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 GBP £44,301

Campaign created by Mike Banks

Campaign funds will be received by Michael Banks


Hello, we’re fundraising to help raise money to support our 11-year old daughter Bessie in her fight against cancer.

Just before Christmas Bessie was complaining of mild pain in her left leg, just above the knee. We attributed it to growing pains or an awkward twist, but the pain kept getting worse. Following an X-ray in early January we were shocked & devastated to learn that our beautiful girl has a rare type of bone cancer called Osteosarcoma. This affects around 35 children a year in Great Britain.

From that day our lives have been turned upside down. We’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals, between Truro, Bristol & Birmingham, in order to fully understand the specifics of her condition and put together a treatment plan.  

Bessie has now started the harrowing journey of chemotherapy in Bristol Children’s Hospital, to be followed by surgery in April to save her leg. Then there’s more chemotherapy until October (9 months of treatment). Bessie has had to have one of her ovaries removed in order to protect it from chemo damage. This has been sent to Oxford where it’s being cryopreserved; it can then be returned to her body later in life should she wish to have babies.

Molly and I are both self-employed. We followed our dream to establish Zennor Wayside, a gift shop and gardens, here in our family home back in 2020. Just before all of this, and following a very difficult previous year, we had had to close our business through January to undertake necessary renovation work. Our plan was to re-open in the spring / summer, and then unfortunately put our home & business on the market. Despite our previous stoic and positive outlook, this new turn of events has put us on our knees. Zennor Wayside is now completely closed and our lives are on hold. Everything depends on Bessie’s treatment going well and getting her better.

Until we can re-open our business we have lost our main income, but we’re facing significant costs. We have one car between us and it’s not currently fit for ongoing, regular trips to Bristol over the next 9 months. We need to adapt our house (a higgledy piggledy Cornish cottage) for Bessie’s reduced mobility. We hope to set up a recovery / physio / exercise space in our home to nurse Bessie back to health following her surgery and chemotherapy.

We’re incredibly fortunate and grateful to have such a wonderful medical team taking care of Bessie (and us and her little brother). She’s been so brave throughout, remaining resolute and strong despite the fear, pain and sadness that no child should have to endure. We’ve been overwhelmed by love and support from our family and friends, for which we are eternally grateful. It’s extremely difficult for us to ask for help, even in our darkest hour, but our love for Bessie and her future overrides this.

Any funds that we manage to raise will go directly towards aiding Bessie’s treatment and recovery, and providing comfort for her as she fights this awful illness.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Mike & Molly

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
£ 25.00 GBP
3 days ago

You got this Bessie!!!

£ 100.00 GBP
4 days ago

Fantastic news on the update! Praying for a continued journey of recovery.

£ 20.00 GBP
4 days ago

Lydia and Ian
£ 20.00 GBP
5 days ago

Though local I’m afraid we’ve only just heard this news and hope our contribution helps in some small way to ease your tremendous burden. Our thoughts are with you. Bessie is so brave as are you all.

£ 100.00 GBP
5 days ago

We pray that Bessie recovers her full health and be well again.

£ 20.00 GBP
5 days ago

Dear Bessie and gang Sending you loads of love ❤️

£ 20.00 GBP
5 days ago

All of you always in my heart and prayers xxxx

£ 10.00 GBP
7 days ago

Gobstoppers Glee Club
£ 610.00 GBP
8 days ago

Sent with love and hope from the Gobstoppers Glee Club x

Scott Glee Club
£ 100.00 GBP
9 days ago

I hope this helps in some way and I wish you and your family all the very best. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

Sue and Hugh
£ 25.00 GBP
11 days ago

With our love and prayers xx

Zoe Tim and Cait
£ 25.00 GBP
13 days ago

Wishing Bessie all the best with her treatment and a speedy recovery. Love Zoe Tim and Cait xx

Anonymous Giver
£ 25.00 GBP
13 days ago

Ollie B
£ 100.00 GBP
17 days ago

My heart goes out to you all. Having recently had chemo and surgery for pancreatic cancer I can't imagine what it must be like for you and Bessie to be going through this terrible treatment process when she is such a tender age. May the Lord bless and keep you all.

Robert Thacker
£ 10.00 GBP
22 days ago

£ 10.00 GBP
22 days ago

Andy and Aimee
£ 20.00 GBP
1 month ago

We were really sorry to read the news about your daughter Bessie. We loved visiting your gift shop a few years ago and were planning a visit this week, so just wanted to send a little something. Wishing you all the best xx

£ 10.00 GBP
1 month ago

I’m so sorry you’re all going through this. You were always so kind to my boys when we visited your shop. We travel down from the west coast of Scotland every year, and love popping into your shop. I’m hoping things have got a little better for Bessie and you all. Sending love.

Anonymous Giver
£ 250.00 GBP
1 month ago

Thinking of you all today - much love, Chris & Emelia

Nick and Sue Colvin
£ 30.00 GBP
1 month ago

We wish you well Bessie


Update #3

July 21st, 2024

Hello all,

I’m writing to give a brief (i’ll try!) update on Bessie’s progress.

First, we’d like to say the world’s biggest THANK YOU to all of you lovely folk who’ve helped us along our path this year. The magnitude of support surpasses anything we thought possible - donations, events, food, cars (!), marathons, messages & prayers of goodwill, love and hope have been deeply moving. It wouldn’t be incorrect to say that, cumulatively, it has been life-saving. We honestly don’t know what we’d have done without you all, and Molly and I are continually in awe. Most of all, we want you to know the incredible good this has done for Bessie, as she is the great and ultimate beneficiary of your kindness.

We've spent most of the time since February in hospital. Bessie has just finished her 12th round of chemo, with the last 6 to go (18 in total). That takes us to mid-September (8 x more weeks) and the treatment-finish-line. Together with the chemo, Bessie’s endured…

3 x surgeries

128 x blood tests

85 x nights in hospital (Bristol & Truro)

20 x blood transfusions

22 x different scans (x-rays, MRI’s, ultrasounds etc)

Molly has mostly gone with her for treatment and I’ve done a few trips too. So far Bessie’s been driven over 5000 miles since January - that’s the equivalent of driving from Zennor to Namibia! She’s always stoked to pass the famous ‘Copse’ on the A30 coming back home to Cornwall.

Her leg operation (on April 16th) was very successful - it really did go perfectly and we were amazed by the fact that she was able to wiggle her toes only hours after waking up. Ironically she says those couple of weeks in Birmingham were the easiest - her pain was well managed and the break from the chemo regime allowed her to feel okay for a while. She’s proud of her (fast healing) scar and now has a very bionic leg!

Following the operation we were extremely relieved and encouraged to learn that the chemo had been very effective - the removed tumour was observed to be 90% destroyed. We’d held our breaths since January for this miraculous news which was as good a result as we could’ve hoped for. The chemotherapy protocol for this type of cancer is of the maximum intensity and it was not clear, up to that point, if it was having any effect at all. Bessie has been made so sick by it and suffered greatly, despite remaining superhumanly brave throughout. She has now lost the upper frequencies of her hearing and will likely need hearing aids post-treatment. Thanks to you all we can get her the best ones available.

Her physios are continually impressed with her recovery and she’s just walked her 1st few steps minus the crutches. We ordered her a special drysuit-shortie, designed for kids with a Hickman Line / tube, and afforded to her by the funds raised. This has allowed her to get back in the sea for the first time this year, something which has done her enormous good already. She tested it out at her amazing school leavers party on Friday down at beautiful Porthminster Beach and the joy was written all over her face. She really didn’t want to get out! It was a miracle that she was well enough to make it, and in a small gap between hospital visits. Bessie’s had to miss most of the last year of primary school so this was incredibly important to her. We’re so grateful to everyone who made Friday such a special day X

To look back across the first half of this year feels like a century has passed, but along with the darkest of times there have been some beautiful moments. The greatest obstacles = the most profound life lessons; the yin & yang. We’ve been granted a new perspective and clarity that may have been forever hidden from us, had we not lived through this experience. Following the end of Bessie’s chemo there’ll be a long process of rehabilitation and further treatments, but the light has begun to shine from the end of the tunnel. We are stepping towards it. You have helped hold us together and we can’t thank you enough.

In eternal gratitude and massive love,

Mike, Molly, Bessie & Harry xxxx

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

February 14th, 2024

Hello everybody.

There are no words that can even come close to expressing our gratitude to all of you amazing, lovely people. Your generosity, kindness and messages of love and support have been overwhelming. We are both humbled and stunned. Forgive me for finding it hard to describe. Nothing could've prepared us for the response that we've had for Bessie's campaign, it's unimaginable. We just can't say thank you enough xx THANK YOU! We are now in a position that, less than a week ago, we wouldn't have dared dream of, and are able to focus all of our energy on Bessie right now. Your love & support is directly enhancing the quality of her life whilst she battles this dreadful illness.

Bessie and Molly have spent the last 3 weeks in hospital (since her 1st operation and chemo #1 - Bristol then Treliske), with only 2 nights at home. She's lost over 10% of her body weight now and had to have a blood transfusion on Sunday due to a very low platelet count. Her blood results showed that somehow, she's also contracted influenza, confirmed today as swine flu! (She doesn't appear to like doing things by half). She's had intravenous antibiotics but keeps getting a temperature which is why she can't come home.

Despite being mightily fed up being in hospital for so long she's managed to keep her sense of humour. Chemo #2 is scheduled for Tuesday 20th Feb; for now we'll have to see how things go.

A quick update on the car: Our local garage, wonderful Chris Nicholls Motors in Longrock, Penzance, took it in last week, did the repairs and then refused to charge us! Further to that, they organised to lend us an incredible 2nd car for the coming months. We can't say thank you enough, especially to Geoff.

We truly are eternally grateful to every single one of you X

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