JoAnna's Heart


 USD $10,820

Campaign created by Teresa Jones

Campaign funds will be received by Jaudette Olson

JoAnna's Heart

This campaign was set up to hopefully ease and offset the financial burden for JoAnna's husband and family while going through this challenging time. To assist with medical costs, traveling expenses, and loss of wages and/or help with living expenses (to lighten the load mentally and physically on them) during JoAnna's recovery. She has such a Big Heart for God and for People, and has touched so many lives in so many different ways, that we're hoping we can give back a little of that love to her and her family! If you're unable to contribute financially, prayers are just as good as gold to bring her before God's throne in her healing journey!!

For those that have not heard, JoAnna Jackson had a heart attack on Tuesday night, March 12, and needed open heart surgery. God was in the details and had the family in the cities near a local hospital that was able to transfer her via ambulance to a cardiology hospital, and He was in every step along the way, holding her in His hands! She ended up having several surgeries while at Fairview in Edina, during the time she was there from Tuesday night through Friday morning. She was transferred Friday morning from Fairview to the U of M (after being placed on an ecmo machine) where they are able to monitor her better on this machine.

The providers say she is a fighter, but has a long road to recovering and healing.. If you are in a place to be able to help out financially, I know they would be humbly grateful!!

JoAnna is beloved in her family and community as a positive, cheerful, "larger than life", get it done personality! She is a Devoted Wife, Loving Mother, Caring Daughter-in-law, Amazing Daughter and Sister. She is a Beautiful Friend to many, Church Deaconess, Sunday School Teacher, Homeschooling Volunteer, Community Advocate for Biblical Citizenship, and so much more!!! She is always trying to lend a helping hand wherever and whenever she can!

Whatever you can do to help is extremely appreciated!!

All donations received will be given to JoAnna's family through her parents account.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
25 days ago

Sharon Eder
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Prayers for you and all of your caregivers. Stay positive.♥️

Abbey Landgren
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

I've been praying for you. Sending love!!

Kari Jordahl
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Hang in there JoAnna! Good to see positive updates on your journey!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Lifting you all up to God through Jesus.

Colleen Miller
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Dan Piispanen
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Hope this small donation helps with your recovery, prayers to you and your family…Dan, Michele & Girls

Colleen Miller
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Thinking of you JoAnna.

Kira Martin
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Get well soon sweetie! We’re praying for you and talk about all the time. Mark, Brooke, Cree, Kiera and Brit Brit

Annette Zilverberg
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Praying for your speedy recovery. I'm so glad Jesus was watching over you!

Colleen Miller
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Prayers for ENcouragement in this new phase of recovery! Keep up the great work! You got this!

Anonymous Giver
$ 150.00 USD
10 months ago

Continued praise for the miracles and prayers for healing - mind, body, spirit. JoAnna - you are God’s precious daughter and He is working something beautiful in you through this, even if you can’t see it now. He loves you and will meet your needs daily.

$ 110.00 USD
10 months ago

We are praying for grace, strength, joy, and healing.

Bob Mary Beal
$ 50.00 USD
10 months ago

So glad to hear Joanna is in recovery. All best to her and her family.

Mark and Darla
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Praying for you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
10 months ago

Colleen Miller
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

So many prayers for healing!!!

Donamaria Family
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

My sweet friend, thinking of you in the hospital is just heartbreaking. The world is better with your joy and beauty in it. I’m praying for you and Mark and trusting God with a full recovery.


Update #33 Heart Disease Awareness Month

February 10th, 2025

Update #32 Recovery from ICD surgery

January 31st, 2025

Hi everyone 

It's been a little over two weeks since I had the defibrillator put in. So far so good! I can feel it pace, but no shocks (thank goodness)!

The pain has gone away for the most part. Now, it's just my body trying to get use too it, as well as me remembering not to use my left arm. I am still waiting to find out when I head back to Mayo in February.

Life is still slow going.  I am not a person who sits still well, so it is taking time to except this new chapter in life. Mark and my family have been amazing at taking on extra work taking care of me and things that I am usually responsible for. I thank the Lord everyday for the support system God has given me. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support.  I must sound like a broken record, but we truly feel and appreciate them! We are blessed beyond anything we could ever imagine. 

Prayers please for relief of the pain that is still coming once in awhile from the ICD, relief from chest pains that still come from the open heart surgery and fluid around my heart. Prayers for my spirit, that it would not grow weary or overwhelmed. Prayers that I would continue to focus on hope and have faith!

Thank you all again!


Update #31 ICD Procedure

January 16th, 2025

Today's procedure went well! Dr said no complications!

I was able to be released but have to spend the night at the hotel, so I can be at my appointment tomorrow morning for a final check up. Definitely in a lot of pain, so the ice pack is my best friend as well as Tylenol. Once released tomorrow, I will have a 6-8 week recovery. I have to come back for a 3 month check up. Then annually. 

To clarify, the ICD does not heal me or give me energy. Because parts of my heart are dead, I am at a high risk of having a cardiac arrest, which is usually an electric (rhythmic) instant death. I am still also at high risk of another SCAD heart attack, that is why I am on the medications I am on. As of now unless the Lord chooses to perform another huge miracle I will not get better. I will get worse until heart transplant. 

I will be joining a research study in a little over a month. It is a blind study for a trial drug to try and open dead cells up again. I won't know if I receive the drug or placebo. But if the drug does work, I will get first choice at it.

Hopefully that helps clear things up a bit.

Thank you so much for all the prayers, I definitely feel them!!!!!

Thank you again. 


Update Update #31 ICD Procedure Image
Update #30 U of M

January 13th, 2025

Quick update:

Today was my visit to the U of M hospital to have tests done on my right leg. That is the leg they had to cut all the way down to my main artery to put the impella pump. That is the leg the doctors thought they were going to have to amputate because the blood flow was not coming back. They told me I was going to have to be seen the rest of my life for it. 

Well because my last visit was good and the results from todays visit were a 100%, I no longer have to go back for my leg!!!!!!

Thank you for all the prayers!

Prayers please, 

Off to Mayo tomorrow!

Update #29 ICD

January 7th, 2025

Hi Everyone

Holidays were wonderful, had lots of family time together. There were some things I couldn't do with the family and times my body stopped me in my tracks causing me to take days of rest, but for the most part it held up!!!

We started to isolate from others at the beginning of January to try and make sure we all stay healthy so I can have my procedure, praying nothing sneaks in! 

If all goes as planned my mom and I will head down to the U of M hospital on Monday the 13th. They will run imaging and tests that day on my right leg. I will meet with the Dr in charge of monitoring the arteries of my leg to make sure there are no blockages and that it is healing well. Then we will stay in the cities that night and leave for Mayo on Tuesday the 14th. On Tuesday Mayo will be running labs and more test on my heart, if all is ok then on Wednesday they will perform surgery and put the defibrillator in. I will have to stay the night. On Thursday I meet with the Dr. overseeing me and if there are no complications then we can come home on Thursday. It is a 6-8 week recovery, broken up with limitations through out as time goes on. The first 2 weeks are the most limited.

Once I am healed, I will then start going down once a month taking part in their research program.

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support. We were just talking as a family the other day how much the prayers and everything has helped us through all of this and will continue to.

Thank you again so much!!!!


Update Update #29 ICD Image
Update #28

December 7th, 2024

Happy Holidays

We have so much to be thankful for this year!

I have updated dates for my procedure at Mayo, January 14th-16th.  I will also be going to the U of M on January 13th to have my right leg appointment.  They will continue to monitor my leg to make sure there are no blockage or blood clots.

In the beginning of November I received my electric wheelchair.  The walker is useful in smaller areas but the doctors wanted to wheelchair for me to be able to conserve my energy when out for long periods. It has been a huge blessing and allows more mobility.  The biggest thing is to limit my amount of walking in a day.

This coming year I will be going back and forth to Mayo a lot. I qualified for a research program (only 4 heart patients have met the criteria) going on there to try and regenerate dead heart cells. It's a one year commitment.  I will not know if I received the placebo or the treatment. Prayers over the whole process would be much appreciated. 

Other than that I am looking forward to seeing my sister and her husband coming from Colorado,  along with all of the holiday festivities.  Thank you all again for your prayers and support!!!


Update #27

October 22nd, 2024

Thank you all for your prayers. It was not God's will for me to have the procedure this week for my ICD.. Our house has been taken over by a cold. They said that respiratory viruses can cause infections in the device which can get into my heart. So they won't do the surgery until it is gone. They are rescheduling for December or January. 

Thank you all again for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers!

Update #26

October 4th, 2024

Defibrillator/pacemaker procedure has been scheduled for this month the 22nd-24th. I will have a one month recover with restrictions of driving, lifting, etc....

After that I should hopefully be set until I need a heart transplant. 

Some of you have asked why they don't just do the surgery now for transplant. Unfortunately there are many complications that can come with that. If my body decides to reject new heart, that is it. They would then have to put me on heavy dose medications and eventually a not pleasant end of life. The goal is to keep what's left of my heart for as long as possible. 

Life has been going on as much as possible. We as a family feel we have been given a gift. We are very much aware now how much everyday is a gift. We find ourselves appreciating our time together. The small stresses don't seem as important. That's not to say we don't have bad days around here. We have just chosen as a family to look at all the blessings this has brought.  

That being said, we are beyond grateful for you all. I often find myself with tears of joy over the generosity and prayers we receive. We can never fully express just how much it means to us to have all of you come alongside us through this journey.  

We pray for a miracle of complete healing but most of all we pray God uses this story for His Glory!

Thank you 


Update Update #26 Image
Update #25

September 11th, 2024


Today I had an appointment with the cardiac arythmia department for my ICD. There are different kinds of defibrillators, but apparently because of the open heart surgery and double bypass I had, there is only one type I can get. It is one that will actually go into the vein of my heart and will be able to try and pace before it has to shock. The cardiologist explained everything very well.  I will be down at Mayo for the procedure from October 22nd-24th.

I still cannot thank you all enough for everyone's kindness. It truly is the little gestures that really make a huge difference.  We see them every day and it humbles us. We are so grateful to be surrounded by such love!!!

Thank you!!!

P.S. Life has definitely been limited for me lately. I have to have a mobility device when I leave the house. So often all of this can be overwhelming, difficult to accept or understand the new normal.  Once in awhile a little bit of "normalcy" happens and it brings great joy. That happened this weekend when a dear friend came up from to Texas to come see me! Here's a photo.  Life is still happening and I get to be apart of it. Thank you Lord!!!

Update Update #25 Image
Update #24

August 30th, 2024

Update on this Mayo trip, yesterday and today.

So nothing new this trip. It was just more tests to have a baseline of where I'm at with heart failure. That way they can monitor my hearts decline.

I met with the heart transplant Dr. He explained to me that process, how and when they start that. I'm not at that point yet, they wait until the medications stop working. He did say though because of my AB- blood type I actually could get a heart transplant in less then 10 days once I need it. So I won't have to wait years when I do get to that point. 

Next appointment is September 10th with the defibrillator department.

Thank you again for all the prayers. This journey would be a lot more difficult for my family and I without all the support and prayers from our village!!!!

Update #23

August 20th, 2024

I have been asked to keep giving updates on here.

Here's a quick update. I will be going back to Mayo on the 29th-30th at the end of this month. I will have more tests done then meet with the Heart Failure Clinic. They will have a clear picture of how they will proceed forward as well as monitoring me. 

On September 10th I have a virtual meeting with the surgical cardiology department to prep me for the defibrillator surgery as well as scheduling it.

Prayers for a clear mind and not letting it overwhelm myself and family.

Thank you again for prayers and support!


Update #22

August 14th, 2024

I know some of you ask for updates but I will most likely stop after this one. If you would like to reach out later I can always fill you in.

I had a video call with my Dr from Mayo clinic on Monday. It was to go over the new diagnosis Ischemic Cardiomyopathy (heart failure, stage C). The night of my attack my heart was without blood for about an hour.

A panel of cardiologists at Mayo all looked over my case (to give a second opinion), they could not believe I was alive and that I was functioning as well as I am. That being said they all agreed that my heart will not get better. I will now be transferred to the Heart failure clinic there and they will start working with me and monitoring me. They are trying to get me in as soon as possible to get a defibrillator. 

The most amazing thing though is I am a daughter of Christ. My hope is in Jesus Christ my Savior! I thank you all for your prayers and support!

Update #21

August 10th, 2024

Update from and by JoAnna

Today was overwhelming

andh ave been praying

on how to give this update.

Yesterday I was down at

Mayow ith my mom.

They did a MRI

of my heart. 

Apparently your heart can

survive up to 20 minutes

without having severe

damage to it.  I went

almost an hour without

blood to my heart

(just to give you an idea

of what happened).

I have been diagnosed with

Ischemic Cardiomyopathy.

It is a form of heart failure.

My left ventricle and heart

have been severely

damaged to the point

they cannot support

enough blood and

oxygen to get to my

body and heart adequately.

Over time it will continue

to get less and less.

They also found fluid

around my heart which

is causing some of my

symptoms also.

Next step is having a

video call with my

main Dr on Monday

to answer questions

I or my family have.

Then from there I have

an appointment with cardiology/surgical

department to get

everything set for my

surgery to have a

defibrillator put in.

It will be there in case

of a cardiac arrest.

Here is a link that

further explains my


Thank you so much for

the continued prayers

and support! 

I don't know how we

would get through all

of this without the

love from family and

friends! Not to mention

having the Lord by

our sides every step

of the way!


July 23rd, 2024

This is Teresa and I wanted to give a quick update.

JoAnna and Jodi (her Mother) have been down in Rochester, MN, at The Mayo Clinic since yesterday and they have been doing imaging, running tests, and she was able to meet with one of the world's most knowledgeable doctors on the SCAD diagnosis. They'll continue to run genetic tests tomorrow to see if that warrants further testing to be completed or not. She was told after her visit to the U of M in May that her heart ejection fraction (EF) (after a brief scan) was at 37.6%, which we were all ecstatic about, thinking that she had left the hospital with an EF of 25% and she was recovering well.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. After completing a thorough scan at the Mayo, her EF has only come up to 28% and the doctor said she does not expect it to get much better than that. *Which would explain why she felt like she was not making much progress since coming home - with her energy levels, having to take long frequent breaks, getting short of breath with simple tasks, and not being able to do as much as she would like to do with family and friends. That being said she will have to go back to Mayo on August 8th for a MRI of the heart. They will be placing a defibrillator in her in the near future to help protect against cardiac arrest - With this news, it can be heavy and daunting, but like JoAnna said, we were coming down for more information and clearer answers and we are getting them. So, Thank You Lord that we have the leading doctor on this diagnosis right here in MN and she's wanting to help JoAnna to live the best life she can going forward from here!  

I know we've said it before, but we cannot say it enough - Thank You All for the continued support, prayers, and help through all of this! It is going to be for the long-haul and we couldn't do any of this without our village. - Seph Schlueter - Counting My Blessings

Update #19

July 12th, 2024

The past couple of weeks have been full of good news!

Last week I found out there are no more blood clots in my neck! Thank you Lord!!!

Yesterday I went to the U of M all day for test on my leg. Nothing but positive news! The blood flow in my leg is 100%, the fluid pocket in my leg is decreasing in size!  Because I lost blood flow to my leg at one point and they had spoken with my family about possible amputation when I was in the hospital, I will have to have it checked the rest of my life. But so far so good!!!

As far as set backs, my body is still struggling with all the medications, so they took me off of another one and so far it has helped. Also I am still experiencing the exhaustion and residual pain. The doctors continue to remind me it will take years to heal.

The next step is going to Mayo Clinic this month the 22nd-24th. They will be running test all three days. They will be trying to find out the cause and what the future will look like. 

Prayers please for continued healing and answers.

Thank you all again for the prayers and the continued meals, I can not thank you all enough!


May 28th, 2024

Hi Everyone

This is JoAnna, I'm finally able to do my own update. I have been at my home now since May 7th. There has been huge steps forward as well as frustrating setbacks. 

Some highlights- I was suppose to be in physical therapy for 8-9 weeks and I was able to meet the goals in 4 weeks!  All GOD!!! I have started cardiac rehab, I was very surprised to learn that the guy  in charge of my rehab did his thesis on Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and is very familiar with it!  GOD thing!!! On Monday the 20th I went to U of M to have an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart). They were thinking it would be between 25%-30%. They prepared me for possible future surgeries. Then GOD performed another miracle and my test results came back 35%-40%!!! Mayo in Rochester has also started the process for me to come down there. The main doctor in charge of the cardiology department is the leading doctor on SCAD's in the WORLD!   I am very excited about that visit. Praying for more answers and a clearer view of the future.

Some of the setbacks have been an allergic reaction to one of the medications that caused a lot of discomfort. Still dealing with the residual pain that comes from all of this, along with the exhaustion as well. My heart is healing but still not strong. Currently I have been dealing with a cold that Hannah gave to me. I'm realizing more and more just what my heart does. I have been informed multiple times at doctor visits about how this is a lifelong condition. I will have a care team and scans the rest of my life. Mentally I am trying to wrap my head around my new normal and what has happened, which provides for some not so good days as well.

In the next couple of weeks I will be having an ultrasound of my neck to see if the blood clot is gone. I will be going down to U of M for my leg check up and ultrasound to make sure there are no blood clots or blockage. I will continue with cardiac rehab, as well as other periodic hospital visits. 

We have been blessed by so many of you, from prayers, financial, meals, childcare, lawn and driveway clean up, and so much more! We cannot thank you enough!!!

Prayers please for continued healing physically as well as mentally. Prayers for clots to be gone and I can possibly get off some of these medications. Prayers for all those around me who have taken on extra work to take care of me as well as taking on my workload. 

Thank you all again!!!

The Lord has been laying this on my heart a lot.                                                                                                       2 Corinthians 12:9 -  But He said to me, "My Grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.


April 24th, 2024

It will be 2 weeks tomorrow that JoAnna's been back in Aitkin at the farm. Hallelujah!! Thank YOU LORD!!!

We are so THANKFUL she is still HERE With US!! That we get to Talk to her, See her Beautiful Face, Her Smile, that We get to Laugh With Her, Cry With Her, and All of Us get to Share Our different perspectives and experiences through this whole ordeal - including her and what she remembers, and how she experienced it all... She definitely exudes and exhibits a patience and a grace about her - after all that she's been through.  ONE DAY AT A TIME, is what each of us keep thinking and saying to ourselves and to each other.

Life is returning back to its regular business for all of us around her, but JoAnna's "business" is a bit different. Just walking from the couch to the bathroom and back is like running a 5 mile marathon for her. Her body is Willing, but her heart is not able to keep up and sustain her for prolonged or even everyday activities. She is extremely limited on what she can do, although she is trying more and more each day to see what her heart can handle and what it can't. - She is able to get around the house without a walker, but needs to have the walker with her any time she leaves the house to ensure stability. She is tethered to her LifeVest (defibrillator) at all times, and Fair Warning - if she does ever go into cardiac arrest - NOONE Touch Her (cause they will get shocked, if she needs it) - Just call for an ambulance. - She can cook and then rests. She can interact with Hannah and do some homework with her and then rests. She participates in our virtual meetings for setting up the clinic and then rests.... She is needing a lot of break times in between and finding out that if she pushes herself to hard one day, she is paying for it the next day with little to no energy. Each day is a new learning curve with new challenges, discoveries, and the ever present limitations that she cannot overcome this early on in her recovery. Not yet anyway, it's going to take a lot of time.

The realization of how catastrophic her event was is starting to sink in for her.... The rest of us lived through seeing everything she was put on and dealt with, but now all the specialty providers she has been talking to are telling her that most people that have experienced what she went through - usually do not live to tell about it. This was not "just" a heart attack, which is devastating in and of itself!!! And anyone that has been through one KNOWS that!! This was not plaque buildup and a blockage, this was a complete dissection of the artery.  - Most people's hearts operate at between 55-70% (give or take a few percentages), hers - at last check, was operating at around 30%. Her mind and body want to do more, but she just can't right now. So she is taking life slow and enjoying all the little things. She KNOWS that the ONLY reason she is still here is because of GOD!! Not because of her. If you speak with her, she will tell you, she wanted to give up at one point and be done with everything that she was going through (even though she didn't understand everything that was happening), but HE told her to keep going, to keep fighting and HE was going to Fight With and For Her! - Dear Daughter by Tasha Layton - We would play this for her when she was intubated and she said she heard it and it kept going through her head! (Now I'm crying listening to it and remembering... I'm just sooooooo grateful!!)

The reoccurrence of this happening again or the complications that might come with everything she's been through are a Reality, and we all understand what may be. BUT She, and all of us, are not living in fear - but GRATEFUL for What GOD Has ALREADY DONE - When HE Died on the Cross for US to Give Us SALVATION - When He set Her up To Be IN The Right Place AT The Right Time - When HE Pulled Her Out of Everything She went through and Miraculously Brought Her Back to Life, and That We Get to Spend This Extra Time WITH Her!! We are So Appreciative of Everyone's Thoughts, Prayers, and Constant Support!!

Isaiah 43:1-3 But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;  - AMEN!!! 

Update #15 - 4/11/24

April 12th, 2024


JoAnna's been discharged today and is staying at Steve and Jodi's to be monitored more closely and recover a bit more. She still has to have lots of rest periods, but she's getting around and we're All So Grateful to have her back and close by...


If anyone wants to visit - we understand wanting to see her, since it's been so long.. We just ask that you text or call beforehand to verify a time - due to scheduling appointments and needing breaks throughout the day. Thank You for Your Understanding and THANK YOU FOR ALL THE PRAYERS AND SUPPORT!!!

Update Update #15 - 4/11/24 Image
Update #14 - 4/7/24

April 8th, 2024

Today's update will be in JoAnna's own words from our family texts.

4/6/24 - With the strength of God I walked toady without a walker!!! - It felt so good!!! - I did 45 ft. twice. - Having a joyful, emotional moment. I keep thinking why am I so special that He would choose to save me and so thankful that He did!

4/7/24 - My anthem and prayer to God. I am so thankful and grateful.

So the more doctors and nurses I talk to I am becoming more and more aware of just how much of a miracle God performed. Apparently I should not be here and I definitely should not be mentally aware. THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR MIRACLE!!!!!!!

With God's strength I walked all the way down to the gym today, did some balance exercises, then walked all the way back. I am exhausted but excited! They suggest I have a walker at home for precaution but said I most likely shouldn't need it if I take it slow. And they said definitely yes, to the wheelchair if I'm going to be out for awhile without some place to sit down. 

I am exhausted. I had OT right after PT. They had me fold a basket of clothes, clean a kitchen, make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sweep. - Jodi, "Are they trying to give you a heart attack there?" hahahahaha... JoAnna, "Exactly!"

After speaking with her on the phone this afternoon, it sounds like they may be discharging her this week to Aitkin, with outpatient PT referrals, labs, and cardiologist appointments. She'll know more clearly of when that will be by the end of tomorrow. She continues to exceed all of their daily goals set for her and they keep having to come up with new ones to try to keep her busy and eligible to stay in rehab to get stronger and to give her heart more time to heal.

As I'm writing this, I'm listening to the song she sent and crying joyful tears of Thanksgiving for the Miracle that God has Done.... THANK YOU ALL FOR LIFTING HER UP IN PRAYER!!!!!  GOD IS SO AMAZING!!

Update #13 - 4/5/24

April 6th, 2024

Psalm 73:26-28 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.

JoAnna has been in rehab for 4 days and is exceeding all their goals set for her everyday. She tried walking with a walker and a one person assist yesterday and was able to walk with Hannah alongside her, coaching and cheering her on. She was able to complete more than 30 steps, sat down in the wheelchair and started to cry tears of joy! It's been so long since she walked and with everything that has happened, she wasn't sure she would be able to do it, and God just keeps giving her strength for each new task and day. When talking with her, she will tell you over and over again, that she does not have the energy, she does not have the strength, and everytime she has therapies - she is exceeding all of their expectations!!! She will be the first to say - It is ALL GOD!!! He's the reason she's here! He's the reason she is getting better so quickly! And she continually hears from the staff what a Miracle She Is and She Tells them - I KNOW, And GOD SAVED ME FOR A REASON!! I'm going to give Him Everything, including this broken, beat up body!! Hallelujah!!!!!!! Dad said today - Just like Paul - who God saved over and over again, she's going to be JoAnna The Evangelist!!!  THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR HEALING HANDS AND FOR ANSWERED PRAYERS!! JoAnna Is Coming Back!!

When being admitted to rehab, they were originally thinking that she was going to be there at least 3 weeks, this morning, they're saying it may only be 2 weeks. She did 4 stairs this morning and was only supposed to go up and down, and she did them 3x, the therapist said - Now you're just showing off. ;-)

The different therapies that come in throughout the day are physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. They are continually checking her physical strength, coordination, mobility, functionality, cognition, speech, swallowing, etc. At this point, one of the therapists said, it's not her body strength/muscles that are slowing her down, it's her heart - it's not strong enough yet to withstand the exertion needed to do regular let alone prolonged activities - she gets tired very easily, even while eating.

Steve, Jodi, Teresa, and Steven (Teresa's son) were able to visit JoAnna today and take her outside to the curbside food trucks - getting egg rolls, fried rice, and dumplings - out in the beautiful weather, and strolling her around in the wheelchair. It was amazing to spend time with her and get to see how far she's come!! Thank YOU EVERYONE for All that You Have Done, Are Doing, and Continue to Do!! We are so Grateful! We included a couple of pictures from today.

If anyone would like to visit, please let one of us know and we'll try to schedule it between all her therapy sessions. God Bless You All!!!

Update Update #13 - 4/5/24 Image
Update #12 - 4/2/24

April 2nd, 2024

Each step forward brings a new reward and daunting - sometimes overwhelming realization of how far she has come and how far there is still to go. Isaiah 41:10 - So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

JoAnna is working hard with determination each day to gain strength and increase her limited mobility. She has been moved to the rehab facility to continue this and already has a busy schedule with several different therapies starting tomorrow.

Originally we didn't know when she would be moved from the hospital to rehab, so we were thinking people could start visiting to give her some much needed encouragement and company. However, since she has been moved today and does not know what her schedule is going to look like over the next couple of days, she is respectfully asking that people would hold off for a couple more days until she has a better handle of her schedule, progress, and how tired she's going to be each day. Once she lets me know, I'll post the new address and when would be a good time to visit for those that are wanting to go. Thank you all for your understanding, continued prayers and support.

Prayer request - that JoAnna would not feel discouraged going into this new phase of recovery with all the work and effort she has to put into doing even simple tasks, but that she would feel and know the reality that she has been lifted up in prayer and what a Miracle God has Already Performed In and Through Her and continues to Every Day.

Update #11 - 3/31/24

April 1st, 2024


JoAnna continues to improve each day beyond what her providers keep expecting for that day. She reported herself that they are hoping to move her to a rehab room sometime this week.

She had the NG tube removed the other day and is receiving most of her medications by mouth (still receiving IV antibiotics), she is eating a regular diet and having to calorie count to make sure she is getting enough throughout the day to continue strengthening her body and assist with the healing process. She is making great strides with her physical therapy, she's able to hold her cup and modified utensils now, she can hold a phone, she sat at the edge of the bed yesterday and stood today with assistance, her voice is coming back stronger and stronger everyday. She still has her sense of humor and continues to work hard each day to pass her milestones. 

For those of you that have been asking, she can start receiving visitors at this point, but I would still limit it to only 2-3 people at a time. She does still get tired and need break periods in between, but she is good at voicing that to the staff and letting others know too. I would contact Mark or her before going down and let them know when you'll be coming. Dad is planning on visiting her tomorrow and will be bringing her phone down to her. Thank YOU ALL for Your Lovely Thoughts, Gifts, Prayers, and Concerns!!!

For people who are just joining, the condition JoAnna had is called SCAD -

Update #10 - 3/28/24

March 28th, 2024

I apologize for not updating the last several days, again, we've been waiting - waiting to see how much she would progress over the last 4 days, waiting for the storms to pass, and busy with taking care of each other and the animals at the farm. - All of us going in and out of Praise and Gratefulness, in and out of the realization of everything that has happened over the past couple of weeks, the exhaustion, the dedication of everything that needs to be done for everyone involved, and the Thankfulness that we do not walk this road alone and that we have all of You. Thank you Lord that you know everything we go through here on earth!

- Mark stayed down in the cities with JoAnna during the days and stayed with some hospitable cousins at night, and one night at the hospital during the storm - and we were all hunkered down in Aitkin keeping things going at the farm and keeping the kids busy. 

JoAnna has been progressing - slowly, but surely. She is starting to remember the events of what happened, she is cracking jokes with family and the staff, her wit is definitely back, and she is starting to be able to lift her legs about 2 inches off the bed, and is continually doing hand squeezes to strengthen her hands and arms. 

We were concerned the first several days of her coming off the machines because she was having significant delirium and we didn't know to what extent it may have affected her brain - there were lots of prayers. Some of the things she was saying (she is not talking - she started off as a small whisper and the whisper is getting stronger - having the intubation tubes in for that long separated her vocals chords and she is having to exercise them to get them back together) were lucid and coherent, but much of her thought process was not and would get worse as the day progressed - It was more noticeable the less sleep she was able to get the first couple of days. She is much more coherent and lucid - but still having a harder time when she gets tired and hasn't rested for a bit.

She is having to relearn how to do EVERYTHING! The little things we take for granted everyday - eating, toileting, moving, talking, etc. She's learning how to strengthen and try to move everything again. Her muscles are severely deconditioned and are like jelly at this point. She is only able to be rolled and repositioned in bed. She is doing strengthening exercises daily/hourly and we are seeing progress in these last couple of days. She has an NG tube placed for nutrition and medication administration, however, she has been changed to a regular diet. It is just difficult and exhausting for her to eat and breath, so she needs to take several breaks. Her wounds are starting to heal, but she's still on antibiotics to help rid her of infections. It was reported a couple of days ago that she still had a clot in her heart that they were thinking she would have to go back into surgery for, however, they increased her heparin administration and checked again, and apparently couldn't see it the next time they checked. Praise the Lord!!!

I went to visit her yesterday with Hannah, Dad, and my son Steven - Mom was already down there and Mark had just left that morning to get some much needed rest - and she was so happy to see Us, especially Hannah!!!! She has pictures hanging on the wall in front of her of Her, Hannah, and Mark... 

She was told about the GSG page, all the people that are praying for her, that are lifting her up spiritually and financially, all the people that have sent well wishes, gifts, flowers, food, etc. and she started to tear-up.... She was insistent on making a thank you video to everyone in the next day or so, when her voice is stronger.. While talking with her nurse, they expressed their love-dislike for each other, because he has to push her to do everything and she finally does it after MUCH encouragement from him - and I made the comment that I know she can have attitude, but over the last several years she's been working on that and very understanding of people - she looked at him, smiled, and said "see, I'm a delight!" hahahahahahahaha..... We all started laughing.. She is coming back. She knows that so many people are praying and care for her! She knows that GOD IS WITH HER, and she knows that WE LOVE HER!!! She is really trying to get back to ALL OF US!!! Rachel and Jason were able to see her today before they took off back to CO, and Rachel said she looked so good, and Mom said she was joking and cracking everyone up the whole time! =-D She gets tired easily and needs a lot of break periods in between everything that is going on in there 24/7 - she's continually being pricked, prodded, turned, cleaned, hearing the beeps of all the IVs that are still hooked up, exercising, eating, and needing the rest in between all of that. She still has a long road in her recovery process, but she's already come such a long way!

GOD YOU Are SOOOOOOO AMAZING!!! Thank You for Saving Her and Thank You that YOU ARE WITH HER in Every Step of Her Recovery!!!!!!!

P.S. I apologize if I have not gotten back to your texts or calls in the last couple of days, we have been on the road a lot, doing a lot of activities, and sometimes I forget. I'm sorry. But I am so grateful for all your concerns and well-wishes!

Update #9 - 3/24/24

March 25th, 2024

JoAnna is still off of ECMO and ventilator!!! Hallelujah!! 

She had pressurized oxygen yesterday to help increase her O2 levels, but was taken off and seems to be maintaining her sats. She had an NG tube placed in order for her to get nutrition and certain medications. She had her hair washed today and several tubes removed and seems to be loving her new found freedom. She is still only able to nod her head yes or no to questions and answering some of them appropriately. Due to the length of time she was intubated, she is not able to speak, hardly even able to whisper. 

Also, due to everything that's happened in the last couple of weeks - trauma, surgeries, medications, and longevity of it all - JoAnna is definitely experiencing delirium and delusions, which is difficult for family and Mark - to know if she is comprehending what is really happening or not. Please be in prayer for further healing for JoAnna, and for Patience and Discernment for family during this time of transition.

Update #8 - 3/23/24 - 2nd update for the day

March 23rd, 2024

She's been moved to a step down room, she's sitting up and has had some ice chips. She can only whisper at this point and will need time to heal.. Hallelujah Lord for Bringing her this far!!!! 🙏🙌

She is answering questions somewhat appropriately. However, we need to be in prayer for ICU delirium - she's been under sedation and had trauma for over a week and a half, she'll have difficulty fully understanding everything that's going on, a hard time regulating emotions, thoughts, feelings, a difficult time expressing all of these things and more to staff and family alike. She'll have to come to the realization of everything that has happened since she was last awake - awake.. she'll have to go on her own journey of coming to grips with reality and future circumstances, or current limitations. Please be in prayer specifically for her current fever and infection, the healing of her heart and lungs, and figuring out to what extent her heart and body will heal to, once she is able to start rehab, and please pray for all of us that we would be able to have the Patience to give her that time to heal and not push her too much because of our expectations, but to encourage and walk along side her, so that we don't hinder or slow her recovery process..

But Thank You Lord for Everything You have Given us Already, by bringing JoAnna off of those machines at this time!!!

Thank You All!!!

For those still curious as to what happened to JoAnna - this is a good link to her condition.

Update #7 - 3/23/24

March 23rd, 2024


I'm sitting here writing this with tears in my eyes, and I keep having to go back and delete wrong words to type the right ones to get this out!!!


Rachel and Jason went down there to be with JoAnna and Mark (it's his birthday), and apparently they had decreased the sedation medication and she was trying to smile when she saw both Rachel and Mark!! And she was winking, wiggling her toes, and sticking her thumb up when asked to. Hallelujah!!! But then Rachel reported that she's been gagging and choking a lot, with the decreased sedation - comes the awareness that you have these awful tubes down your throat and it's difficult to swallow and breath properly.. (We had hoped and anticipated that they would be coming out today) Rachel said after that she was resting, so I can only assume they needed to increase the sedation meds to help her rest. And Rachel just text a little bit ago and said The Tubes are OUT AND SHE'S DOING WELL!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!!

She still has a journey ahead of her, but we're taking every little victory we can get!!! Thank You All for Your Prayers, thoughts and concerns along the way.... This definitely takes a village and we're so Grateful for All the People who are in Our Village!!! 💝

Update #6 - 3/22/24

March 22nd, 2024

Yesterday was a lot of the same, waiting... Waiting to see how JoAnna is healing, tolerating changes, reductions in the ecmo machine, and how her body will respond.. Waiting on the Lord's timing for everything.

The day prior, Rachel and Jason went down to be with JoAnna and Mark and they said she wasn't very responsive because she was still coming off the anesthesia from the day before and when she would wake up or open her eyes, she wouldn't really focus. And she chokes and gags on the intubation tubing.. they also had to drain her stomach of excess bile and secretions.

Yesterday they had turned down her sedation medication and she was waking up more periodically. They removed the wound vac from her leg again and reported that the chest tube that had been placed to drain the fluid around her lungs was barely draining anything that morning, 🙏👍 Teresa and her son Steven went down to be with JoAnna and Mark (on their anniversary). In the morning the staff was concerned because JoAnna's eyes were swollen and her pupils were dilated so they took some brain scans to assess if there were any changes they needed to be aware of, there was nothing abnormal that they could find - Praise the Lord!!! We're hoping it may be a side effect to a medication/s. As the day progressed the swelling went down and her pupil sizes, and she was able to focus from time to time. She is still comprehending and able to answer questions with a head nod, we did not see her shake her head no yesterday and her strength seems to be decreasing a bit. She did nod that she knows why she is there and what happened. And she tried to smile when she saw Steven! She was also reporting a little more pain yesterday.

Please pray for her mentally, you can see that she's exhausted, that she's having a hard time not being able to move, not being able to talk or express herself and being stuck in her own head.. when asked if she knows we love her, she nodded. When asked if she knows God is with her, her nod was more resolute. But she did shed tears yesterday and she is tired of all of it..

Today.... Steve and Jodi went down and the hospital took JoAnna off ECMO and so far she's maintaining her functions and they've changed her rooms to a step down cardiac ICU room, still on intubation tubing, but if she does well overnight and tomorrow, hopefully that will be removed tomorrow!!!

Please be praying for this!

Thank You Lord!!! Praying each day for the little things that are such huge victories!!

Thank you All for keeping her and us in your thoughts and prayers!!

Update #5 - 3/19/24

March 20th, 2024

The day was an emotional rollercoaster. Mark went down in the morning and was informed that they were going to be taking her off of the ecmo machine. She had a trial run the day before where they had reduced it, and she tolerated it well. So the day started off exciting with anticipation. Steve and Jodi were on their way down when they heard the news and waited with Mark for her to return without the machine. Unfortunately, she did not. They said they were monitoring her without the ecmo machine on and her body could not maintain without it - her oxygen levels kept dropping. She also was brought back with another wound vac placed on her leg to help with drainage (which had been removed before). They did say because they brought her down to remove the ecmo, they were able to discover that JoAnna had fluid around her lungs and they drained it. So some progress, and some setbacks. With her being brought down to remove the ecmo, she was put under with anesthesia again so she was quite unresponsive and sedated throughout the day. Occasionally she would try to open her eyes slightly but appeared not to be able to focus on even close objects or faces and barely responded to questions.

It seemed to family as if she was starting from square one again. She still has the intubation tube (ventilator), the feeding tube, chest tube, ecmo machine, all the IVs for sedation medication, pain medication, heart medication, antibiotics, electrolytes, hydration, heparin, and the wound vac all hooked up. Additionally, she has been getting continuous blood replaced each shift. She still has a long ways to go, but God is with her and she keeps fighting to be here with us.

Today they are talking about doing a trial of reducing the ecmo machine again to see how she tolerates the reduction. They may try to remove it again either tomorrow or the next day. They're hoping after getting the fluids off her lungs that she will be able to heal better today and tomorrow.

Update #4 - 3/18/24

March 19th, 2024

Teresa and Retha went down to see JoAnna and spend time with Mark at the hospital. The staff reported she is maintaining her vitals and did a trial run of turning down the ecmo machine to see how her body would tolerate it and they said she did really well. They did report finding a staph infection and believe that may be part of why she spiked a fever and had the elevated heart rates on Thursday night, the last night she was at Fairview. They have been slightly decreasing her sedation meds and she is waking up more periodically and trying to open her eyes wider and she's starting to try and focus on eyes and faces. Her comprehension level is Good, which is a Blessing and a bit of a curse. She's realizing that she can't move and talk having a tube down her throat, but she seems to be understanding what we're saying. Yesterday I could see her lower lip quivering and asked if she was trying to talk, she nodded yes, and I could tell she had a bunch of questions in her eyes, and we're trying to be somewhat honest while not being negative, letting here know that we're here with her, that God is with her and she is covered in prayer by soooo many people!!!

They were able to take the wound vac off her today from the artery repair area from the impella pump.

When she was answering questions yes or no for Teresa throughout the day, half the time nodding she had pain, half the time shaking her head no (which is good), at one point Mark said - she doesn't pay attention to me that much, what am I, chopped liver - and she nodded yes. 😉😂 She still has her sense of humor.

There is talk of taking her off some machines tomorrow or the next day. She has come so far, but she still has a long ways to go and God has been with her all along the way.

Update #3 - 3/17/24

March 18th, 2024

I'm sorry for not writing last night, but I wanted to clarify some details with Mark before posting since I was not down there yesterday.

Rachel and Jason were able to get into MN and visit with JoAnna throughout the day. Mark is down there everyday with her and Hannah went down with Steven and Jodi to see her Mom for the first time since all this happened on Tuesday. Mark said that when JoAnna heard Hannah's voice she about came out of the bed (as much as she can in her sedated state). Hannah did really good too, she was prepared ahead of time on how her Mom was going to be and she talked to her for a bit and stayed in the room playing on a tablet, everyone said she did really well and of course all the staff Loved her!

JoAnna is still hooked up to the ecmo machine, is intubated and being kept sedated to help give her heart and body time to heal. They had started to decrease her sedation levels so she is starting to slowly, slightly open her eyes and try to focus, but only for short periods of time. She still able to nod her head and shake no when asked questions, when the sedation wears off a bit. They reported that she had a staph infection and a couple other bacteria cultured from the last night she was at Fairview and she has spiked a temp along with the elevated heart rates. She was placed on antibiotics and seems to be doing much better. They also gave her lasix to pull the fluid off and decrease her swelling and her kidneys seem to be functioning well. They had to open her leg at Fairview to accommodate for the amount of fluid her body was retaining and they were able to close that up yesterday. Each day brings new challenges that are brought to light and ones that are being overcome in Jesus' name.

Praise reports - she is no longer running a fever, the swelling seems to be decreasing, her body temp has come up and she is warm to the touch instead of cool in her arms and legs, her heart rates seem to be stabilizing and things are going in the right direction. Each day another device is taken off of her. Her neurological, circulation, and kidney functions are all doing good at this point. Praise for all the support, prayers, and amazing family, friends, and community we have surrounding us with prayers and love!!!

Prayer requests - pray against side effects that can come along with using the ecmo machine. That the antibiotics will take care of all infections and that she has minimal side effects to those. That she knows that we're here and she's not alone, and that she knows that God is with her. And for her family, Hannah, Retha, and Mark as they are having to manage all these changes and uncertainties during this time.

This Post Is for Those Who Want To Know How It Happened

March 17th, 2024

Many of you may have heard of what happened on Tuesday night, but some have not. If you want to know, I'll try to recount the events on what happened to JoAnna's heart (from our understanding). If not, then you can skip this update. - It may be confusing, but I'll try to do my best to clarify, from our understanding.

Tuesday the family was packing and getting ready to head down to Texas to be there for Mark's Father. (Which is a GOD-thing in and of itself that they were in the cities when they were.) They stopped to grab coffee before taking off to try to make it into Iowa that night, if not further. Once getting back into the truck and taking off JoAnna passed out for a couple of minutes, she came to and complained of her left arm hurting and started puking. Mark was already driving and started looking on his GPS to find the closest hospital. He was able to get her to the Burnsville ER that was about 5 minutes away. -GOD-thing! Once there he called Teresa and explained the situation. The ER was able to quickly diagnose that she was having a heart attack and needed to transfer her to a cardiology hospital with a cath lab. -GOD-thing! She went via ambulance to Fairview in Edina. When she arrived there they diagnosed her with a dissected left heart artery that was no longer supplying blood to that side and she needed open heart surgery Immediately to complete a double bypass by taking some veins from her left leg, placing grafts, and placing an impella pump in her right leg through an artery to help with the workload since her heart was only pumping at 10%. The surgeon said that the branches off her right artery were longer than normal and were helping to perfuse her heart enough to get her to the hospital. -GOD-thing!! After the ER calls, Teresa called Steve, Jodi, and Rachel and informed them of what was happening. Steve, Jodi, and Teresa started heading down to the cities while JoAnna was getting transported. They didn't arrive to Fairview until she was already in surgery. She did not come out of surgery until Wednesday morning and they allowed family to briefly see her in ICU around 8 am. The surgeon said Mark saved her life by his quick thinking and recognizing it was an emergency!! GOD-Thing! He said because she was diagnosed quickly, got to the cath lab, and into surgery she had a much better chance of recovering. He said 30% of these heart cases are made up of women from the ages of 40-60 years old, and they are not exactly sure what causes it, they believe it may be caused by stressors, hormones, or certain medications - There have been different complications that have popped up over the last several days and she has had a couple more surgeries since the open heart surgery. But we are praying she is on the right machines and medications now for her, And We Know that God has been with her every second and every step of the way!

Update #2 - 3/16/24

March 17th, 2024

When we came back to Aitkin it was late, and the kids were needing some cuddle time, so I apologize for not updating until this morning. Thank you for your understanding. - Teresa

Yesterday was a day of waiting. Praying and waiting on the Lord for His answers. Praying over JoAnna and waiting to see if she would continue to maintain her vitals and to see if she would respond to our voices.

Mark shared some thoughts last night as we were driving back, and what he said exhibits the heart and compassion of JoAnna and Mark for God's people so well - I can't remember verbatim (I'll have to see if he can write it down so I can share it exactly the way he said it), but paraphrasing it in my own way, I'll try to do it justice. 

- What's happened with JoAnna is an everyday occurrence for so many families.... so many people are going through these difficult situations in different ways. We are All so appreciative of the many prayers, thoughts, and the overwhelming support that has been shown for JoAnna!!! But we'd also like to ask for prayers - prayers to cover and to be sent up to God for all the people that are dealing with challenging times with the health or loss of a loved one!! - He wanted prayers for others dealing with these difficult times and to bring them before the throne of God and to cover them in prayer.

Again, this was not verbatim, but his heart speaking out....

*Update - JoAnna is still heavily sedated for the majority of the time. With all the machines and IVs in place, this is the best thing for her to help her to rest and allow the machines to do the work while her heart is healing. She has a continuous drip of pain medication and every once in awhile when she needs some, she is given an additional dose. Her legs are getting blood flow to them, which is checked with a doppler machine, they are warmer to the touch, and occasionally when she becomes more lucid she is able to wiggle her feet on her own (she's having a harder time with her toes due to swelling). Hallelujah!!! They also started giving her nutrition through feeding tubes yesterday on top of the electrolytes she's been getting.

Throughout the day we are periodically talking to her to let her know that we're there with her - telling her about the day, talking to her about Hannah, letting her know about the many people that have expressed concerns and their prayers for her, and asking questions to elicit any type of response (many times Mark and family are just sitting in the room to give her rest, to pray over her, and just to be with her). Occasionally, when the sedation medication begins to wear off a little, she starts to move a tiny bit and this is when we start asking her questions to assess her comprehension. Most of the time she has been nodding yes to having Mark give her a foot massage, only once have I seen her say no. ;-)   Since coming to the U of M she has not been alert enough to shake her head no, she has been making slight nods for yes. However, last night before having to leave (visiting hours end at 8:30 pm) we had been playing christian music for awhile and I started asking her if she was excited to go to the Mercy Me and Newsboys concert in April, and she nodded yes (well, of course I had to keep going). I apologized for my coffee breath - and she shook her head no. (WOOHOO!!! She's responding differently!!!) I asked if she wanted some coffee - she definitely nodded Yes!! hehehehehe.... (the nurse said maybe he could feed her some in her nutrition line) I asked if she was in pain - she shook her head no (Thank you Lord!). I asked if she knew that we all Loved her very much - she nodded very clearly yes! I asked her if she knew that God was with her - her nod was even more resolute! (Thank YOU GOD!!!) I asked if she wanted Mark to rub her feet - she shook her head no (for the first time ever.... lol..). I asked her if she wanted me to keep playing the music - she shook her head no. Then she was able to wiggle her feet and squeeze her right hand. Praise the Lord!!!!

There was some talk from the providers yesterday, that depending on how she maintains on the machines yesterday and last night, they may consider decreasing the heart medications to see how her body responds and if its able to start doing more of the work. If they see that her body is tolerating the decrease, then they might possibly remove all machines on Monday or Tuesday. We are hopeful, but understand this is an ever changing situation. We are praying and believing for complete healing, however long that takes. We know everyday is a new day and it brings different challenges, and some days there are huge jumps forward and some days there are setbacks... But through it All, God is Good and Faithful, No Matter What!!

Thank YOU ALL for EVERYTHING You're Doing!!! We cannot Thank You Enough!

*Rachel and Jason are coming today and will be spending time seeing JoAnna with Mark, Steve, Jodi, and Hannah (she's going to visit her Mom for the first time today - please be in prayer about their time together).

Update #1 - 3/15/24 - 1 pm

March 15th, 2024

JoAnna had the impella pump taken out and was placed on the ecmo machine this morning at Fairview.

Mark and Jodi were able to see her before she was transferred to the U of M.

She was transferred and went into vascular surgery to remove the catheter sheath that was allowing the impella pump to be in place.

They needed to ensure there were no clots building up around it that could become dislodged and cause further complications.

They also needed to repair the artery and assess that blood flow would return to that leg adequately. 

She was in surgery for several hours.

Steve went down to be there with Mark and Jodi.

Mark just called and said he ran into one of the doctors that has been seeing us over the past several days (who he found out this morning is a Christian) and he said she is doing so good on the ecmo machine!!! Hallelujah!!! Thank You Lord!! Mark was Ecstatic to hear this!!! 

The plan now is to have her on that for the next couple of days and hopefully take her off all the machines if she continues to do well, but as we know - things can change.

God has been holding her this whole time and getting her what she needs, when she needs it!

Thank you God for Your constant provision, even if we can't always see the whole forest through the trees!

And Thank you to Everyone for All the thoughts, gifts, donations, and prayers!!! We feel them and we are so blessed and appreciative!!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.