott has been busy fitting the house with enough grab bars that we can rent it out as a rock-climbing parkour gym after I recover.
I have some impairments (big and small) but I am grateful to God that my recovery has come relatively quickly thus far. Among the challenges, my vision was impacted, but it is returning. Additionally my LEFT HAND FORGOT HOW TO TYPE. These two difficulties conspire against me in achieving my former glory in the online communication of my deep wisdom and razor-sharp witticisms. Rest assured my superior intellect remains intact. Webster is typing this for me now and fortunately speech-to-text exists, so please offer extra grace as my online rants will contain far more errors and non-sequiturs than usual.
I have found that having a stroke and facing my weaknesses has opened up a whole new avenue for comedy and know that I will be taking myself even less seriously than before. I am grateful for the information I've received from you all on hemorrhagic stroke and treatment thereof. I know that this community is the best possible resource on treating brain injury, so keep the information coming.
Also, keep in mind that everything is exhausting for me. Even just brushing my teeth takes forever. Therefore, I am instituting a new policy. I am allowing myself one calendar year to reply to messages. Please be patient with me, I function much like a drunk toddler these days.
I am so grateful for your financial support. Seeing how much you’ve been willing to help us has been a hedge against discouragement. I feel so loved. Thank you.
Your friend, Ginger
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