Child Library Project in a Small Mexican Village


 MXN $80,100


 MXN $200

Campaign created by SAKAE KISHIDA

Campaign funds will be received by SAKAE KISHIDA

Child Library Project in a Small Mexican Village


Opening a Child Library in Mexican Mountain Village

We have a plan to renovate a vacant space in a private kindergarten building and make it a small but beautiful library for children. We will offer access to this new small library for every local child, not limiting to the children at our school institute.


Our colonia El Pedregal is located about 1 km away from the Tlalnepantla main town, Morelos state, in the south of Mexico. We have no library in the village now. Although the main town of Tlalnepantla has a small public library, access is not very easy for El Pedregal village children.

Our library project targets not only our school institute students but also the local children and their families in our village community. Everybody will be allowed to utilize all the books and educational materials, and some educative toys, too, that will be all provided free by our institute.

About our Institute

El Pedregal Cultural Institute (Institute Cultura El Pedregal)

     Calle Sinaloa S/N, Colonia El Pedregal,
       Tlalnepantla Morelos, 62534 Mexico
Main objective:
  To provide free alternative child education to low-income local families
Members:  A full-time teacher, several temporary workers including assistant teachers and childcarers, and a fundraiser and several volunteer members (As of November 2023)

 Miriam Espin Elizalde (Director/Main teacher) 

 Gloria Figueroa Salas (Childcarer / School Assistant)

 Abigail Gabriela Monray Espin  (Childcarer / School Assistant)

 Sakae Kishida (Assistant Teacher / Fundraiser)

  And some more volunteer members

Funding:            Donation Based
Established in:     September, 2023
Director:           Miriam Elizabeth Espin Elizalde

El Pedregal Cultural Institute (Institute Cultura El Pedregal) is a small private organization that provides free alternative education for children and infants in Colonia El Pedregal in Tlalnepantla Morelos, in the south of Mexico. It was established in September 2023 by Miriam Espin Elizalde, a qualified teacher and a specialist in child education. Our target is to provide a high-quality alternative free education opportunity for children who decided not to attend the other local schools, for example, because of family financial situation.

   As of March 2024, we are providing a quality kindergarten education for 6 local children and a nursery care service for two infants. We have one full-time teacher and three assistant teachers/childcarer who are working for our institute. We are expecting more entry of children because there is a big potential need for alternative child education among low-income families. As a long-term vision, we are planning to provide an elementary school education program, in addition to the ongoing kindergarten and nursery education program.

Required Budget
Total: MX$ 80,100 (USD 5,030)


Patchwork Floor Rug
24 Pieces (30 × 30cm each)
  MX$ 500  (USD 30)

8 Small Book-shelves
3 types of small bookshelvesMX$ 4,000 × 2
MX$ 2,000 × 3
MX$ 2,400 × 3
     MX$ 21,200  (USD 125)
(Approx. price calculated by the price at Amazon mx, Mercado Libre, and House Depot)

250+ Books

Picture Books/ Child books
MX$ 160 × 250 books
(MX$ 160 is the aver. price/book)

Child Encyclopedia
MX$ 3,000 × 2 sets

Subtotal: MX$ 46,000  (USD 2,685)
(Approx. price calculated based on the price at Amazon mx)

Educative toys (Maximum 16 items)

Total budget for educative toys:
    MX$ 6,000 (USD 350)

2 sets of small tables & chairs

MX$ 3,200 × 2
(1 set includes 1 small table and 3 small chairs)
(Approx. price calculated by the Nanu website)
   MX$ 6,400 (USD 375)

If the total amount of donations we receive exceeds the amount estimated in the library opening plan, we will use the funds for purchasing additional books and educational toys, as well as for school and library operating costs, including the purchase of other learning materials.
Thank you for your donation. We appreciate your support!



私たちが暮らすエル・ペドレガル村は、メキシコ南部のモレロス州トラルネパントラの本町から約 1 km の場所にあります。現在、村には図書館がありません。トラルネパントラの本町には小さな町立図書館がありますが、エル・ペドレガル村の子供たちにとっては図書館の場所が遠く、ほとんど誰も利用できていないのが現状です。

私たちの子ども図書館プロジェクトでは、この村のコミュニティに住む地元の子供ちとその家族の全員が利用可能な小図書館を開設し、 そこに多数の本や知育玩具をそろえて、誰にでも無料で開放する計画です。


エル・ペドレガル文化財団 (Institute Cultura El Pedregal)

       Calle Sinaloa S/N, Colonia El Pedregal,
       Tlalnepantla Morelos, 62534 Mexico



   Miriam Espin Elizalde (代表/選任教員)
   Gloria Figueroa Salas (保育士 / 補助職員)
   Abigail Gabriela Monray Espin  (保育士 / 補助職員)
   Sakae Kishida (補助教員・資金調達担当)


資金調達方法: 寄付ベース
代表: Miriam Espin Elizalde

私たちのエル・ペドレガル文化学院 (Institute Cultura El Pedregal) は、メキシコ南部モレロス州のトラルネパントラ自治体内にある飛び地の村で、幼児と幼児を対象に無料の教育を提供する小規模な民間団体です。2023年9月に、小学校教師の資格を持つミリアム・エスピン・エリザルデによって設立されました。私たちの目標は、家庭の経済的理由などで地元の他の学校に通えない子たちや、他の学校になじめたかった子たちに向けて、質の高い無料の代替教育を提供することです。


 総費用: MX$ 80,100 (約740,000円)

パッチワーク ラグ(床に敷きます)
 MX$ 500 (4,000円) (24枚セット、各30cm × 30cm)

小型の本棚 8 個 (異なる3タイプ)
 MX$4,000 × 2
 MX$2,000 × 3
 MX$2,400 × 3
小計: MX$ 21,200 (約189,000円)
(Amazon mx、Mercado Libre、House Depot の価格より算出した概算額)

 絵本・児童書  MX$ 160 × 250 冊
(MX$ 160 は1冊あたりの平均価格です)
MX$3,000 × 2セット

書籍類の小計: MX$ 46,000 (約411,000円)
(おおよその価格はAmazon mxでの価格をもとに算出)

 MX$ 6,000 (約54,000円)

小テーブルと椅子のセット × 2
 MX$3,200 × 2
小計: MX$ 6,400 (約57,000円)

皆さんから頂いた寄付金の総額が図書館開設プロジェクトの見積もり金額を超過した場合には、追加の書籍や知育玩具の購入費、そのほか学習教材の購入を含めた図書館ならびに幼稚園/保育園の運営費として活用させていただきます。 皆さんからのサポート、心から感謝いたします!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 MXN
11 months ago


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