USD $325,000
USD $4,210
Campaign funds will be received by Michael Sullivan
The movie, "Armageddon PSYOP" exposes the Global elites plan to start WWIII between Israel (the State of Rothschild) and the Muslim world by staging false flag events (allowing or starting terrorist attacks in Israel and the U.S.) to pull Americans into the war. The Rothschild's have been prepping and funding the Premillennial Dispensational Zionist movement for this event ever since Darby and Scofield (1830's - it is "sin" not to support Israel). The Global elites know Talmudic Zionism, Evangelical Zionism, and Islam ALL want an end time war to usher in their version of a coming Messiah or the Second Coming of Jesus - and the Globalist Cabal need it to usher in their "Great Reset" and digital world currency. But what if Jesus came upon the clouds through the Roman armies (as God had come on the clouds in the OT - ex. through Assyrians and Babylonians) and the war of Armageddon or Gog and Magog was really fulfilled "shortly" and "soon" (Rev. 1:1--22:7, 10, 20) in the Roman / Jewish war between AD 67 - AD 70? If that is the case (and it is), then this truth needs to be shouted from the rooftops so the Christian community will not be drawn into this "Armageddon PSYOP."
Thank You all for meeting the challenge
For the "PV Challenge"
For the "PV Challenge"
PV challenge match
Toward the PV Challenge
The PV Challenge
Thank you Michael Green.
Make it happen, Mike!
Thanks for what you do, Mike!! May more and more people wake up to see that all has been fulfilled!!
"A long ways to go, and a short time to get there."
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