Supporting the Tallinger Family


 USD $15,000


 USD $12,553

Campaign created by Jessica Shumway

Campaign funds will be received by Darlene Tallinger

Supporting the Tallinger Family

My dear friends, Phil and Darlene Tallinger have been faithfully married for 32 years, have 3 outstanding children, and a beautiful country home in the heart of Walworth, N.Y. Over the wonderful years together, they have walked through both beautiful and challenging seasons, as we all do this side of heaven.

In June of 2023, Phil noticed a pesky growth on his neck that wasn’t going away. Thinking it was just a bug bite, he sought the advice of his primary care doctor. Phil then underwent blood testing which showed no major concerns. The next step was to undergo a CT scan and biopsy. These two tests finally provided some definitive answers. The CT scan showed a mass on Phil's pancreas, 12 individual masses on his liver, and a mass on his neck near his lymph node. The biopsy results of the mass on Phil’s neck showed malignant pancreatic tissue. In September of 2023, Phil and Darlene received an official diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Specifically, a Neuro-Endocrine Tumor of the pancreas (also known as a NET). After meeting with a surgeon, they received the news that the tumors could not be removed, and Phil was referred to a specialist. In October of 2023 Phil began treatment through Roswell Cancer Center in Rochester, N.Y. and has since moved his treatment to the Buffalo Campus as of May of 2024.

Every month he receives a very painful injection which blocks the hormones from being produced by the tumor on his pancreas and slows the overall growth of all the tumors. Because the cancer is growing on Phil's pancreas, he experiences a wide variety of hormone-related symptoms (think of it like a man going through the worst case of menopause ever-hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and depression). He experiences major digestive dysfunction as the enzymes needed to digest food properly are not at the correct levels. The injections cause extreme dizziness, fatigue, and pain at the injection site along with insulin resistance, so Phil is now diabetic. He essentially has 2 “good” weeks a month and after that the injection wears off and the side effects of the cancer begin to rear its ugly head. Currently there is no earthly cure for Phil’s condition... BUT GOD!!!!!

I have established this platform to share the testimony of faith that Phil has as each and every day he chooses to FIGHT against the weight of his circumstances. Phil and Darlene serve Jesus Christ, the King of their hearts, and in doing so, they believe in His ability to heal! Most importantly, I covet your prayers. We BELIEVE in the power of prayer and the transformation it has on our hearts and minds as our will aligns with God’s will. Any financial blessings you are prayerfully led to give will be used to help relieve the weight of added medical expenses, general cost of living, and supporting Phil and Darlene’s youngest son and “forever child”, Chris. Darlene is Chris’ full-time caretaker and receives minimal Medicaid compensation for doing so. I would be overjoyed to open the floodgates of opportunity to allow Phil to freely access any additional therapies that would help in his healing and overall quality of life. The dietary restrictions that are best for this illness are costly. He has used all his sick time at work and now faces the implications of that when he retires or pursues disability resources in the future.

Phil is a loyal and self-sacrificing husband, father, brother, and friend. And HE gets better!!! He is an extraordinarily talented craftsman. If you’ve ever been a recipient of one of his custom wood or metal works of art—you already know this. Please join me in lifting Phil up to the Father and prayerfully considering shouldering some of the financial weight of this season for the Tallinger family. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Thank you and God Bless! 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
18 days ago

Chris Manning
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Hey man. I have prostate cancer. I have ideas on cancer treatments. If you want them have someone reach out. Sorry to hear brother. Say hi to your mother for me.

Beth and Lou Clemente
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Phil - We are so sorry you are going through this. We are praying for you and your family.

Steven Viggiani
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

I’ve been praying for you daily since I seen this on Facebook and I will continue to pray every day.

Stephanie Miller
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

I wish this donation could be more. Prayers of strength to you and your family.

Amy Thomas
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

We are praying for you all. 🙏🏼

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

Family in Sandy Creek

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you.

David and Natalie Pfluke
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Paul Pellingra
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Phil, Thank you for the detailed update. As disheartening it is to hear, we know that we get to share the same loving, comforting, and faithful Savior who offers us so much in this life - and beyond. In spite of this magnificence, I'm left with a sense of guilt, as if I should be sharing this struggle directly with you. Know that you and the family are constantly in prayer. See you soon. Love you!

Charlotte Buttle
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Trudy Simpson
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Brenda sister in Christ
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

I am praying for you all and wrapping you in love.

$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

God Parents
$ 2500.00 USD
3 months ago

Our thoughts and prayers are with you always!

Christy Mecey
$ 300.00 USD
4 months ago

You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Love, Christy

Kelly Cass
$ 15.00 USD
4 months ago

Phil and family, I knew Phil as a child and teen as I am the first cousin of Chris & Sean S. I'm very sorry to hear of this health battle. I wish I could give more. I send you healing love and prayers, and peace for this journey.

Dennis and Bobbie
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago


Update #4

January 6th, 2025

Hello everyone 

    It's been a while since my last update and a lot has, and is happening.

     Let me start by saying thank you again to everyone for all the love support and prayers. Please keep it coming, My family and I need all the support we can get.

      So.... The update. I've had 2 sets of CT scans in the last 2 months and unfortunately there isn't any good news. The cancer and the tumors have spread and become much more aggressive. Officially I have pancreatic cancer, in the form of neuroendocrine tumors. The cancer was discovered in the lymphnode behind my left collar bone. That lymphnode turned into one large tumor. Through multiple biopsies it was determined to be pancreatic cancer. This was followed by a PET scan and multiple CT scans that located one mass of tumors covering half of my pancreas and as many as 10 small tumors throughout my liver. This was the fall of 2023. 

     I was put on hormone therapy and saw immediate results. The cancer seemed to be under control. This was temporary, after about 6 months the cancer found a way around the therapy. It was starting to grow slowly at first but soon started gaining speed. 

     Fast forward to 12/30/2024 the day of my most recent CT scans. All the previously identified tumors have grown significantly and multiple new tumors have been discovered. I have new tumors in my right lung, colon and my abdominal cavity ( mostly on my diaphragm).

      I'm starting aggressive palliative chemotherapy. It's a regimen of two different chemo pills. I will take the meds for 14 days followed by 14 days of rest and then repeat. I will also be continuing the hormonal therapy every 28 days.

      Unfortunately none of this will cure my cancer. It may provide me with relief from my current symptoms and pain. The possible side effects of the treatment is pretty scary itself. We're praying something works. 

       I'm still working most days for now, I think the chemotherapy might put an end to that. My disability retirement paper work is slowly moving through the system. Praying for a speedy approval. In the meantime we're praying to be able to stay above water financially until then. The last update I received from human resources and the office of personnel management (OPM) was 3 to 5 more months. 🤬

Update #3

November 2nd, 2024

Update #3

Greetings all! (its Jess)

I would to take a moment to share some of the happenings over the last few weeks.

I am paraphrasing from information passed along from our good friend Phil:

First off, Phil and Dar would like to express deep gratitude to all the generous and gracious donations thus far. Through your giving and prayers Phil has been able to keep up with all his co-pays and costs of supplements. He is truly humbled and grateful for this financial relief. Praise God--you all are making a practical difference in their lives! God is good <3 

Phil recently had a scan that has provided his team with detailed information about what's been going on inside his body. Here is what they found:

1) The existing tumors on his pancreas and in his liver have grown significantly                                                  2) There is 1 new tumor on his liver (we are now at a total of 13 tumors)                                                              3) The tumor on his neck has shrunk by 3mm (Praise the Lord)

Now what happens?

Phil's oncologist in Rochester is recommending chemo therapy in addition to the injection Phil receives monthly to suppress the abundance of hormones his body is constantly producing.(Be reminded that this is a HUGE battle in itself--being pushed and pulled in so many emotional states as his body, mind, and spirit are all waging this incredible war--He is in BATTLE not only physically, but full war is waged on his mind because of the hormone overproduction)

Before Phil potentially takes this next step in treatment, he is waiting for further consultation with his oncologist in Buffalo. So... we are currently IN THE WAITING....which is VERY hard. (please pray specifically for swift answers and wisdom as they wait)

Phil is out of sick time (owing 210 hours back to the Post Office) as well as vacation time. Chemo will demand 14-21 days at a time for each round. At this point in time--this time will be unpaid leave.

Phil is in the application process for disability retirement from the Post Office (expected wait on this process is 6-16 months for approval) and has already cost the family $5600.00 in attorney fees.

Also in process are efforts to be granted social security disability. After applying Phil was denied as he is still working. So, once he is able to stop working... he can reapply. (this is now where your gifts will be directed towards)

This is where the circumstances stand at this time. And we are honored to be able to share in transparency how your generosity has helped in many ways thus far. I can only imagine how it feels to receive such an abundance of love and prayers during such a difficult season of life. 

I'll take the liberty to rename this campaign Operation Get Phil Out of Work and Home to Heal!!!!

This is where I am hoping to make some more MAJOR blessings happen for my sweet friends.

Please continue to keep the prayers coming. Pray for fortitude of mind for Phil, strength for Darlene, PEACE for their son Chris who is very sensitive to all the constant changes, and comfort for Phil and Dar's Daughter, Son and Daughter in Law. They are a wonderful and supportive family, and we can rest assured that all hands are on deck to continue to see Phil through this season. 

Thank you for taking the time to read and find out how to pray more specifically <3 

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” Even the night shall be LIGHT about me; Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.

                                                                                                                    Psalm 139:7-12

May all who read this be SO very blessed. Jesus LOVES YOU!!!!

In Him,


Update #2

July 16th, 2024

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to post a current update. So here it goes. There is good news and bad news. The good news is " The good news" Jesus is my lord and Savior. Regardless of my situation that remains constant and true. I'm feeling pretty good lately, I'm eating well and staying in pretty good shape all things considered. I've recently employed the services of a Naturopathic Doctor and am very excited and intrigued about where this path may take me. I've also returned to Lipson Cancer institute here in Rochester for all my treatments, so no more traveling for now. The not so good news is the results of my recent round of CT scans. The tumors are continuing to grow. Was hoping for no new growth. ☹️ My whole digestive system is under a lot of stress, including new evidence of problems with my stomach , gallbladder and small intestines. There were also some new lesions in my liver. I'm praying that with help from the Naturopath we can get my digestive system back in order and let my immune system get stronger. Then there will be a better chance of fighting this cancer on my own. All the donations and prayers are more appreciated than I could ever express. I Love you all.❤️ 


Update #1

July 2nd, 2024

I would like to start out by thanking everyone for the generosity, love and support you have shown my family and I during this challenging time. I'm continuing to receive infusions every 28 days. More testing needs to be done to ensure this is keeping the cancer under control. In the meantime I'm pursuing treatment through naturopathic methods including diet, supplements and a fasting regimen. I'm not sure if anything is removing the tumors but it all helps with the side effects from the medicine and the pain from the cancer. Overall I'm feeling positive about everything and just enjoying one day at a time. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow so live for today. I'm feeling very empowered by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through him I can do all things and endure anything. He has already won this battle. I am still going to work everyday for now. I have used up almost all my vacation and sick leave. Soon any time off will be without pay. So any financial support is greatly appreciated, as co-pays, supplements and healthy nutritional food cost continue to add up. If you already have donated to my campaign, thank you again, I only ask that you share it with others. 

Peace and love to all.     Phil

Prayer Requests

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