Supporting the Phillip Runge Family


 USD $38,704

Campaign created by Shanna Runge

Campaign funds will be received by Shanna Runge

Supporting the Phillip Runge Family

Phillip has been battling illness since January 1st and was recently diagnosed with stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He has been on medical leave since April 22nd and was hospitalized from May 2nd to the 11th. 

As most know we have been blessed with 6 boys: Micah (15),  Elijah (10), Nehemiah (8), Hezekiah (6), Obadiah (4), Zebediah (1), and Shanna is expecting our 7th child in November. 

We are trusting Jesus Christ for his healing. Praying the Lord will spare us the sorrow of Phillip's loss right now, but the Lord's will be done. 

We greatly appreciate your prayers and take much comfort in your love and support. 

May God help us live well, suffer well and die well. 

UPDATE 07/13/2024

Hi, everyone! I’m now nine weeks into treatment with fifteen more weeks to go. Labs and tests continue to look good. I recently found out that my provider does not plan on rescanning until the end of treatment, which is contrary to what I was told at first (–I think they are trying to strong arm me into complying to do all the cycles—) so I will not be able to give an update in that regard until then.

Nevertheless, it seems to me that the treatment is working, but six months of treatment without knowing its efficacy is a trial in patience in itself. Treatment sucks, but I’m thankful to be alive, and I don’t think I would be without it, so I’m thankful for my chemo and I am thankful for all the good that has come through this season of difficulty, especially for the generosity, care, support, and prayers from all of you who have come around me.

Shanna, my wife, wanted me to share that I am now completely bald. My kids, at first, said that I looked like a scary guy and a murderer, but they’ve adjusted. And don’t worry; I’m not and I would like to think that I am nicer than I look. (I’ve always had a grumpy resting face.) My wife, on the other hand, said that “at least my hair isn’t wild and unkept anymore.”

I want to give special thanks to Luke and Ruthie Zahm, proprietors of the Driftless Café in Viroqua, WI, for keeping my position open and for Ruthie working some of my shifts weekly to keep me in the game. I owe you, Ruthie, a debt of love and will probably be your indentured servant for life now (emphasis on the probably).

Concerning the funds raised, we have used the money to more or less replace my income for the time that I will be off of work, so that we have been without need or concern, thank you! The funds have also helped with purchasing a van—nothing fancy—to accommodate our upcoming need to fit our family of nine! Thank you all again, and I will give more updates when I have more news to share.

UPDATE 05/17/2024

Thank you everyone for your generous support and prayers. Shanna and I are overwhelmed with thankfulness for how our community, friends, family, and church has come around us to help in this time of need. We give thanks continually for you all and pray for your welling as well. Going through this difficulty and experiencing such love from others has been tremendously moving and has further energize us to want to be a blessing to others. We cannot thank you enough.

To give an update regarding my progress, I was discharged from Mayo Rochester May 11 after being hospitalized for ten days. During hospitalization, I under went pericardiocentesis to remove a total of about 600ml of fluid from around my heart, which was causing cardiac tamponade, pulmonary edema, superior vena cava syndrome, and probably most of my pain. The fluid continued to drain for a few days but then stopped, so a window was not installed and the drain was removed. There as been no signs yet of the fluid returning. I also underwent five days of high dose steroids to start killing off cancer cells and tumors, which proved quite effective, causing tumor lysis syndrome, which was treated and managed expertly. After being stabilized, I received the first of twelve chemo treatments on May 9th--a four chemo drug regimen (i.e., AAVD) that takes about four hours to be administered through infusion.

I seem to be tolerating the first chemo treatment well enough with minor to moderate bone pain and acute instances of nausea and fatigue, though I'm told that the negative effects of the treatment tend to compound as you continue to get them. My next chemo treatment is May 23rd with one every two weeks till November.

It's great to be home. I'm "working hard" on regaining strength and stamina and health though nutritious eating, mild exercising, and rest. Due to the aggressive nature of my cancer, I lost forty pounds (195 to 155) in four months, most of my muscle mass, and I was assessed as severely malnourished. Since being discharged and coming out of starvation mode and slowing the cancer with treatment, I have put on about ten pounds in four days as I continue to feed my body what its looking for.

I am very motivated to beat his cancer and to get back on my feet as soon as possible. I thank you again for your love and support.


Phillip and Shanna 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

I meant to donate $100 one time but instead it’s there twice!!! Also where do i put my credit card or address to send a check. Never done any donation this way and i may never do again. Sorry to be so confused

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
3 months ago

Laura Nechkash
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
4 months ago

$ 40.00 USD
5 months ago

Sending prayers 🙏🙏🙏

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
5 months ago

God bless you, Phillip, in your time of suffering. I am Peter McCarthy and I was a friend of your father. I watched the message you gave at Hope Community on June 30 and was very impressed. Your father would have been proud, not only of your message, but also of the strong Christian man you have become. I wish you and your family well, Phillip, and Linda and I will continue to pray for you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Sorry I convinced you to go Rochester only to have you sit in the ER for seven hours and then get sent home without interventions. Ugh. I’m so sorry. Here’s a tank of gas for you. Best of luck. You can do this.

$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for you. We don’t know you but saw your flyer and felt God tug on my heart. Praying over your sweet children too.

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 40.00 USD
6 months ago

Sending prayers 🙏🙏🙏

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 40.00 USD
7 months ago

Sending prayers 🙏🙏🙏

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Love you guys! Praying for you all!!

Killip Family
$ 275.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Hall Family
$ 480.00 USD
7 months ago


Update #3

December 13th, 2024

 We have many praises and answered prayers to rejoice over and share. The Lord is certainly merciful and gracious. 

Phillips PET scan showed that he was cancer free. He has an MRI this coming Monday to rule out anything in his brain. He had a echo yesterday and that came back well.   Phillip recently had mono-that was rough! He’s starting to turn the curve now and is feeling better this week. He will continue to have blood work done every few months. He’s continuing to do other natural things to continue his bodies healing and recovery of chemotherapy.     

   Phillip went back to work part time. He’s able to be off now for a few weeks for the baby’s birth which is a blessing and help to our family. 

Another praise. The Lord blessed us with a baby girl on 11/27 7lb 8oz, 20 1/2”. Jaydah Marie Runge. I’ll include some photos.:) We are all very much enjoying her.

   We continue to rejoice in the Lord for each of you. All your prayers and support has been of great comfort and speaks loudly to our whole family. The Lord has truly blessed us through you all. Thank you for your continued support for our family. 

   With much love and care for you all,


Update Update #3 Image

August 21st, 2024

     Hi everyone! We can’t express our gratitude enough for your continued prayers and support in every way, thank you so very much!! This road is lighter to walk down because of all the people God has placed in our life’s. Your prayers, and kindness, care, love, financial support, time, meals, and encouragement, the list goes on, means so much to our whole family. God has certainly blessed us with you all. We are humbled by witnessing your sacrificial serving. 

   It has been a rough few weeks for Phillip as he has been pretty sick and haven’t really been sure why. He wasn’t able to take his 8th round of chemo last Friday because he was so ill and his white blood cell count is now nearly 13,000. We recently found out he has E.coli and that could be causing his symptoms-we are praying that way and that its not the cancer. We will be going back this Thursday for more testing and to see if he will be able to do chemo that day as well. He also has an echo scheduled for Monday-which is a praise because its hard to get in. Another praise is a pharmacist named Grant that has been very kind and helpful in Phillips care recently. We are so thankful for the advice from our friends that are in health care as well and their care, kindness and time poured out into our life’s is so appreciated. It’s a tiring road to walk down not knowing what is wrong, what to do, where to go, and not having answers. By God’s grace alone we trust Christ and His faithfulness through this trial knowing this is all for Gods glory and our good. God certainly has upheld us, comforted us, and given peace through this very hard and sad time. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

May the Lord bless you.

Because of Christ,


Update #2

July 14th, 2024

Hi, everyone! I’m now nine weeks into treatment with fifteen more weeks to go. Labs and tests continue to look good. I recently found out that my provider does not plan on rescanning until the end of treatment, which is contrary to what I was told at first (–I think they are trying to strong arm me into complying to do all the cycles—) so I will not be able to give an update in that regard until then.

Nevertheless, it seems to me that the treatment is working, but six months of treatment without knowing its efficacy is a trial in patience in itself. Treatment sucks, but I’m thankful to be alive, and I don’t think I would be without it, so I’m thankful for my chemo and I am thankful for all the good that has come through this season of difficulty, especially for the generosity, care, support, and prayers from all of you who have come around me.

Shanna, my wife, wanted me to share that I am now completely bald. My kids, at first, said that I looked like a scary guy and a murderer, but they’ve adjusted. And don’t worry; I’m not and I would like to think that I am nicer than I look. (I’ve always had a grumpy resting face.) My wife, on the other hand, said that “at least my hair isn’t wild and unkept anymore.”

I want to give special thanks to Luke and Ruthie Zahm, proprietors of the Driftless Café in Viroqua, WI, for keeping my position open and for Ruthie working some of my shifts weekly to keep me in the game. I owe you, Ruthie, a debt of love and will probably be your indentured servant for life now (emphasis on the probably).

 Concerning the funds raised, we have used the money to more or less replace my income for the time that I will be off of work, so that we have been without need or concern, thank you! The funds have also helped with purchasing a van—nothing fancy—to accommodate our upcoming need to fit our family of nine! Thank you all again, and I will give more updates when I have more news to share.

Prayer Requests

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