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Terry2024 Pro Life TV Election Ads to Save the USA


 USD $2,000,000


 USD $5,565

Campaign created by Terry 2024

Campaign funds will be received by Terry2024

Terry2024 Pro Life TV Election Ads to Save the USA

Randall Terry for President 

A voice for God's Babies.
"When Enough Americans see abortion, Americans will end abortion."

Dear Pro-Lifer,

I beg you with all my heart: read this letter carefully. The details are critical. My name is Randall Terry, and I'm the founder of Operation Rescue, the biggest pro-life activist movement in US history -- key to the overturn of Roe.

This is the biggest battle for babies’ lives we’ve undertaken in years.

I’ve been praying about this for over a year. I’m certain this is what God wants me to do. I beg you: read this battle plan. Andrea is supportive. I’m running to show the horror of abortion, and to call on Christians to repent of voting for baby-killers.

This won’t hurt Trump, and it could help defeat Biden…because the ads PUMMEL BIDEN. Tens of millions of Americans are going to see the TRUTH about abortion on TV.

Media have hidden child killing for decades. Now “social media” – You Tube, Face Book, Twitter, etc. – also block the truth, and hide the killing. But they can’t stop us on TV!

I’m running as an independent on Nov. 5th in the general election in a few states to get our ads on TV! We won’t hide the truth because some political hack says, “Abortion is a bad issue for Republicans.” Ending the slaughter is not a “losing issue!” It’s a God ordained duty!

Beating Obama. In 2012, I ran in the primary against Obama in several states…to show he was a baby killer. We aired aborted baby pictures in TV ads!

I beat a sitting President in Oklahoma in 12 counties! I got 18% of the vote statewide! When they saw the truth, tens of thousands of Democrats abandoned Obama.

We can show the truth about abortion in 2024, and pound Biden. In your hand is the comprehensive plan on how we can run TV ads for unborn babies nationwide in the last 60 days of the 2024 election!

Some ask: “How is this possible?!” Because Federal law requires TV Stations to run the ads of all Federal Candidates, even ads showing aborted babies - without censorship!

The FCC law is clear! The FCC rules say a TV station “shall have no power of censorship over the material broadcast by any legally qualified candidate. (Section 73.1941)

That means we can say and show whatever God wants to America on TV!

Meet our Vice Presidential Candidate: Pastor Stephen Broden. He’ll preach truth to African Americans like very few men ever have. He’ll cause a holy firestorm!

Pastor Broden is a bold man of God. He’s run for congress; he’s been on Glenn Beck’s show, the Huckabee show, FOX and Friends, and more. As a Black Pastor, he can call Black Evangelicals who vote Democrat to repent! It’s an honor to have him on the ticket. Keep checking to see his TV ads, as they progress!

These ads are aimed squarely at Catholic, Evangelical, and Black voters who voted for BIDEN!

You can see examples of some of the adds already produced at 

We will NOT collaborate with child-killers. We WILL show pictures of aborted babies.

What would we call photographers who got into concentration camps, took pictures of Jews being slaughtered, got out safely, but refused to show the truth? Collaborators with the Nazis!

If you were brutally killed, would you want someone to HIDE or SHOW the truth?

Remember our strategy: If we can get just 1% or 2% of Catholic, Evangelical, and Black voters in swing states who voted for Biden to repent, it could cost Biden the election.

Over 50% of Catholics, 1/3 of Evangelicals, and 90 % of Blacks (many who say they are against abortion) voted for Biden in 2020. If a small percentage of them repent, it could cause Biden’s defeat. And it will put the plight of babies front and center in this election!

We’re NOT asking them to vote for me! We’re saying: “It’s a sin to vote for Joe Biden!

So…Our Strategy Has Two Tiers: BIG, and BIGGER! First, the BIG plan!

The Big Plan – run in four key states: Virginia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and New Jersey.

By being on the ballot in Virginia, we can run ads in Washington DC to prophecy to the godless leaders of our nation. We can also run ads reaching 40% of North Carolina voters.

By being on the ballot in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, we can reach two critical swing states in the 2024 election. Both states have large Catholic, Evangelical, and Black populations.

By being on the ballot in New Jersey – which only takes 800 signatures – we can reach over 30 Million people from the New York City TV stations, calling them to repent!

So, TV stations in NYC and Philly are required to run the TV ads of candidates on the ballot in New Jersey.

This is perfect! By being on the ballot in New Jersey we can run ads in Philly and NYC. We can reach tens of millions of people, showing them the truth, calling them to end the killing.

Over 30 million people! By being on the ballot in Jersey we can reach 9.2 million people in N.J., 6 million in P.A., 14.3 million in N.Y., and 1 million Connecticut. AND ALSO…

Reaching NYC – the “City of Blood” – and the news media capitol. 1 in 9 babies murdered in America die in NY City. We can reach NY AND all major media with our message to repent!

And now, the BIGGER plan…10 States or more: If we’re on the ballot

In at least 10 states, we can run national TV ads in all 50 states!

“A person seeking election to the office of President or Vice President of the United States… in at least 10 States shall be considered a legally qualified candidate for election in all States." (Section 73.1940)

That’s also the hard part: getting on the ballot in at least 10 states…so that we can run national TV Ads in all 50 states…

For example, look how INSANE this is: This is what’s needed to get an independent candidate on the ballot in the general election in just one of swing states like North Carolina which takes 80,000 signatures.

Our Strategic Solution for ballot access, to run ads in ALL FIFTY STATES: We get on the ballot in 13 states for just 25,075 signatures total. We can do this!

Now to get these TV ads on the air in all 50 states, I have to get on the ballot in just 13 states: Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Utah, and Wisconsin.

If you live in one of these states, WE NEED YOUR HELP getting signatures. You can

do this at your church, and other churches! We’re a team – a battalion – ballots for babies!

Voters must see my name - Randall Terry - on their ballot - in just 10 states.

We can do this with the help of pro-lifers like you that want to see the END of abortion!

You may be asking why 13 states if we only need 10…that’s for insurance to insure we get on 10.

We have nearly 20 ads in progress! Keep checking at

Our ads will create a news media and social media firestorm. If we do it right…the plight of babies will play a key role in 2024! This is a HUGE battle, with MASSIVE fruit.

This is our campaign; we are in this together and there are TWO ways you can help:

1. DONATIONS are key to get these hard-hitting ads on television -- it is no secret it is extremely expensive to run a political campaign.

2. VOLUNTEERS are extremely important to get signatures for ballot access. If you are in any of the states listed, please, please help with signature collection. It would be simple to get 100 or more signatures at your church.

Remember: These ads are hard hitting on purpose!

We CAN show the truth on TV! And when we do, Instagram, Twitter, etc. will EXPLODE. Our attorney believes we will end up with a billion (with a “B”) views before this is over.

Go to to see some of the ads and sign up to help!

So, we are pursuing the BIG plan and the BIGGER plan. How well we do depends on the help we get from Pro-lifers. At all costs, we WILL be on the ballot in New Jersey, VA, Wisconsin, and PA to proclaim the truth, to show child killing, and to call voters to repent.

If we get the help and resources for the BIGGER plan - and hit the ten-state mark – we will be running ads nationwide! Lord, help us…and inspire your people…for your Name’s sake. Either way, this is going to impact the nation, and the election…for the babies!

Please pray for our safety. This is serious business and evil people do not want this message and these images on TV. I have counted the cost and no matter what, I will not shrink back!

HELP with Signatures! The FIRST thing we must do is get the signatures for the 13 states. The easiest way is in Churches. Will you help us if you live in one of those states?

I know that some people who read this may not be able to collect signatures. Pray for those who can! But everyone – literally everyone – can give something to this mission. Something…

Say to the child-killers: “We won’t collaborate with you, to hide the babies’ bodies. We will show the world what you have done to God’s innocent children.”

Give financially today! The maximum an individual can give is $3,300. If you can, please give that amount. Maybe you can give $1,000, $500, or $100, or $50. Whatever the amount, please give something.

For all who give a gift of any size, we’ll send you a copy of my new book: Divine Correction: How God Gets a Nations Attention.

This book deals with the Scriptural teaching on “sins that cry for vengeance.” Give this book to a clergyman when you are done with it.

This is YOUR campaign. Give all you can today and ask your friends to join us. Fill out the enclosed form and embrace the mission as your own! For the Lord and babies,

Randall A. Terry 

P.S. Over 20 TV ads are in production right now! Remember, as candidates, we can run ads free of censorship. We get on the ballot, and buy TV ads showing the babies, saying Biden is a baby-killer, and it is SIN to vote for him. We can help Biden lose! Help us be a voice for babies today!

In Biden’s first campaign rally he promoted Child Killing…what absolute evil!

PLEASE be as generous as you possibly can with your donations.

Recent Donations
Lawrence Stice
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

WinOne for The UNBORN

Lawrence Stice
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago


Lawrence Stice
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Win One for the UNBORN

Madeline Zitt
$ 150.00 USD
4 months ago

kathy g gerding
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Lawrence Stice
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Win one for the UNBORN !!!!!!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

I heard you speaking with John B Wells a few nights ago. Your story about your daughter that just passed away SO touched me. Thank you for your efforts and I want to support you.

$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Heard about your efforts on CTM show with John B.

$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

Rick Van Horn
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Heard you on John B., my condolences on your loss.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

For "Tiela" ( your daughter, I don't know how you spell it). My condolences, Hoping your campaign makes a difference.

Amy Williams
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

God Bless!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

GOD be with you to victory. Amen

Greg Heinly
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

My tearful condolences for the loss of your beloved daughter. She is with our wonderful FATHER. May her memory be used by HIM in mighty ways. May GOD bless you and Pastor Broden!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Heard you you on the John B Wells Program. Thank you for your work for babies. I will be getting in contact with you about a a story about a black woman who was my friend and abortion. It will be from So sorry to hear of your dear daughter, Teela passing. Praying for y'all. Sandra Ehrlich

$ 580.00 USD
4 months ago

Thank you

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Please don't send for more money this is all I have for you at this time. I will give when I can.


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