USD $25,000
USD $9,306
Campaign funds will be received by Darren Albrecht
Stay strong Darren and family!
Gus bless you!
We take our authority in Christ and we speak to the cancer and say GO in Yeshua’s Mighty name!
Praying for you Darren
I am praying for your complete recovery! I, too, have cancer and have endured the effects of this hideous disease!
Sending love and prayers!
Praying for you and your family, brother.
I pray you will recover and be strengthened in your health. May God Bless you and your family.
Praying for you and your family and great blessings to be bestowed on you❣️
October 1st, 2024
Last month we had one person who was able to help Darren's family with financial help and one who helped by purchasing food for them. My family continues to help them consistently. Things have gotten to the "scary" stage financially again and I'm praying that some of you could please help them again. I'm sorry that I have to keep asking ever month, but I will not give up on my best friend. Thank you to each one of you for helping my friends and to those who choose to continue to help. God bless you!
From Kellee Albrecht:
Hi friends and family!
We wanted to share some updates with everyone. Darren continues to fight HARD every day. This last round of chemo hit him hard again. The side affects have been brutal on him. He doesn't feel good so he doesn't eat. And when he does eat, he gets horrible stomach pains and diarrhea that keeps him up throughout the night. He has developed Neuropathy in his hands and feet. This is from the chemo destroying his nerve endings. Neuropathy makes it so you have little to no feeling in your fingers and toes; deep bone pain and the feeling of buzzing or shooting pains throughout your hands and feet. I found Darren some warming socks today! Even though it is almost 100 degrees outside, he can't wait for them to charge up so I can put them on his feet! LOL
On Darren's good days, he has been doing his best to get a detail in here and there. But with the hot weather and how weak he has been, he just cannot work like he used to.
We are remaining strong and faithful! We are still beleving that God will heal Darren completely!
We love you all and THANK YOU to everyone who has donated to our family. With Darren not working, our income is down to about a quarter of what it was. We are doing everything we can to keep our home. If you could please share our story, we would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you for reading...have a blessed week!
August 25th, 2024
Good morning frends and family,
It's been a little while since we've posted an update on Darren's progress. This time, the results of his most recent PET Scan were not what we wanted to see, BUT Darren is staying positive! I wish I had better news, like previous scans, but that’s not the case this time. Unfortunately his cancer has spread. It is now back in his liver, a few more new lymph nodes in his abdomen and also, in his left 4th rib. They also see opacities in both lungs, however, his Oncologist believes it’s just inflammation and hopefully not cancer... I sure hope that’s the case! With all that being said, his oncologist switched his Chemo regimen as it seems his body has become resistant to one of the chemos that he was previously on.
Darren is now recovering from his 16th round of chemo that he had last Thursday. His new schedule is back-to-back weeks then a week off before resuming again on Sept 5th. Prior to this new update of chemo, Darren was able to work on his off-chemo recovery weeks. However, with his new chemo schedule, it will make it extremely difficult for him to resume a limited detailing schedule, if at all.
I have watched my husband go from a man who would work 8 days a week, and had the energy of a youngster to a man that struggles just to do every day things. He now has Neuropathy so badly in his hands and feet that they feel like they have pins and needles shooting in them. He doesn't feel like eating so I am forcing him to eat whatever he can so he will stop losing weight.
Thank you for reading about our cancer journey. Thank you to everyone for your donations, love, calls and texts. We couldn't get through these difficult times without you! If you would, please share our GiveSendGo. We love you!!!
August 3rd, 2024
Yesterday's heat was a brutal 113° heat index. Can you imagine working outside for 7 hours, stage 4 cancer, chemo in your system, iron infusions and radiation from a PET scan? That was Darren Albrecht yesterday. It hurts my heart, but he has no choice. A few days ago they forfeited one of their vehicles and the bank repossessed it, as he had no choice. He's 2 months behind on his house payment again, because they have to eat and have no choice. However, thanks to each of you they have been able to have a house to live in still. I know I ask for help about once a month, but last month nobody was able to help them, not one dollar. I promise you that my enitre family has been helping them financially, even my children, and will continue to as long as possible.
I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON MY BEST FRIEND and I'm asking once again for any help. Any amount adds up. Please help Darren and KELLEE again if you can. I NEED MY BEST FRIEND Around as long as possible. This heat is so bad for him. Thank you for your prayers and shares, but they really need financial help quickly. They have tried every grant opportunity that y'all have suggested and to no avail yet. Please help them. Please. I will be forever grateful!
July 15th, 2024
It's been five weeks since my last update. Things are getting tougher for Darren's family, as the extreme heat has become very difficult for Darren to work in. Darren and Kellees bill have once again piled up and they could really use some help. We try so hard not to reach out for help because there's so many hurting in this world right now. If you could help donate once again Darren and Kellee would be so grateful.I cannot thank you enough for your kindness to my best friend.
Below is a current update from Kellee Albrecht:
I just posted an update on Darren just in case anyone would like to see how he is doing. Thank you all for all of the love, prayers and donations. Our family cannot express our gratefullness. Watching your spouse go through the agony of cancer treatments is on earth. There is nothng I can do to make it better or take it away. I am just here, by his side each and every day. I love you Darren Albrecht.
June 6th, 2024
Darren's wife Kellee:
"It's been some time since we have updated everyone on Darren's journey. Darren just had his 11th round of chemo (22 weeks so far) and he is getting through the side effects one more time. It is beyond words so difficult to see my husband going through this battle. Cancer is a demon that attaches itself to your body and sucks everything out of you All I can do as his wife is be there for him, wipe his tears and make sure he is eating and drinking so he does not continue to lose any more weight.
In between his treatments (once he starts to feel a little energy come back), he will push himself to go and do small jobs to try to bring in a little money. The stress level in our home has substantially increased as our income does not cover our monthly bills anymore since D is not able to work like he used to. We are now being faced with past due notices and being behind on our rent. The last thing we need right now is to lose our home that we have lived in for the past eight years.
If you would please pass along our Gofundme page, we would greatly appreciate it. We know that there are so many families suffering in this world right now, and we are just another one of them. We know that there is still love and kindness in this crazy world!
Thank you for all of your prayers and donations that you have given to our family. We are so blessed to have you as a part of our tribe! Enjoy this new picture of Darren with our baby, Bentley. Bentley does not leave D's side all day long! Doggies are the best cure for a bad day!"
March 9th, 2024
After leaving his oncologist today and having his chemotubes removed from his port, there's nothing better than having lunch with your best friend and talking about the great report of his PET scan. His tumors are shrinking significantly, but the chemo is wearing him out.
From Darren :
Praise report, GOD is so so Good! Thank you for all who are praying for me as they are being answered & God is healing me. Having stage 4 Esophageal/stomach cancer sucks but I will beat it! I had a PET Scan last week & got favorable results yesterday when I started my 5th round of chemo! I’m grateful that my body continues to remain strong, I’ve haven’t had any complications, infections or major side effects which has allowed me to stay on my chemo schedule every other week since I’ve started. My main tumor in my esophagus/stomach junction has marked decreased in size & metabolic activity, Maximal SUV (Standardized Uptake Value) is 6.3 where as it was 27.6 on previous PET prior to treatment. My liver has complete metabolic response from previous scan however I do have a new small metastasis on left lobe of liver & my abdomen lymph nodes have partial response & are shrinking. Cancer hasn’t spread to anywhere else which is amazing news. Chemo alone is doing the trick, radiation may be an option in a few months but will continue with Chemo although my Dr changed it up. He discontinued 2 of my chemo drugs Taxotere & Cisplatin, the 2nd drug is extremely strong and can cause kidney failure if on it for an extended period. So I’ll continue with 5FU & Leucovorin which I’ve been on since the beginning & he added Oxaliplatin & Keytruda. Praying that this new regimen will knock out the remaining cancer. I have so much to live for & I’m kicking cancers ! My amazing daughter graduates Texas State on May 9th & I promised her that when I was diagnosed I wouldn’t miss it so I will just keep fighting. Mind over Matter! #GodsGotThis
February 7th, 2024
From Kellee Albrecht
"As Darren starts his 3rd round of chemo today we just wanted to say ❤️Thank you❤️ to all who continue to lift him up in prayer. Please continue those prayers especially for financial breakthrough & continued healing. It’s been 2 1/2 months since Darren has been able to work which is definitely impacting our finances between his medical bills & our day to day household bills. He’s eating better with no restrictions & getting is strength back so hopefully his Dr. will release him back to work on a limited basis next month. "
January 30th, 2024
This is one of my very best friends of 20yrs, Darren Albrecht and a picture of his video that his wife's school did for them. The video can be found on my Facebook page. He and his family needs my help, our help, humanities help 🙏. I pray and hope the video will touch your heart and you will feel led to help my friend while he's fighting cancer. If you would like to help please give here. I will be forever grateful. I promise to return the help if your family is ever in need. Please, 🙏 this is breaking my heart. Even $5 adds up and helps. Thank you very much ❤️
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