Supporting Orphanage in Kenya


 KES 2,105,707


 KES 70,950

Campaign created by Dale Coparanis

Campaign funds will be received by Simon Masungo

Supporting Orphanage in Kenya

Pastor/Evangelist Simon Masungo is taking care of 22 orphans in the Kakamega-Mumais region of Western Kenya. In order for him to properly care for and educate these children and dig a well, he needs the following amounts for the remainder of 2024 and all of 2025. NOTE - the exchange rate is $1 = 130 Kenyan Shillings (KSH) as of 17 November 2024.

Food - $24.84/day for all children equaling $9,811.80 or 1,275,534 KSH

Schooling - $91.45/older child (currently 8) for 3 terms equaling $2,194.80 or 285,324 KSH

Clothing - $11.86/child totaling $260.92 or 33,919 KSH

Bedding - $20.23/child totaling $445.06 or 57,858 KSH

Cooking Fuel - $1.40/day totaling $553.00 or 71,890 KSH

Wash Clothes - $6.98/week totaling $390.88 or 50,814 KSH

Dig Well - $1,538 or 200,000 KSH

The cost for the above in USD is $15,194.92 plus the amount to cover inflation during the year at the current 6.6% rate ($1,002.83) brings the total cost to $16,197.75 (2,105,707 Kenyan Shillings).

All money raised goes directly to Pastor Simon in Kenya. Therefore, all money MUST be designated in Kenyan Shillings. Since all donations must be in Kenyan Shillings here are different amounts in US dollars:

US DollarsKenyan Shillings
$253,248 KSH
$506,496 KSH
$10012,993 KSH
$50064,965 KSH

Pastor Simon posts often on Facebook about his orphaned children and his evangelical efforts. You can follow him here.

Here is his story:

Well, I am a father of two and a husband to Tabitha, we have been happily in marriage since 2018 and God has really graced us. We live in Namalenge village. Our situation and living is just by grace especially if we don't have a paying job neither of us is employed.

I grew up in a polygamous family, my dad had 4 wives, he was very harsh to us and could beat us together with our mom. He could chase us out of our home with my mom and stay in my aunt's place for some days crying and feeling so sad. My mother is the first wife to my father but because of the envy of my other step mother's led us to suffer. My father finally chased me and claimed I was not his biological son, my mother tried to deny it and kept me in the family but this made my dad to fight my mom more than 3 times a day.

My father and family members could mistreat me very bad. I was neglected in the family and outcasted. What could hurt me was my father abusing my mother as a prostitute before my eyes . This made me cry the more . When I accidentally met my father I could receive uncountable strokes of cains. This made me run away at the age of 8. I suffered in the streets for another 9 years and it was a fatal life. I could go three days without food , feeling sad to the peak.

At the age of 16 , I attended a crusade and accepted Jesus as my personal saviour because i wanted my life to change. I started living a life of grace where I could meet people giving me some food and money, I could not eat the food because my family (fellow street children) had nothing to eat and they were younger children than me. I could take my food to them and pray for them.

One day as usual I heard a crusade somewhere and went there, to my luck! Someone hugged me and I was surprised because i didn't know who she was but looked familiar. OMG! She was my mother, she cried at the look of me, when I recognized her I also cried. She demanded to take me home and I was so reluctant because I didn't want to leave my family of other street children. I told my mom to allow me go and bid bye to my brothers, my mom couldn't let me go but I yelled and she accompanied me to my family.

When my family realised I was leaving them they cried the most but I promised to come for them because I was like their father. It really made my heart so heavy and peace less but what would i have done? I went with my mom to my aunt and went to school. I had that burden still .when I had married i and came out of school I started raising money for the needy children. The life I went through I don't wanna anyone to go through.


This campaign was created by and is managed by Dale Coparanis of Davenport, Iowa who has befriended and supported Pastor Simon for over two years. All monies will go to Pastor Simon and Dale will NOT be compensated in any way.

Additionally, Pastor Simon has been independently and personally verified by a fellow employee where Dale works. Please contact Dale at if you would like further information.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
21000.00 KES
1 month ago

Happy New Year

Anonymous Giver
15000.00 KES
1 month ago

A Christmas gift for you and the children.

Anonymous Giver
22000.00 KES
2 months ago

Dale Coparanis
12950.00 KES
2 months ago


Video of church service in Western Kenya

December 20th, 2024

Pastor Simon posted this to his Facebook page. It's an hour long and not in English, but it's a great way to see how the Word of God is preached in western Kenya.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.