Supporting Baby Ben and the Sanchez Family


 USD $8,261

Campaign created by Emily Gaulding

Supporting Baby Ben and the Sanchez Family

Help Support Baby Ben’s NICU Stay

Hello! We are Emily and Isabel, friends of Melanie Sanchez and her husband, Andres.

As many of you know, Melanie and Andres welcomed their beautiful son Benjamin Andres on February 11th at 35 weeks. Due to his early arrival, he was admitted to the NICU in Jacksonville to keep an eye on his breathing. Unfortunately, Baby Ben developed some complications and required a transfer to UF Health Shands Hospital in Gainesville, FL for advanced cardiac care. Due to myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), sweet Ben is currently on ECMO (artificial external life support that allows his heart and lungs to rest while providing blood and oxygen to his body). He is currently stable and is being cared for by a wonderful medical team.

This will likely be a long hospitalization in Gainesville, around a couple of months, away from their home in Jacksonville, Florida.

We are asking for your support to help Melanie and Andres cover expenses associated with this medical emergency. Melanie and Andres are deeply grateful for the outpouring of support they have received so far. Given how little their loved ones can do for them at this time (it’s a waiting game while Ben is receiving medical care), we decided to start this fund to provide financial support so that they can focus on being present for Ben, their daughter, Sophie, and each other as Melanie is still recovering from giving birth.

A contribution of any kind is welcomed and greatly appreciated. We will provide updates here as we get them to keep everyone in the loop on Ben’s recovery.

Thank you for being here and for your support of their family. <3

Please feel free to share this campaign with your social media community. We (The Sanchez's friends and family) are trying to help them with as much support as possible. Thank you!)

Recent Donations
Iris Fonseca
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 361.00 USD
7 months ago

Kathy and Dave Thomas
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

May God’s love surround you during this time.

Jess and Tony
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Isaiah 54:10

Rujvi Kamat
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Best wishes to Baby Ben and his loving family!

Shawn Hopkins
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Andi and Matt Merson
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Praying for you guys!

Trigg family
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Sending love and prayers your way xo

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
7 months ago

Praying for Baby Ben's recovery 🙏🏼💕

Sara Dawson
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers

Samantha Helgeson
$ 250.00 USD
7 months ago

Ashley King-Sherman
$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Sending all the best wishes to your whole family!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Sending you love and prayers

Abbey Conrad
$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

Mama de Gigi
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Elejalde-Almera Family
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

We love you little Ben, cannot wait to meet you and see you playing with your cousins Sebas and Sammy.

Joe Janet Melaragno
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

Diane Trasatti
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago


Update #11

December 1st, 2024

Hi everyone! It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly 4 months since Benjamin was discharged from the hospital following his heart transplant in June. It’s been a journey filled with ups and downs, but through it all, our little warrior continues to amaze us with his resilience.

Life post-transplant has been a whirlwind as we’ve adjusted to our new “normal.” Between medications, therapies, and regular trips to Gainesville for appointments and follow-ups, our days are certainly full. Navigating this new chapter has been challenging, but we’re happy to share that Benjamin is making steady progress toward hitting his milestones—especially considering that for the first six months of his life, he was on “pause.”

Despite everything, Benjamin is the happiest little guy. His sweet smiles and little laughs light up every room, and he’s fully engaged in all his therapies. He’s also become quite the talker, with “Da Da” being his favorite word—much to Andrés’ delight! 

One of our biggest challenges has been navigating life with an immunocompromised baby, especially during cold and flu season. For those who may not know, transplant recipients must take medications to prevent rejection, which suppress the immune system. This makes even common illnesses more serious. Since September, we’ve been admitted to the hospital five times for a range of issues—from a simple cold to more serious infections. We even had one dramatic morning where Benjamin surprised us all with a full-blown anaphylactic reaction to penicillin, adding a newfound allergy to his list. (We’re pretty sure he just wanted an excuse to visit his old friends in the pediatric cardiac ICU!)

Despite these challenges, we’re incredibly grateful that Benjamin’s heart and heart function remain excellent. Even during hospital stays, he charms the pediatric nursing staff with his sweet personality—thankfully we’re now more familiar with the general pediatrics floor than the ICU.

We’re so thankful for the love and support from all of you this past year. Your prayers, kind words, and encouragement mean the world to us. We ask for your continued prayers for Benjamin’s health, recovery, and protection from illness. Please also keep our family in your thoughts as we navigate the logistics of being apart between cities, balancing work, life, and keeping everything as stable as possible for Sophie. We are anxiously awaiting for our new home in Orlando to be finished, so we can start to get more settled. 

Thank you for walking this journey with us—we’re so grateful for our village.

With love,

The Sanchez Family 

Update Update #11 Image
Update #10 07.16.24

July 16th, 2024

Update on Baby Benjamin: He got a heart!**

Dear Friends and family,

We are thrilled to share some wonderful news about Baby Benjamin. If you follow us on social media, you may have heard, that two weeks ago we unexpectedly got the call that the team had accepted a heart for Baby Ben. It came at just the right time, as just the day before, the strong (unsupported) side of his heart was starting to struggle again and he was hitting another roadblock. On June 26th, Benjamin underwent a heart transplant. We are overjoyed to report that the surgery was a success!

Benjamin has been showing incredible strength and resilience during his recovery. His doctors are pleased with his progress, and we are hopeful that he will be discharged soon. We never expected to be talking about the possibility of going home this soon (we’d been told to expect to wait between 6-10 months for a heart) and we’re so excited (and a little nervous) to get to bring our boy home soon. 

This journey has been challenging, and it’s far from over. We’ll have lots of doctors visits and trips to Gainesville in our future for the many follow ups and appointments required after transplant. We continue to ask for prayers for no complications and continued healing and smooth recovery. All of the heartfelt messages and prayers, acts of kindness, and generous donations have lifted our spirits and helped us through this difficult time.

It’s not lost on us that Benjamin has been given the biggest gift someone can receive. It’s so hard to think that on the same day we felt excitement and relief, another family was feeling such sorrow and pain. We ask for prayers for the parents and family of the little hero who gave this second chance to Benjamin. 

We will continue to keep you updated on his progress and recovery. 

Go Baby Ben! 

With gratitude,

The Sanchez Fam

Update Update #10 07.16.24 Image
Update #9 06.13.24

June 13th, 2024

Thank you all for your prayers. We felt them. Thankfully Ben has recovered from his very scary bout with pneumonia and sepsis (blood infection). He is still in the NICU and is still fragile but our boy is resilient and we are grateful. 


Over the last 2 weeks he has been able to wean down from the ventilator to room air (basically breathing 100% on his own)! This is great news as he doesn't haven't to work so hard to breath. We continue working on bottle feeding. He’s been gaining weight! <3


This past Tuesday he turned four months old!! He got to celebrate by moving out of the bassinet, getting a big boy crib, and doing tummy time for the first time since he’s now off sternal precautions!! Our favorite update is he started giving us some smiles! They make us melt. 


Thank you for being here with us! We are forever grateful for your continued love and support.

- Melanie, Andres, Sophie, and Baby Ben

Update Update #9 06.13.24 Image
Update #8 05.27.24

May 27th, 2024

Urgent Ben update/prayer request:

Last week was the best week Ben has had. But as is the trend, with the ups come some downs. 

Saturday night (5/25), Ben spiked a high fever. They discovered he has has pneumonia and a blood infection. While the doctors did tell us that he would likely get at least one infection during his hospitalization, this is still so hard for our family. We're praying this is the only one he gets. 

Unfortunately, these events required that our sweet Ben be placed back on the ventilator. They also had to fully sedate him to put in a new central line. He is stable and ok but we're obviously worried and upset that he had another setback.

It's been such a rollercoaster for our family between the good, the bad, and the really scary. We are asking for prayers. Specifically:

  • that he gets over this infection quickly and with as few complications as possible
  • that he does not get another infection
  • that his body and heart heal

Thank you all! - Melanie and Andres

p.s. Isabel here, I would like to add the prayer request of peace and comfort for Melanie, Andres, Sophie, and the rest of their family. They have had to make so many changes to be present with Ben during his hospitalization while also managing all of the other things in life. Melanie recently returned to work and is splitting her time between work, the hospital, and their oldest daughter, Sophie. Thank you <3

Update Update #8 05.27.24 Image
Update #7 May 14, 2024

May 14th, 2024

The last few weeks have had a lot of ups and downs for Baby Ben. He finally seems to be on a proper “newborn“ schedule where he is waking up at the right times and has his days and nights figured out! He is tolerating his tube feeds all at once (much like if he were to drink a whole bottle at one time). He’s got different cries now, and definitely let us know when he’s hungry or mad that his diapers is dirty! We are still working to wean back off the oxygen and are working on bottle feeding. He had a couple of scary episodes in the last few weeks where the right (strong) side of his heart began to struggle, resulting in distress and the need for higher amounts of respiratory support. He’s currently comfortable and stable, but these struggles make it much more likely that he’ll require a transplant versus recovering on the VAD. Right now we’re just working on normal “baby things,” getting in lots of snuggles, and playing the waiting game. 

Asking for continued prayers for healing for Ben and for the family as we continue to work through this situation. The shuffling between cities and figuring out a schedule where everyone gets enough family time has been tricky lately. 

From the Sanchezes: We’re so so overwhelmed by all the love and support that everyone has given us. We’re immensely grateful for the prayers, words to encouragement, and acts of service from everyone during this time. We’ve been working to get our home in Jacksonville up for rent and we had a ton of projects to finish to get this done in a timely manner (not easy to do when you’re living in 2 different cities). We had family, friends, and even complete strangers jump in to help us finish things around the house/yard. It’s not an easy task to give up control and accept extra help and we can’t thank everyone enough for being there for us during this time. 

Update Update #7 May 14, 2024 Image
Update #6 April 26, 2024

April 30th, 2024

Update from Melanie from last week :)

Ben has been having a good week! Thankfully, he no longer needs extra support for breathing. He has been working hard with the rehab team including speech, physical and occupational therapy. He recently got his days/nights confused-so working on fixing that!

The biggest goals right now are feeding, gaining weight, and growing. We need Ben to get enough calories so that his body can do the hard work of healing and growing. Ben’s homework (per the doctors) is to be “boring and drama free” for the time being. We would appreciate this very much, haha! 

Thank you all so much for the love and support. We are grateful to each of you. Please feel free to share our story with others. 

Update Update #6 April 26, 2024 Image
Update #5 - April 20, 2024

April 20th, 2024

From Melanie and Andres:

* We’ve had some ups and downs following the surgery for placement of the Berlin. A few days after surgery Benjamin was able to come off the ventilator and eventually transition to room air. The pump has been doing its job nicely. For a few days he was able to work with with PT, OT, and Speech and got to try bottle feeding for the first time since being in Gainesville! He hit a bump in the road earlier this week and had to be reintubated (placed back on the ventilator) for a couple of days due to some fluid overload. The tube is back out now and he’s looking comfortable and is SO happy to have his pacifier back. Daddy got to hold him for the first time since he’s been in Gainesville (pictured here). 

* This recovery journey is very much one that’s taken “a day at a time.” Prayers for continued forward movement and peace for all during this process. 

* Thank you all so much for your support, the prayers and the gifts are appreciated more than we could ever express. 

Update Update #5 - April 20, 2024 Image
Update - Tuesday April 2nd

April 2nd, 2024

Surgery for Ben tomorrow (April 3rd). The surgeon will be placing a Berlin Heart (ventricular assistive device aka VAD). It provides similar support to ECMO, but it is safer long-term. The hope is that with this support he will get an increased amount of time for his heart to rest and continue to recover. The doctors are encouraged by his progress thus far, but he just isn’t quite there yet.

Ben will be in the hospital for months. He can't leave hospital while on the VAD. But he is able to do more “normal “baby things while he has it. It’s a lot more safe and secure than ECMO. It is technically a “bridge “ to transplant…(he is officially on the transplant list). But the doctors are hopeful that he will not need that. They’ve had some other babies with myocarditis that were able to wean off of the VAD after being on it. 

We need big prayers for a successful surgery tomorrow and for peace and calm for Melanie and Andres while their son undergoes this procedure. <3

Update #3 from Saturday March 30th

April 2nd, 2024

Melanie holding Ben for the first time in 4.5 weeks. <3

Update Update #3 from Saturday March 30th Image
Update #2 from Saturday March 30th

April 2nd, 2024

Baby Ben watching his whales.

Update Update #2 from Saturday March 30th Image
Update from Saturday March 30th

April 2nd, 2024

From Melanie:

Baby Benjamin has had a busy month. He is quite the little fighter. He has remained on ECMO, but is tolerating lesser support. He’s been able to wean off of the ventilator and breathe on his own as well as wean off dialysis (he was dealing with some fluid overload for a while, which contributed to increased stress on his heart). Wins for this month are that he got to meet big sister, Sophie, that his kidney function has improved, and that his heart function has shown some signs of improvement. Right now, we’re hoping and praying that his heart continues to recover and that he’s able to wean off of the ecmo safely and that his heart can function without support. 


Requesting continued prayers for Ben’s recovery and for Mom and Dad while they shuffle between cities balancing work, being there for Ben, and caring for Sophie. We are so grateful for the amazing team of doctors and nurses that are caring for sweet Benjamin and for our family and friends helping out during this time. The road to recovery may end up being a months long process, but we’re encouraged by his progress this month. 🩵

(Photo is of Ben before the dialysis took care of the fluid overload.)

Update Update from Saturday March 30th Image

Prayer Requests

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