Monthly Goal:
MXN $22,000
Total Raised:
MXN $3,635
Raised this month:
MXN $0
Campaign funds will be received by SAKAE KISHIDA
Hello everyone. This is Sakae Kishida, a fundraiser for El Pedregal Cultural Institute (Institute Cultura El Pedregal).
Our institute is a small private organization directed by Miriam Espin Elizalde, a qualified primary school teacher. We are running a free kindergarten and nursery home for infants and toddlers in a mountain village in Morelos state, in southern Mexico. Our kindergarten provides a variety of educative classes and healthy meals to six children, who were unable to adjust to other kindergartens. In the nursery division, two nursery teachers are caring for two infants.
We lack a stable economic foundation that is necessary to continue our educational activities. Currently, our kindergarten and nursery home are financed by my private salary as a translator (I am Miriam's husband), as well as support from my father who lives in Japan, and Miriam's friend who lives in Switzerland. However, we have to say that our financial basis is very fragile and we need more solid support.
Please support our school financially by becoming a regular monthly supporter. The donations collected here will be used for school operations, including the salaries of teachers and childcare workers (1 full-time, 3 part-time), teaching materials, and healthy food for the children.
Onetime donation is also welcome.
El Pedregal, where we live, is a small mountain village with a population of less than 1000 people. There is another kindergarten and elementary school in the village, but children who cannot fit in well with that kindergarten/school have no other options for school education. So, that's why our institute is trying to provide a high-quality alternative free education in this locality.
Please support our activities. Although Miriam and I (Sakae) are Christians, our school policy is to respect diverse faiths and accept children from all family backgrounds. We would appreciate it if you could direct your support towards our group. Your support will provide a better education to children, creating a brighter future for Mexican children.
Thank you for your attention.
Best wishes,
Sakae Kishida, El Pedregal Cultural Institute fundraiser
(For your reference)
El Pedregal Cultural Institute (Institute Cultura El Pedregal)
Calle S/N, Colonia El Pedregal,
Tlalnepantla Morelos, 62534 Mexico
Main objective:
To provide free alternative child education to low-income local families
Members: A full-time teacher, several temporary workers including assistant teachers and childcarers, and a fundraiser and several volunteer members (As of November 2023)
Miriam Espin Elizalde (Director/Main teacher)
Gloria Figueroa Salas (Childcarer / School Assistant)
Abigail Gabriela Monray Espin (Childcarer / School Assistant)
Sakae Kishida (Assistant Teacher / Fundraiser)
And some more volunteer members
Funding: Donation Based
Established in: September, 2023
Director: Miriam Elizabeth Espin Elizalde
こんにちは、みなさん。岸田栄(きしださかえ)と申します。 エル・ペドレガル文化学院(Institute Cultura El Pedregal)で資金調達を担当しています。
私たちの学院は、小学校教師の資格を持つミリアム・エスピン・エリザルデが代表を務める小規模な民間団体です。私たちは、メキシコ南部モレロス州の山村で、乳幼児を対象とした無料の幼稚園と保育園を運営しています。 現在幼稚園では、他の幼稚園になじめなかった子たちを中心に、6人の児童が学んでいます。ここでは週に5日、各種の授業と健康的な給食を提供しています。いっぽう保育部門では、現在、2名の乳児の保育を行っています。
ぜひ、私たちの活動をご支援ください。本地域の代表的な宗教はカトリックですが、私たちの学院では、それ以外の多様な信仰も尊重し、あらゆる家族背景の子供たちを受け入れることを方針としています。ぜひとも、私たちの活動へのご支援を賜れますよう、重ねてお願い申し上げます。 皆さんの支援によって、この地の子供たちにより良い教育の機会が提供でき、子供たちの明るい未来を創ることができます。
エル・ペドレガル文化学院 資金調達担当
エル・ペドレガル文化学院 (Institute Cultura El Pedregal)
Calle Sinaloa S/N, Colonia El Pedregal,
Tlalnepantla Morelos, 62534 Mexico
Miriam Espin Elizalde (代表/専任教員)
Gloria Figueroa Salas (保育士 / 補助職員)
Abigail Gabriela Monray Espin (保育士 / 補助職員)
Sakae Kishida (補助教員・資金調達担当)
資金調達方法: 寄付ベース
代表: Miriam Espin Elizalde
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