 USD $20,000
 USD $1,150
Campaign funds will be received by Krystal Domingue
In October of 2023 our then 4 month old grandson was a victim of abuse while his mother, our daughter, was at work supporting him, and underwent surgery for a traumatic brain injury and brain swelling and bleeding. He survived by the grace of God but now has multiple clusters of seizures a day as well as is permanently blind in both eyes. My husband and I have taken custody of him and have been caring for him since his release from the hospital and our daughter was recently able to move back home to be with her son. I have had to stop working to care for him and we have gotten behind on our bills dealing with all of his health problems. We risk losing our house and are just asking for a little help. We drive back and forth between our home and his numerous appointments 3 hours away. He will have more surgeries in the coming months and I won't be able to return to work until he is more stable. I have struggled with asking for help but this baby deserves a loving and stable home without the threat of homelessness after all he has and continues to endure. Please consider helping even the smallest amount.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Wishing you & Tanzy lots of love during this difficult time. I know together you will persevere.
Love yall cuz
August 10th, 2024
Our sweet baby boy has spent the last 3 months undergoing tissue expansion in preparation for his skull replacement surgery and we go Monday morning for that surgery. He has gone through so much and has persevered and triumphed through it all... this next surgery is a big step in his journey and our tough guy needs lots of love and prayers. Our family thanks and appreciates all of our friends and family who have been by our side and standing behind us through everything. Remember us Monday morning as yall head to school and work and say a little prayer for his surgeons, me and momma and especially for little man.
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