Supporting Tricia Glinski and Family


 USD $5,000


 USD $1,555

Campaign created by Dennis Glinski

Campaign funds will be received by Dennis Glinski

Supporting Tricia Glinski and Family

Oct. 16, 2024 Update: The official diagnosis is Peripheral Neuropathy. This effects the nerves and there is no inflammation. There is no cure, just time with meds. It's been a slow process. Tricia has at times, been able to pull herself up to stand. Still cannot walk. Please keep praying for Tricia. The medical bills are piling up and each month we have to figure out how to pay our mortgage and other bills.

Aug. 8, 2024 Update: No changes since being home for a month. Still not walking. Tricia saw the Neurologist 2 days ago, she upped her medication dose (for inflammation). We asked about iv treatment, she said that they like to do oral med first... but today we discovered that Tricia has been (by accident) taking a higher dose... obviously this med isn't working, and the next step should be iv treatment, and not waiting 8 more weeks for the next appointment. And the bills keep multiplying as days, weeks, months go by. Please pray for Tricia and our family.

July 6, 2024 Update: Good news bad news. Good news is Tricia is home! Bad news is Tricia still cannot walk.

I took her out of the rehabilitation facility on Friday, after a meeting they had called on Wed. They stated that Tricia hasn't progressed in one month. They said that insurance co. will cancel PT any day now. They wanted to move her to permanent residency. Where they would do nothing for her, and she would just rot away.

I said NO!!! I'm taking her out of here. I contacted the Lion's Club and they gave me a hoyer and a wheelchair. I am now taking care of my wife. It's very hard and I'm so tired, but I love her and will do anything for her. Tricia is setup on our first floor. She is with Denny and I, with her family. This coming week we are making arrangements for PT to visit and work with Tricia at home. Yes! how Bizzaro is this, no more PT at facility, but we are able to get it at home. Also we are scheduling an EMG test. This is very important and will hopefully tell us why Tricia can't walk and address a fix. Please continue to pray for Tricia and our family as this is unfathomable.

Update: June 20, 2024. Tricia has been a Rehabilitation Facility since June 3, 2024. They are working on her weak legs. The last few days she has been able to stand. If she can just walk a bit we can bring her home and do out patient. 

Today we were informed that last month her insurance has stopped, because she hasn't been working. We were told that Tricia can apply for Medicaid but it doesn't cover the complete PT she has been getting. PLEASE HELP! PLEASE PRAY!

Update: May 30, 2024. Message from Tricia, So I’ve been in the hospital since May 3rd. This is my 3rd time coming to the hospital/ER since April something. This time I get admitted and I had surgery to finally remove small bowel obstruction. Shortly after the surgery they stopped my CPAP. I was not getting oxygen to my brain. Dennis noticed the difference and asked them why it was stopped. The md never renewed the order. So CPAP was restarted & my brain got back to my normal. But in the meantime I was getting dizzy, having trouble standing and walking. My legs got progressively weaker. Now I can’t stand or walk on my own. I WALKED INTO THE HOSPITAL & I SHOULD BE ABLE TO WALK OUT! Now they want to send me to rehab. I have been out of work since just before this hospitalization. The bills are piling up. Dennis is trying to do everything he can to keep from getting gas & electric from being shut off. Keep house & car paid. Food in the house. Bringing my meal because hospital food is horrible & I’m gluten free. Which they have very little food choices. I am trying to keep my hope up I’ll be able to go home soon. The one major thing I NEED to do is get to Denny’s graduation. If I have to crawl I WILL BE THERE!!!! Just venting here letting it be known this is where I’m at.

Update: May 13, 2024. Last week Tricia had Gastrointestinal Surgery. She is currently in recovery in the hospital. She should be released this week. Doctor said that Tricia will recover at home, off work for six weeks.

For the past couple of months my wife Tricia has been sick, stomach bug like symptoms. This has been on and off, feeling under the weather. She has missed work on and off, a day to a week. When she doesn't work there isn't a paycheck. Her income pays the main bills, house, car, etc.

On Monday April 15, 2024, she went to the ER by recommendation by her Dr. because of abnormalities in her blood work. They ran 2 CT scans, an eco, blood/urine tests. She was severely dehydrated. This will effect your whole body. Doctors were concerned about her heart and kidneys, her blood pressure was low. Tricia has Cardiomyopathy, Lupus, Migraines and Thyroid issues. Plus, in Jan. 2024 She had a pacemaker implanted. So these were concerns. They got blood pressure back to normal. She was in Hospital for observation. On Friday Tricia was sent home. A short time later she was sick again, not keeping anything down. We returned to ER. Ran more tests. A couple days later sent her home. Two days later Tricia returned to ER. They finally admitted her. After more tests. Doctor said may have to have surgery. Please pray for Tricia, and our whole family as this has affected us both mentally and financially. There are doctor and hospital bills, plus regular monthly bills at home.

We have never asked for donations in our life and are very humbled. Thank you.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Steffan Family
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Deborah Wade
$ 60.00 USD
7 months ago

Praying for you

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Rachel Schneiter
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Sorry for all your suffering. Praying you have answers soon.

CCA Friend
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

We love your family! Let us know how else we can help- meals, grocery gift cards, lawn mowing, etc!

Gerardi Family
$ 300.00 USD
7 months ago

We are praying you will be home and walking soon.

Colleen Kren
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago


Max Overnyter
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Renee Quebral
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

Donna S
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

David Darling
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Jason Bouton
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago

Sending prayers🙏🏼


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