Emergency Health and Eye care funding


 USD $2,000


 USD $400

Campaign created by Suzanne Besag

Campaign funds will be received by Suzanne Besag

Emergency Health and Eye care funding

When I started campaigning over 4 years ago to get care for my eyes, They needed a lot of repair and still do. 

My original goal of getting a corneal transplant was blindsided by needing immediate and emergency care for my left eye that had rising and unpredictable pressures.

Now I find myself in the same boat again.  Only this time it's not just the cornea. But I could permanently lose the vision in my right and left eyes if I don't quickly find a good  specialty Drs 

I am now having trouble with high blood pressure and my heart.

My living situation is not helping my health as I need to get into a more stable living environment and more importantly move back to the county where I was , so that I can get better health care which I cannot get living in Contra Costa County .

An Emergency room visit in May diagnosed me with a autoimmune disorder that is threatening my vision.  The doctor believes that I am not getting enough oxygen to the blood vessels in my brain, which in turn in a threat to my vision and could cause permanent and irreversible vision loss. 

Having constant blood pressure spikes - highs and lows is not helping to keep my eye pressure stable and could do serious damage to my eyes. 

Both the Emergency Room Doctor and Retina Drs, Glaucoma and Primary Drs have recommended a brain biopsy as well as the blood pressure medications  medications I must take to prevent further damage to my eyes as well as my overall health. 

The biopsy is critical in helping to find out more specifically what is wrong .

The only way to stop this downhill slide is to quickly change the direction things are headed. 

I MUST also raise enough for more needed surgery on my left and right eyes and repair of one blocked ear canal in my left ear.

While insurance does cover most of the cost of care, there is a portion that I must pay as well.

Travel to Drs and hospitals, Rest and proper nutrition are also key in making this happen. 

It is critical to raise these funds asap

I must move back to the old county where I came from as the medical here will not cover the care I need.

If you can please make a donation. Any size $5, $10, $20 or $100. I must immediately change the course and direction things are headed if I want to save my eyesight.

Thank you and your support is greatly appreciated and critical in helping to save my eyesight and to get the care I need.

Thank you,

Suzanne B.

Recent Donations
Austin Sergi
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for healing!

Tracee Talavera
$ 300.00 USD
6 months ago

Eyes need healing!


Update #7

December 12th, 2024

For anyone reading this today, I have spent three days in the Emergency room of the last five for extremely elevated blood pressure and will most likely be returning there again today as they prescribed a medication that is contraindicated to Glaucoma and can actually do more harm to my eyes than good. 

IT IS CRITICAL that I raise the rest of these funds , so I can return to my old county to get the care I need.

PLEASE DONATE and PLEASE SHARE. My life and especially my VISION depend on getting the proper care I need. 

Update #6

November 17th, 2024

Today is Nov.17th and the weather is getting exceptionally cold.

I was finally after six months able to get in and see a rheumatologist

Some of the news is good. 

But further testing is still needed to determine exactly what is wrong. 

Unfortunately, the county I currently live in has very limited care, including no on call opthalmologists at any of the hospital ER's should an emergency arise.

Cold weather ruins my eye medications and I have to find a better way to store and travel with my medication as I am currently not allowed to drive - until so retake the drive test. (Vision related)

I need to raise these funds to move assp and to get the proper care so need.

I desperately need new reading and driving glasses. The frames are pretty reasonably priced. But I must have specially cut lenses based on the shape of my Corneas which are both transplants and the condition of my eyes. There are only a few places that can do the cut of my lenses correctly. And no Lens Crafters and Costco cannot do them. 

After my surgeries last year, I needed ample time to heal, but was not afforded that opportunity - which led to some permanent side effects that I am still dealing with. 

There have been several people who have really stuck by me through this journey and I am deeply appreciative of their commitment to my care.

Now is a time where I need as many people as I can ask to help. 

It is critical that I get back to a county where I can get proper care. 

And get new glasses do I can see properly.  This will make everything so much easier.

A donation of any size today would be greatly appreciated.  It is critical not just to the care of my eyes , but to my overall health so that I can heal and get the care I need. 

Thank you.❤️


Update #5

September 29th, 2024

To anyone who sees or reads this today. I am currently on a wait list to see a rheumatologist. 

Doing my best to find one sooner

Raising the rest of these funds is CRITICAL in getting the care I need. 

I must move back to the old county where I came from as the care here is just not adequate to handle the serious health issues I am facing.I

I am not only dealing with an Autoimmune disorder that needs to be more properly diagnosed, but also blood sugar levels that are constantly spiking and they don't know why.

Please donate and please share my fundraiser with others 

Thank you!


Urgent Care for Eyes and Overall Healrh

August 21st, 2024

Now I must move asap in order to get the care I need. 

Treatment Needed Now

July 4th, 2024

The Arteries in my Brain are swollen. If not properly Treated, I could lose my vision.

Help is needed now!!!!

Please Donate



Continued ER Report and Dr Visit

May 13th, 2024

Here is the second part to the ER Report.

I have seen my primary DR and further testing has been ordered.

I MUST raise these funds immediately if I stand any chance in not losing my eyesight.

Update Continued ER Report and Dr Visit Image
ER and Dr. Visit

May 13th, 2024

For those who may not understand. 

See two attached reports from Emergency Room.

Update ER and Dr. Visit Image

Prayer Requests

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